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Global HR-Challenges and Trends

Global HR Challenges and Trends

Differences between Global HR and Domestic HR

Global Human Resource Management (HRM) deals with managing workers across three-nation categories: home country, host country, and third country. In simpler terms, global HRM is done at an international level. Further, in global HRM, employees are situated and work outside national boundaries. On the other hand, domestic HR deals with managing workers in only a single nation. Notably, domestic HR operates at a national level, and employees are placed and operate within the national boundaries (Jena, 2020).

 Trends the U.S.-Based Companies and Their HR Departments Face in a Global Workforce

Technology has caused notable progress in various industries, and the HR department is not an exception (Kabrtova, 2018). First, the HR department is forced to recruit smarter instead of harder. In the current recruiting process, where the average time to fill a position keeps rising, HR managers need to develop new ways to quickly look for top and the best talent. Second, the HR department needs to keep upskilling and reskill its workforce. HR departments should prioritize fostering critical skills and competencies in their workforce. Lastly, HR departments must acknowledge that intra-organizational collaboration is crucial (Kabrtova, 2018). HR managers should integrate cloud technologies, automation, machine learning, video conferencing, and other virtual platforms that enable workers to work from anywhere.

Challenges and Solutions to Issues Arising from the Trends

The trends mentioned above have brought along various challenges. First is the challenge of effective communication. It is challenging for HR departments to work closely when their teams are spread worldwide, especially handling the virtual workforce (Minbaeva, 2021). To ensure effective communication, teams should strive harder to build professional relationships virtually. The second is the challenge of managing diverse talents. Different places have different cultures hence impacting the management. HR managers should establish measures that unite the employees to promote creativity, efficiency, and productivity. Last is the challenge to attract, recruit, grow, and sustain workers skilled to perform a skilled job, particularly finding a skilled person familiar with both local and global markets (Minbaeva, 2021). Consistently, the HR department should familiarize themselves with immigration policies to source resources from other nations.


Jena, S. (2020). Difference between IHRM and DHRM. GeeksforGeeks.

Kabrtova, V. (2018). The Development of HR Management: Current Trends, Issues, and Challenges (Doctoral dissertation, Empire State College).

Minbaeva, D. (2021). Disrupted HR?. Human Resource Management Review31(4), 100820.


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Take a moment to consider the role of technology in your life. Advancing technology, artificial intelligence, digital devices at every turn: it is very likely that you are never more than arm’s length away from a screen or device. Technology is a huge part of everyday life in most of the modern world. HR professionals not only have to contend with using technology to complete domestic tasks: software used for benefits and payroll, compliance reporting, training and professional development, communication within departments, within the organization and with a multitude of other organizations but they must also be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding how technology is used and the data that is collected.

Global HR-Challenges and Trends

Current HR trends show that organizations are continuing to rely on new and advanced technologies to acquire new talent, retain employees and make decisions on employee engagement. HR managers will need to stay up-to-date on emerging technologies and the impact they have on company culture, strategy, operating plans, and future talent needs (Burkett, 2017). In addition to the number of tech giants that are creating platforms and technology for use in the human resources market (HR Technologist, 2020), HR leaders have to be prepared to deal with employee data privacy issues. The increased use of technology in the global workforce means it is susceptible to numerous privacy and security issues, for even the smallest of businesses. Advancement in technology is just one of the many challenges facing businesses and HR management professionals in the future.

In this Discussion, you will explore the top trends faced by U.S.-based companies as their HR departments deal with a global workforce. You will consider the challenges that global HR professionals meet and the solutions to those challenges.

**Explain the differences between global HR and domestic HR. Provide three examples.
**Describe the top three trends the U.S.-based companies and their HR departments face in a global workforce.
**Identify three global HR challenges arising from these trends. Provide at least one solution for each challenge.


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