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Gender Relations in the African American Quest for Freedom

Gender Relations in the African American Quest for Freedom

The dynamics in gender relations among the African American community are, as with any other dynamic, informed by the historical, cultural, and institutional context in which they were formed. As such, looking at the dynamics of gender relations in black people’s quest for freedom, it is no surprise that black woman have always been oppressed. Ever since black people were brought to America for enslavement, their status has always been placed lower than all other races. In addition to the centuries of patriarchal societies that society still struggles with today, black women are placed even lower than black men on the scale. This is even evident in how women were treated when black people decided to fight for their freedom. Little is known about black women’s efforts in their quest for freedom. A perfect example is Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, a Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee member, who highlighted the gender inequalities they faced as women (Mosnier, 2011). Accordingly, women on the committee faced many challenges, including being treated as if they did not bring much to the table, incapable of leading the movements, and sexual harassment. Also, black women’s efforts were overshadowed by black men, who were given credit and attention for successes that became popular commemorations and historical narratives.


Mosnier, J. (2011). Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons oral history interview conducted by Joseph Mosnier in Gainesville, Florida, 2011 September 14. Library of Congress.


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Explain the dynamics of gender relations in the African American quest for freedom.

Gender Relations in the African American Quest for Freedom

Gender Relations in the African American Quest for Freedom

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