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Hierarchy of Needs

Hierarchy of Needs

In thinking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, how well do you think his overall successive stage model applies to your life?

Human needs vary based on daily encounters and the environment (Dover, 2013). I think Maslow’s overall successive stage model perfectly applies to my life because I require the five needs at different times. For instance, my work environment can be very stressful because I am a minority, and in some cases, coworkers may make racist comments that affect me emotionally. At such times, my primary needs are psychological, esteem, love, and belongingness needs. My self-actualization needs to emerge when I consider my career aspirations and what I must do to get promoted at work or get another better-paying job. My safety needs often arise when looking for a new neighborhood to relocate to because I spend most of my free time alone.

Do you believe the needs at the bottom of the pyramid must precede the needs above them?

The needs at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid are deficiency needs (Poldma, 2016). These needs precede those above them because they dictate general well-being. For instance, a person with psychological, esteem, and emotional issues may not prioritize growth needs such as self-actualization. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

For each step in the pyramid, describe an example from your experience that meets that need’s criteria.

I experienced self-actualization when I quit my previous job to explore other working environments with better working conditions and a higher salary. I experienced self-esteem when my colleagues selected me to present the progress of a project we were working on to the board of directors to get extra funding to complete the project. I experienced love and belonging when my children held a surprise birthday party for me last year after I had spent so much time without seeing them due to the lockdown measures implemented due to Covid-19. My experience in achieving safety was when I relocated to a new neighborhood due to the increased crime rate where I was living. I also required psychological care when I developed depression because of spending too much time alone and away from my children.

What recommendations would you make to improve someone’s motivation to succeed and reach self-actualization?

Self-actualization includes the need for personal discovery and growth throughout a person’s life (Tekke, 2019). I would recommend setting goals that act as a guide toward improving the motivation to succeed and reach self-actualization. I would also recommend setting milestones to track progress made toward achieving self-actualization. According to Taylor (2015), milestones are vital in determining whether the required progress is made within a specific timeline.


Dover, M. A. (2013). Human needs: Overview. Encyclopedia of Social Work.

Poldma, T. (2016). Hierarchy of needs (Maslow). The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design.

Taylor, L. D. (2015). Setting goals and celebrating milestones. The Business of Family, 69-78.

Tekke, M. (2019). The highest levels of Maslow’s hierarchical needs are self-actualization and self-transcendence. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7(4), 1-9.


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Hierarchy of Needs

For this discussion, complete the following:

In thinking about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, how well do you think his overall successive stage model applies to your life?
Do you believe the needs at the bottom of the pyramid must precede the needs above them?
For each step in the pyramid, describe an example from your experience that meets that need’s criteria.
What recommendations would you make to improve someone’s motivation to succeed and reach self-actualization?

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