Historical Foundations And Core Functions
Which one of the major achievements in public health identified in the E-Learning course – Introduction to public health is especially interesting to you?
The main public health achievement that I found to be of great interest to me was the Environmental Protection Agency. Although I was aware that the government was doing something to protect the environment, it was more of an assumption than having detailed facts. I also was aware of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but never got to the point where I bothered to find out what they do. However, following the course information, I decided to do some research and came across a number of articles that gave me detailed insights into what the EPA does for the people of the United States.
Briefly describe the achievement
I went to the EPA website and had to enter my location so that I could access information relevant to the area I had specified. The information therein indicated that the water bodies around my area have toxins and are thus unsafe for recreational activities such as swimming. The good thing is that the website gave me contact persons I can call and who can direct me to more safe waters if I want to engage in water recreational activities. Additionally, I learned that the EPA is mandated to make laws and enforce the same as regards issues of protecting the environment. It also engages the public by giving suggestions on how to help in curbing environmental pollution (EPA, 2020a).
Richard Nixon founded the EPA in 1970 (December 2nd). The history of the agency is given in brief on the website. The main reason why it was started was because of the increasing concerns of earth-conscious persons. The level of water impurities was becoming a major concern, and it was at this time Nixon began various initiatives that aimed at reducing pollution. At this time, water safety standards were put in place and set requirements for safe water for consumption and use.
In what era did this achievement occur?
As mentioned above, the EPA was founded by Nixon in 1970. This was during an era referred to as the ME era.
Briefly discuss the historical context of the development. What was happening during that time period? What spurred the development of the public health achievement?
The American people were engaging more in conversations to do with protecting the environment. The EPA website indicates that during this time (in the 60s to the 70s), Rachel Carson began to publish her perceptions and opinions on the harmful use of pesticides. She referred to pesticides as the ‘Silent Killers’ as they destroyed the environment without the knowledge of the users and the end product food consumers. Other events also contributed to the heightened concern over the environment. One such example was the massive oil spill that flowed from the California oil rig polluting the Pacific Ocean and extending to the beaches along the state coasts (EPA, 2020b).
It was also around this time that satellite photographs from NASA painted a clear picture of Earth’s limited recourse. The water had high amounts of dangerous impurities in the 70s. Further, large natural tracts of land had been littered to equally large measures. These events and factors propelled the then-president of the US, Richard Nixon, to present a strategy on how to resolve the pollution issues (EPA, 2020b).
Was the issue viewed differently then, as compared to the way that it is viewed today?
The answer is both yes and no. People viewed pollution of the environment as a danger and still do so to this day. What has changed is the mode of action taken in resolving the issue and the level of participation in reducing the rate of pollution. Environmental pollution was and still is a major concern; however, with new knowledge comes new ways of curbing pollution. These new ways saw the agency record the largest reduction in toxic pollution in 1994, following the enactment of the 1990 policy on the Clean Air Act (EPA, 2020c).
The EPA website lists different achievements every year. These achievements, as one notices, increase in number and impact from one year to another. New regulations are also set ever so often and which have greatly influenced the impact that the agency has in its work to reduce pollution. If the tendency continues, then there’s much optimism that the rate of environmental pollution in the US will reduce very significantly (EPA, 2020c).
EPA (2020a). Enforcement. https://www.epa.gov/enforcement
EPA (2020b). EPA History. https://www.epa.gov/history
EPA (2020c). State, Territorial, Tribal, and EPA Beach Program Contacts. https://www.epa.gov/beaches/state-territorial-tribal-and-epa-beach-program-contacts
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Historical Foundations And Core Functions
Case Assignment

Historical Foundations And Core Functions
Before you begin this assignment, read through the Home page and the required readings. Specifically, view the E-learning course – Introduction to public health (slides 1 -33) at https://www.cdc.gov/publichealth101/e-learning/public-health/. Then, answer the following questions using a Question and Answer format. In other words, list the questions and provide a short answer to each.
- Which one of the major achievements in public health identified in the E-Learning course – Introduction to public health is especially interesting to you?
- Briefly describe the achievement, in a paragraph or two.
- In what era did this achievement occur?
- Briefly discuss the historical context of the development. What was happening during that time period? What spurred the development of the public health achievement? Please write 2–3 paragraphs about this, and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
- Was the issue viewed differently then, as compared to the way that it is viewed today? Please explain in 2–3 paragraphs and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
Length: 2–3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list.