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Healthy Work Environment for Nurses

Healthy Work Environment for Nurses

A healthy work environment in nursing is one in which employees and management collaborate to improve the safety, health, and general well-being of all employees while also maintaining nurse productivity. Six standards form the foundation of a healthy work environment for nurses, according to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (2016). Collaboration, communication, appropriate staffing, effective decision-making, authentic leadership, and meaningful recognition of employee efforts are among these standards. All of this contributes to an environment in which nurses can thrive and provide the best possible patient care.

The Importance of a Healthy Workplace for Nurses

A healthy work environment is critical to ensuring that nurses are productive. In an office setting, the work environment influences how nurses interact with one another. A stressful work environment can lead to exhaustion and a loss of morale among nurses (Nantsupawat et al., 2016). A lack of motivation caused by poor working conditions can have an impact on how nurse leaders perform their official duties as well as how they interact with the staff.

A healthy work environment ensures the safety of both the patient and the nurse in a hospital setting. When a nurse is at ease in her workstation, there is a lower risk of medical errors such as misdiagnosis and loss of patient files, among other problems. A hospital with an unhealthy work environment may result in medical malpractice because nurses will not be able to work at their full capacity due to distractions and a lack of morale (Nantsupawat et al., 2016). This can lead to strained nurse-patient relationships and high employee turnover.

It is critical in academia that nurses have a safe environment in which to study and conduct research that will help to improve patient care. A healthy academic environment includes providing comfortable workspaces, making resources available for nursing students, and ensuring that students are safe from harassment or any other vice that could jeopardize their academic progress. Nantsupawat and colleagues, 2016). A healthy work environment allows student nurses to use their knowledge and creativity to come up with new ways to improve patient care.

A healthy nursing work environment benefits not only the nurses but also the patients and the community. There are fewer employee turnovers in healthcare organizations when nurses work in a healthy environment, which increases productivity (Nantsupawat et al., 2016). Patients benefit from a positive nurse-patient relationship because nurses can work in peace, and incidents of medical malpractice are reduced. Healthy work environments also benefit the community because nurses conduct evidence-based research and provide personalized health services. When nurses are comfortable and free to carry out their duties in a healthy environment, they are able to improve the community’s overall health.

PICOT inquiry

“How does a healthy work environment (I) versus an unhealthy work environment (C) affect staff retention, staff satisfaction, and quality of care (O) in nursing practitioners (P)?”

Databases that are used for searching




Obstacles to Finding Evidence

When looking for evidence-based studies, some of the obstacles I encountered included a lack of access to most research papers and an overabundance of research materials to sift through as I looked for relevant studies.

Model of EBP

The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model is a relevant EBP model that can help me translate research into practice. This model was chosen because it is clinician-focused. The model enables the appropriate and timely application of current research findings in medical practice (Ryan et al., 2017). The model streamlines the process of conducting evidence-based research and promotes using evidence-based patient care in nursing practice.

Theorist of Nursing

Florence Nightingale is a nursing theorist who could help me translate my research into practice. The environmental theory of Florence Nightingale promotes healthy work environments for nurses. According to the theory, nurses work best in a safe and healthy environment (TK & Chandran, 2017). Nightingale worked to provide a clean and comfortable environment for nurses and patients in order to promote faster patient recovery and reduce hospital-acquired infections.

Interventions That Can Be Used in the Workplace

Management should ensure that there is effective communication within the organization to ensure that nurses have a healthy work environment. Effective communication allows nurses to express their concerns to management and allows nurses to share their ideas on how to improve their work environment. The organization should provide nurses with medical insurance and access to mental health care to ensure that their physical and mental health needs are met (Nantsupawat et al., 2016). Because nurses are primary carers, they frequently encounter emotionally difficult situations and may require counseling on occasion. Management should also ensure that employees are happy with their jobs by rewarding and recognizing their efforts through incentives and recognition.

Before implementing these suggestions, it is critical to consider the nurse’s needs as well as the available resources. This can be accomplished by including the nurse in the decision-making processes. Allowing nurses to participate in decision-making will ensure that the recommended measures benefit the nurses (Nantsupawat et al., 2016). Working in groups and allowing nurses to participate in task allocation can help to reduce workplace conflict and dissatisfaction.

Finally, a healthy work environment has a direct impact on the job performance of a nurse. A nurse must be comfortable and safe in order to provide the best patient care. Institutions that provide a safe working environment have fewer instances of malpractice and employee turnover.


AACN. (2016). American Association of Critical Care Nurses.

Nantsupawat, A., Kunaviktikul, W., Nantsupawat, R., Wichaikhum, O., Thienthong, H., & Poghosyan, L. (2016). Effects of nurse work environment on job dissatisfaction, burnout, intention to leave. International Nursing Review, 64(1), 91-98.

Ryan, P. L., Mamaril, M., Shope, B., Rodriguez, J., Garey, T., Obedoza, L., Martinez, E., Walker, M., Conlon, M., & Morse, E. (2017). The Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice (EBP) model: Learning the process and appraising the evidence. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(4), e29-e30.

TK, A., & Chandran, S. (2017). Florence Nightingale: Environmental adaptation theory. Application of Nursing Theories, 11-11.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Discuss the strategies for maintaining a healthy work environment; the legal implications of workplace violence and the responsibilities of organizations in providing a healthy work environment

Healthy Work Environment for Nurses

Review the ANA Bill of Rights (Box 14-1 from your textbook) and discuss how it protects nurses.

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