Getting to Know You
Hi, my name is Jane Doe. I am a Registered Nurse, and I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Stony Brook University. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in special education from Dowling College.
Having worked in different nursing environments, I have always been fascinated with research. At the beginning of my nursing career, I worked at East Neck Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, where I served as a Registered Nurse in a facility with 60 patients; I studied late into the night to understand the dynamics of working in challenging environments. I also understand how other people have dealt with similar situations. Working in understaffed conditions could be challenging, especially if the number of patients is high and if they have different and complex health requirements. My vigilance at work and the information I gathered from articles from nursing databases, consulting with other nurses, and interaction with patients gave me insight into their experiences, feelings, and expectations, and shaped the future of my career to work in fast-paced environments.
As a young scientist, I have always wanted to know why things are ‘the way they are’ and if there could be a different view on every subject. Even though I don’t have much experience or education in research, I have conducted literature reviews and understood the dynamics of research; I have learned how samples can be selected from a population, such as random or systematic, according to the type of data required or the population size. I have researched the criteria for developing research hypotheses, the dependent and independent variables of a research study, and how to deal with the limitations of a research study. However, I have always experienced difficulties in analyzing data collected from the data collection methods. I would love to develop my statistical methods of handling data in a research study.
Having faced a challenge in my career in 2011 when I learned that I had breast cancer – I was pursuing my Master’s Degree course in business administration – I was forced to resign from my position as a registered nurse. I also found it very hard to accept a nurse management position. During this time, I had to elevate my business management skills to ensure that I could handle the dynamics of leadership that entails business in a health facility. The responsibilities associated with the management came with the need to understand business research. I have since shifted my focus to business research to help me understand how to acquire detailed and accurate information from all aspects of business management and apply this data to practice and maximize profits for the organizations that I work for them.
Considering that the recent healthcare policies have shifted towards pay-for-performance, business research would be very important in improving the performance of healthcare providers. Improving individual performance would translate to improved general attainment of organizational goals. Business research would look into the non-medical factors that could be implemented in the healthcare facility to improve the output. Additionally, the research would inform the management of how to compensate healthcare providers. Finally, I am joining this team with very basic and little education or experience with business research. However, like the scripture says in Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much….” (New International Version). I am willing to learn from everyone, and your input to my career would go a long way in transforming business research for future learners.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Getting to Know You
Your professor and fellow students would like to know something about you. Please read your professor’s biography and post your personal biography information by answering three or more of the following questions:

Getting to Know You
- What is your comfort level with research in general?
- What is your comfort level with business research?
- Are your statistics skills honed or rusty?
- Please explain how you have used or might use business research in your workplace or community.
- Please also write about your past education and experience with business research and statistics.
Reading and Assignments
Luke 16:10 (NIV) – “Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much….”
Please complete the following before the class session:
Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (3rd ed.).
(eBook available at
- 1 (pp 9-24) – Research problems and questions and how they relate to debates in research methods
- 12 (pp 152-163) – Reporting research results
Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., & Graepel, T. (2013). Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(15). Retrieved from
While reading the text throughout this course, make sure you explore and make use of the accompanying Internet resources available to you online as well. Note: While a basic math and statistics proficiency is important, your skills at applying those tools in the greater context of research to help you make solid business decisions is what we are striving for in this course.
For the reading assignment, Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (3rd ed.). (eBook available at