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Horizontal Relationship Between Different Levels of Government

Horizontal Relationship Between Different Levels of Government

Interstate Projects

Horizontal federalism occurs when different governments interact with each other (Hawkins & Andrew, 2011). An example is an interstate project between New York and New Jersey. In 2004, New York and New Jersey began to partner in a 12-year long project that would cost $2.1 billion. The New York/New Jersey Harbor Deepening Project required the completion of at least twenty-one dredging contracts. It also required the removal of sediment to make space for ships that go as deep as fifty feet (EPA, 2021). The interstate project could not start without approval from the federal agencies that represent the federal government. Prior to breaking ground, the federal sponsor had to issue a statement of conformity. This statement confirmed that the project satisfies the various requirements.

The project’s success can be attributed to the cooperation between the federal government through its agencies and the two state’s administration. Assessment of the project’s requirements and their ability to satisfy current needs through service to the citizens is also critical to the success of the project (EPA, 2021). In addition, the decision to collaborate allows individual governments to pool resources together and work towards a project that benefits not only their citizens but also the citizens of other countries.

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EPA. (2021). New York-New Jersey Harbor Deepening Project Combines Infrastructure Improvements and Air Quality Benefits. Retrieved from Environmental Protection Agency:

Hawkins, C. V., & Andrew, S. A. (2011). Understanding Horizontal and Vertical Relations in the Context of Economic Development Joint Venture Agreements. Urban Affairs Review, 47(3), 385-412.


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Horizontal Relationship Between Different Levels of Government

Horizontal Relationship Between Different Levels of Government

Give an example of a horizontal relationship between different levels of government in the U.S. What makes it possible for this relationship to exist? Has this horizontal relationship benefited the public more than if the relationship did not exist? Explain why or why not.

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