Governing the Tragedy of Global Commons
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that advocates for corporations to be accountable to themselves, the stakeholders, the community, and the environment. When an organization embraces and practices corporate social responsibility, it is said that it is a good citizen. Being a good citizen means that organizations should be responsible and accountable for whatever they do, and they need not be monitored or pressured to do what is right (Nasrullah, Rahim, 2014). Organizations that embrace corporate social responsibility stand a high chance of enjoying the benefits of this practice. Therefore, Global ProTech Company needs to participate fully in corporate social responsibility activities. This discussion shows how Global ProTech could enhance its corporate social responsibility activities to gain some benefits that come with CSR.
Components of Corporate Social Responsibility
Some corporate social responsibility components are inclusion, gender equity, diversity, and environmental sustainability. Practicing diversity in an organization embraces differences and tolerance in an organization that displays diversity and employs individuals from different cultural backgrounds, religions, or races. One way of upholding corporate social responsibility is to ensure diversity (Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Diaz-Fenandez, & Simonetti, 2015). Diversity in any organization comes with so many benefits. For example, diversity spurs innovation, problem-solving skills, and understanding and tolerance. An organization with diversity practices corporate social responsibility because being diverse promotes fairness to all, which is the right thing to do by any good citizen (Crane, 2008). Inclusion is the practice of providing everyone within an organization with equal opportunities to access resources.
Gender equity is also known as equality of sexes regarding equal opportunities to access resources by both genders. Access to resources may mean economic participation or even decision-making. An organization that gives equal opportunities to both men and women is said to be practicing corporate social responsibility. Gender equity is a common thing that should be practiced by any sane organization (Crane, 2008). Nobody needs to remind organizations to uphold gender equity; it is the responsibility of the organizations to ensure that there is gender equity. Environmental sustainability is also one of the greatest aims of any corporation to engage in corporate social responsibility activities. Corporations are required to operate sustainably (Crane, 2008). It means that instead of the corporation contributing to environmental pollution, they should operate in a way to conserve the environment. Manufacturing firms need to emit carbon at minimum levels. CSR means that firms need to take the responsibility of operating sustainably without being monitored by the authorities.
Proposed Gender Equity
For Global ProTech to become a corporate social responsibility organization, it must seriously integrate CSR elements into its operations. In ensuring gender equity, Global ProTech should ensure that the hiring and recruitment process rides on gender balance (Crane, 2008). It should hire an equal number of women to the number of men. Thus, gender equity should start with the hiring process. The company should promote both men and women employees equally in internal operations without favoring one gender (Okpara & Oldowu, 2013). When it comes to decision-making, both men and women should be at the decision-making table. Both male and female employees of the same qualifications should get equal salaries and employee benefits (Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Diaz-Fenandez, & Simonetti, 2015). Both genders should also be given equal responsibility and leadership positions for everyone to exercise their leadership skills. All genders should be given similar equal priorities for employee career development.
Proposed Diversity and Inclusion
To promote CSR responsibility in Global ProTech Company, the company should embrace diversity and inclusion. Diversity, as mentioned earlier, is the accommodation of differences of everyone, and inclusion is offering equal opportunities to everyone without considering their backgrounds, religion, or race. There are many ways Global ProTech can foster diversity and inclusion. First, the company should hire qualified people regardless of their social, race, religion, or ethnic background. The management should also consider hiring people living with disabilities and people from both genders. To boost inclusion, every stakeholder should be engaged in the decision-making process. All employees should be trained and coached to become more proficient in their duties and prepare them to be good decision-makers (Okpara & Oldowu, 2013). Some of the benefits that accrue to firms that embrace diversity and inclusion include; the attraction of unique talents, multiple decision-making approaches, promotion of tolerance, and mutual understanding of the differences.
Proposed Environmental Sustainability
To participate in corporate social responsibility activities through environmental sustainability, Global ProTech should take several actions. First, the company should streamline its operations to ensure zero carbon emissions or minimum emissions rates. Minimization of carbon emissions would help in saving our environment. Secondly, The company should economically use water resources. Water resources are scarce and play a vital role in the environment. Good management of the water resources would help curb the problem. Global ProTech uses its energy well, cutting down the fuel used in the entire organization. Global Pro-Tech should use alternative energy sources and renewable energy; for example, solar panels would serve its offices (Okpara & Oldowu, 2013). The company should participate in cleaning the environment by ensuring that the surroundings is lean. It should avoid the pollution of water with chemicals, and it should take part in planting trees to boost environmental sustainability. Global ProTech should also avoid using plastic materials that could be later dumped into the environment (Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Diaz-Fenandez, & Simonetti, 2015). It should embrace using decomposable materials. Moreover, the company should use energy-saving gadgets; this will help save energy and lead to a low energy cost.
Crane, A. (2008). The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, R., Diaz-Fenandez, C., Simonetti, B. (2015). The social, economic and environmental decision of corporate social responsibility: The role played by consumers and potential entrepreneurs. International Business Review, 24, 836-848
Nasrullah, N.M., Rahim, M.M. (2014). CSR in Private Enterprises in Developing Countries. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics, and Governance,
Eweje, G. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability: emerging trends in developing economies. Bingley, U.K: Emerald, 2014.
Okpara, J & Oldowu, S. (2013). Corporate social responsibility: challenges, opportunities, and strategies for 21st-century leaders. Berlin: Springer.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Consider the following scenario:
In your role as the new HR executive at Global ProTech, hired to help advance the CSR vision for the organization, you have now been asked to create a context for CSR that will make this term more meaningful to everyone in the organization as an important first step in the initiative. You realize that to do so, you must first analyze potential contributing variables that might make up that context.

Governing the Tragedy of Global Commons
**Evaluate the variables or elements often used as components of CSR such as diversity and inclusion, gender equity, and environmental sustainability.
**Propose what CSR should look like at Global ProTech, recommending which of the following contributing elements should be included and any additional elements you deem of value to the organization:
*Gender equity
*Diversity and inclusion
*Environmental sustainability
*Organizational culture, e.g., hiring and promotional policies
**Provide a brief rationale for each, addressing how each might affect employees including leadership.