Hillsboro Hops Minor League Baseball Team
Determine which tasks are on the critical path. How long will it take to complete the project (hint: note that Microsoft Project provides this information)?
The critical path is the path in the network with the least slack. In this case, all paths are critical, with the project taking nine days to complete.
A task that is on the critical path for this project has increased by 7 days. Will the project end date be delayed? If so, by how much?
Yes, the project end date will be delayed. The project will be delayed by seven days, and the new project’s end date will be 16 days (9 + 7 = 16).
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Hillsboro Hops Minor League Baseball Team
NOTE: Refer to the Instructions for Citrix in the Course Materials.
- Refer to exercise 9 in chapter 6 of the textbook. Read the assignment thoroughly and analyze the data provided in the diagram.
Using Microsoft Project, compute the project network diagram and proper timing to complete the project. Address all required information in the description presented in exercise 9. In addition, respond to the following questions:
- Determine which tasks are on the critical path. How long will it take to complete the project (hint: note that Microsoft Project provides this information)?
Hillsboro Hops Minor League Baseball Team
- A task that is on the critical path for this project has increased by 7 days. Will the project end date be delayed? If so, by how much?
Place your responses into a Microsoft Word file. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this portion of the assignment to LopesWrite.
- Complete Chapter 6, Exercise 18 (Optical Disk Pre-installation Project) in Larson and Gray. Use Microsoft Project and create a project schedule based on the information provided in the problem. Will the project be completed in 45 weeks? In your Microsoft Project file, insert a text box in the Gantt bar area (go to FORMAT – DRAWING – TEXT BOX) and place your response in the text box.
Submit your Microsoft Word file and your two Microsoft Project files. Ensure that your last name is in your file names.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a scoring guide Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Exercise 9. You are creating a customer database for the Hillsboro Hops minor league baseball team. Draw a project network given the information in the table that follows. Complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify the critical path. How long will this project take? How sensitive is the network schedule? Calculate the free slack and total slack for all noncritical activities.