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Government Trade Interventions

Government Trade Interventions


Tariffs are some of the approaches used by the government to control international trade. They refer to a tax levied on imported goods by the importing country. Imposing tariffs primarily aims to collect revenue and protect domestic industries (McLure, n.d.). Tariffs intended to raise revenue still have a protective influence. Besides, the taxes designed to offer a protective effect can also be a revenue source for the government.

As per the BBC’s Daniele Palumbo (2019), the US-China trade war is a classic example of tariffs. The US government imposed $200 of tariffs on Chinese goods in the US market. One of the reasons put forward by the US government is that the taxes responded to a longstanding trade deficit between the US and China. The US feels that China has unfairly skewed its trade practices to exclude the US, yet the latter imports many products from China. Besides, the tariffs sought to pressure the Chinese government against favoring domestic companies through subsidies. Such subsidies make it hard for US companies in China to operate competitively.

Impact of Tariffs

The imposition of tariffs has led to a game of retaliation, leading to a major trade war in economic history. Some Chinese goods targeted by the new tariffs include computer parts, furniture, processing units, and telecommunication equipment (Palumbo, 2019). On the other hand, China has equally targeted American goods (vegetables, whiskey) with tariffs (Palumbo, 2019). The result is a price hike affecting consumers in both countries. The battle has also hit the stock market, with the Chinese Yuan plummeting against the US dollar.

What Businesses Ought to Know

The tariffs imposed by China and the US are akin to elephants dancing and eventually hurting the ground. Businesses from either side should focus on their profit margins, regardless of the tariffs (McLure, n.d.). Accordingly, this includes negotiating for favorable deals despite the hikes. It is also helpful for businesses to understand their customers to not transfer costs to consumers and scare them away. Also, international companies should stay in touch with foreign exchange officers to guide them about new and changing policies.


McLure, C. (n.d.). Tariff – Import duties. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved March 12, 2021, from

Palumbo, D. (2019, May 10). Trade war: US-China trade battle in charts. BBC News.


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As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes, they create incentives for companies to do business within their market and restrictions for certain businesses that could harm the domestic market. In this discussion, you will explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.

Government Trade Interventions

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