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Grand Strategy Matrix

Grand Strategy Matrix

Review our textbook, Chapter 6, for comments about this formulation tool (matching stage). Consider your alternative strategies and where they fit on this matrix.

Grand Strategy Matrix Illustration

Source: (in text, Fred David, 2011; Roland Christianson et al., 1976)

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Explain whether your organization is in a solid or weak position, say more than weak or strong, explain?

Dell has a weak competitive position. Its alternative strategies are located in quadrant II of the grand strategy matrix. Businesses that are located in Quadrant II are unable to compete effectively. Dell’s current strategy can help the company grow, but they are not effective enough to make it more competitive. There is a need for the company to reevaluate the quality of its strategies and determine the sources of the ineffectiveness to improve its competitive position in the technology industry.

Describe whether the market growth is strong or weak.

The market growth for Dell is strong. Organizations in quadrant II of the grand strategy matrix tend to have a strong growth position despite their lack of competitiveness in the market. This implies that the company has the right strategies to achieve just a substantial amount of growth but is not good enough to make the company better at competing with others in the market.

Are your organizational strategies aligned?

Strategic alignment refers to the strength that links a business’s strategies to its overall goals and objectives. The process for Dell Technologies is not aligned with the business’s goals. Dell’s performance in the market has been declining gradually because of increased competition in the market. The company’s primary goal has been improving its competitive position to avoid being entirely overshadowed by new technology companies. Based on the analysis of the strategies developed for the company. They are not aligned with the company’s goals. If the system were aligned, it would help the company achieve a better market competitive position. However, the company’s role in the grand strategy matrix shows that it generally has a weaker competitive position that needs to be improved for the performance of the company to be enhanced.

Recommend changes based on final observations.

Dell Technologies needs changes that will enhance its competitive position. Helping this company gain a better competitive advantage will help it perform better in an industry dominated by many relatively new businesses. Dell is not in an excellent competitive position because its products and services are not innovative enough to compete with the more unique companies’ products. Thus, the following recommended changes will help the company to perform better.

Businesses like Dell Technologies, located in Quadrant II, must seriously evaluate their current approach in the marketplace. Although their industry may be growing, they do not have the right strategies to compete effectively (David, 2013). Dell is in a high-growth technology industry, but the company does not have the right approach to compete. The company needs to evaluate the main reasons why its current methods have not been effective and implement changes based on the results of that analysis.

To be more competitive, it is recommended that Dell develops new products and penetrates new markets. Since the technology industry is growing fast, an intensive strategy should be given priority. An intensive approach will help the company to grow with the growing markets. Dell can also consider using a horizontal integration strategy. Horizontal integration is a strategy aiming at gaining more control over competitors. With the right resources, the company can better control its competitive position when it develops a plan to gain better control over the other firms in the industry. The company can also consider liquidation for the business components that will be unable to compete regardless of the company’s efforts.

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David, Fred R. (2013). Strategic Management: Concepts (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.


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[u06a2] Unit 06 Assignment 2

Grand Strategy Matrix

Based on the information you submitted for the Unit 5 Developing Alternative Strategies assignment and using Figure 6-13, “The Grand Strategy Matrix,” assess whether you are in a weak or strong competitive position. Also, determine if the market growth is rapid or slow.

Grand Strategy Matrix

Compare your strategies to the quadrant strategies and write a half-page summary on the differences and changes you identify. Make recommendations in your resume based on your observations. Submit your resume as an attachment in the assignment area.


Grand Strategy Matrix Scoring Guide

Analyze whether the selected organization has a weak or strong competitive position.
It does not indicate whether the organization has a weak or strong competitive position. Indicates whether the selected organization has a weak or strong competitive position. Analyzes whether the selected organization has a weak or strong competitive position. Evaluates whether the selected organization has a weak or strong competitive position.
Describe whether the market growth rate is rapid or slow.
It does not describe whether the market growth rate is rapid or slow. Identifies but does not describe whether the market growth rate is rapid or slow. Describes whether the market growth rate is rapid or slow. Analyzes whether the market growth rate is rapid or slow.
Identify whether an organization’s strategy is aligned with the relevant quadrant strategies.
It does not identify whether an organization’s strategy is aligned with the relevant quadrant strategies. Indicates whether an organization’s strategy is aligned with the relevant quadrant strategies. Identifies whether an organization’s strategy is aligned with the relevant quadrant strategies. Analyzes whether an organization’s strategy is aligned with the relevant quadrant strategies.
Recommend changes based on final observations.
Does not recommend changes based on final observations. Discusses changes based on final observations. Recommends changes based on final observations. Recommends changes based on final observations and illustrates with examples.

Unit 6 Strategic Analysis and Choice

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