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How Does The World See You

How Does The World See You

Bloomberg L.P Commitment to Diversity

Bloomberg L.P. has taken various measures to promote diversity. The company is highly committed to creating and sustaining a diverse workplace where people from different backgrounds are free to contribute to running operations to meet long-term and short-term goals. According to Bloomberg L.P (2022), the company runs education and training programs and events aimed at fostering inclusion, minimizing bias, reviewing intersectionality, and developing a cultural understanding in the organization. The training programs include awareness of micro-inequity, unconscious bias, male allyship, inclusion dialogues, and gender equity. The company also provides mandatory anti-discrimination, inclusion, bystander, and anti-harassment training for every employee and training on inclusive leadership for all leaders.

Every department in the company must develop an annual diversity and inclusion plan that includes creative ideas on how to promote diversity and equality among employees. The organization also portrays a high commitment to racial equality issues in the workplace and communities. It focuses on building and sustaining inclusive and diverse teams. Bloomberg L.P.’s diversity and inclusion statement states that the organization is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive environment for employees and the community through industry-leading initiatives, professional development programs, and inclusive benefits and policies.

Strong Areas for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Bloomberg L.P

One of the strong areas in Bloomberg L.P.’s diversity, equity, and inclusion program is aligning the policies and procedures within the organization and the company’s diversity mission. According to Bloomberg L.P. (2022), diversity and inclusion principles are linked to every level within the company. This enables the company to sustain diversity and inclusion practices in all its operations. The second area is leadership. The company’s leaders are held accountable for driving diversity retention, development, and recruitment across departments and directly report diversity status to the chairman twice a year (Bloomberg L.P, 2022). Leaders also set targets to achieve diversity and inclusion and check, measure, track, and discuss the progress of the company’s diversity initiatives through a quarterly scorecard and weekly reporting shared with diversity champions and senior leaders in different departments within the company.

Areas for Improvement

One of the areas that need improvement is gender diversity. The company has experienced many cases of gender discrimination, resulting in a limited number of female applicants interested in filling vacant positions. Therefore, the company needs to strengthen its gender diversity and inclusion policy. The second area that should be improved is the inclusion of people with disabilities. Although the company has designed measures to include people with disabilities in the workforce, there is still much to be done to create a conducive environment. For example, the company needs to specify the inclusion of people with disabilities in its diversity and inclusion statement.

Obvious Elements of My Identity

I feel that race and ethnicity are the obvious elements of my identity due to my skin color and business etiquette. Race classifies people based on physical characteristics such as skin color, social affiliation, linguistic attributes, and cultural practices. Race dictates a person’s beliefs and values, thus influencing behavior, including business etiquette. Therefore, people can tell my race based on my values and beliefs in completing assigned tasks in the workplace and how I relate with my colleagues. My ethnicity is also obvious based on how I relate with people from different ethnic groups in the workplace. According to Newman & Newman (2020), ethnic identity includes labeling or self-categorization, attachment or commitment to a group, beliefs, and values associated with a certain group. Individuals often find it easier to relate with people from their ethnic group in a diverse work environment, particularly if they are a minority ethnic group.

How My Organization Utilizes My Uniqueness to Its Full Capability

I feel that my organization utilizes my uniqueness to its full capability because I have the freedom to implement new ideas when completing assigned tasks as long as I meet the organization’s expectations. The organization also allows me to participate in volunteering programs that require applying my skills and unique capabilities. For example, I can use my innovation data and technology skills to find solutions for problems in the communities around the organization. The organization also encourages working with teams and exchanging ideas and opinions, thus allowing me to utilize my uniqueness to complete the tasks assigned to my team and contribute to implementing ideas proposed by team members.

My Experience in Changing an Aspect of Myself to Fit Into the Organizational Culture

Working in diverse teams made me feel I needed to change my personality to fit into the organizational culture. I felt that I needed to develop an extrovert personality to participate in the team’s discussions and decision-making to complete assigned tasks. Also, changing my personality made me feel uncomfortable because I was only doing it to fit into the organizational environment to avoid losing my job and feeling out of place in the workplace. Nonetheless, I eventually got used to it and appreciated the change.

Recommendations Regarding Diversity and Inclusion

One of the recommendations that Bloomberg L.P. should consider to improve diversity and inclusion is training employees about the different cultures within the organization to increase sensitivity towards other people’s values, beliefs, and practices and prevent culture-related stereotypes that could cause discrimination. The second recommendation is cultural mentorship to help employees understand cultural practices within the business context. Cultural mentorship promotes diversity and discrimination by enabling employees to understand the interpretation of people’s behavior from different cultures (Bender, 2022). Therefore, the company should hire a cultural mentor with a proper understanding of different cultures. The cultural mentor should be outsourced to avoid bias caused by personal relations between the mentor and employees.


Bender, F. (2022). Navigating cultural diversity with intercultural proficiency. A Roadmap to Intercultural Proficiency, 55-75.

Bloomberg L.P. (2022). Bloomberg Diversity and Inclusion. Bloomberg.

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2020). Psychosocial theories. Theories of Adolescent Development, 149-182.


We’ll write everything from scratch



It is important for a leader in an organization to pursue a path of continuous professional development and improvement. A substantial part of this endeavor includes self-awareness with regard to how the leader views the external environment. But more importantly, how does the world see the organization’s leader and their role and efforts? This assignment will afford you the opportunity to reflect on your own cognizance with regard to diversity, equity, inclusion, and your own identity as a leader.

How Does The World See You

Paper Content
Read the attached conversation and think about diversity in your workplace. Then, think about your own efforts as a leader to embrace diversity. In a three-to-five-page paper, answers the questions below regarding diversity in the workplace. Consider your own identity as well as your understanding of diversity and the impact it continues to have in your life and the organizations that you are affiliated with.

What is your organization’s commitment to diversity? Is there a DE & I statement or mission statement?
Assess diversity, equity, and inclusion in your current or previous organization. What are some strong areas, and what areas could use improvement?
What are some elements of your identity that you feel are obvious to other people?
Do you feel that your organization utilizes your uniqueness to its full capability?
Have you ever felt you needed to change any aspect of yourself to fit into the organizational culture? How did that make you feel?
As a leader or potential leader, what recommendations would you make to your organization regarding embracing diversity?

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