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Healthy People 2030 Objectives

Healthy People 2030 Objectives

As a Mental Health Registered Nurse specializing in PTSD, substance and alcohol abuse, and mental illnesses, my major roles are screening patients for addiction and substance-related disorders, providing preventive care, developing interventions and treatments, and supporting their recovery. A topic and objective relevant to my nursing role as per the Healthy People 2030 objectives are health behaviors and drug and substance abuse, respectively. The topic of health behaviors and the objective on drug and substance abuse are related to my professional practice as the focus of the Healthy People 2030 objective is to reduce the number of people using drugs, prevent new and underage populations from drug use, reduce and prevent drug-related deaths, provide support for addiction, as well as treatment from drug-related illnesses, injuries, pain, and mental disorders (, 2023).

A lot has been done to address the issue of drug and substance abuse in the United States as per the Healthy People 2030 objectives. Consistently, five goals have been met or exceeded. They include reducing the number of heroin users in the past year, the percentage of people who started using heroin in the past year, the percentage of people who started misusing prescription painkillers in the past year, the number of emergency room visits related to non-medical use of prescription opioids, and the number of deaths from heroin overdose. On the other hand, one target is improving – reducing the proportion of people who had opioid use disorder in the past year. Other targets are on the baseline only, such as reducing the rate of acute hepatitis C and people receiving treatment for drug-related mental disorders. All other targets have either little or no detectable change or are getting worse. The National Centre for Drug Abuse Statistics (2023) reports that as of 2020, an estimated 13.5% of Americans aged 12 years and above had used drugs in the last month, which indicates a 3.8% increase year-over-year (YoY) in drug use.

Additionally, the annual rate of drug-related deaths has increased by 4.0%. There is an increase in synthetic drugs in the United States, with the abuse of hallucinogens, narcotics, depressants, stimulants, and alcohol increasing within 12 months (National Centre for Drug Abuse Statistics, 2023). This means a lot must be done, and a collective approach is needed to address drug and substance abuse and related mental health crises, deaths, and injuries.

References (2023). Drug and Alcohol Use. Healthy People 2030.

National Centre for Drug Abuse Statistics. (2023). Substance Abuse and Addiction Statistics. NCDAS.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Required Readings
• Healthy People 2030
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (n.d.). Health People 2030. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

Module 2 Discussion Topic 1

The Healthy People 2030 objectives are organized by the following topics: Health Conditions, Health Behaviors, Populations, Settings and Systems, and Social Determinants of Health. Each topic includes a list of relevant objectives.

Healthy People 2030 Objectives

For this discussion, you will need to please choose one topic and a relevant objective. You will need to fully discuss how the topic/objective relates to your professional practice. In your discussion, please discuss the current status of the objective (Baseline only, Target met or exceeded, Improving, Little or no detectable change, Getting worse).

My profession: Mental Health Registered Nurse specializes in PTSD, substance and alcohol abuse and mental illnesses

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