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Georgias Standards of Excellence Investigation

Georgias Standards of Excellence Investigation

Importance of having standards when working with young children

Young children are prepared for life through education. Institutions should set or develop standards to regulate the process and set clear expectations as well as procedures. Up-to-date standards that are aligned to current business and market trends enable the institutions to create whole learners. Such learners are well-equipped to manage life tactically and survive the challenges that they encounter. The set standards guide instructors on ways to manage learners while preparing them to act independently in the future. Therefore, the instructors operate from the point of knowledge due to the presence of various standards. In addition, standards eliminate ambiguity and confusion in the process of instruction. Even if learners go through different instructors, the process variations are not extreme and tend to attain comparable results. Standards also provide some sort of measurement technique or criteria that instructors and institutions can utilize to gauge their performance (Georgia Department of Education).

Ten things I learned from the Georgia Department of Education website

Integration of behaviors with instruction

The link between aversion towards academics and negative behaviors among learners

Loss of significant instruction time while addressing learners’ behaviors

The impact of effective instruction on the reduction of inappropriate tendencies

Effect of reduced inappropriate behaviors on reading performance

How academics and behaviors build upon each other by drawing from similar resources

Application of skills obtained through reading in social settings

Concept of the whole child

Aspects that contribute to a whole child

Importance of standards in instruction

The Importance of a positive school climate (Georgia Department of Education)

Works Cited

Georgia Department of Education. Curriculum, Instruction, and School Climate. 2021. <>.


We’ll write everything from scratch


In order to ensure that everyone working with young children is “on the same page” and teaching appropriately, Georgia has teaching standards that must be followed in the public school setting and should be followed in learning centers and daycares, as well. If you are working/planning to work with children in K and above then you will find the appropriate standards on the Georgia Department of Education website:

Georgias Standards of Excellence Investigation If you are working/planning to work with children age birth to pre-K you will find the appropriate standards on the Bright From the Start website:

Please visit whichever site is appropriate for you and complete the following assignment:

Why is it important to have standards when working with young children? Answer in a paragraph (8 – 10 sentences).

List 10 things that you learned from the site you visited.

Be sure to list the site that you visited – Georgia Department of Education or Bright From the Start.

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