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Formal Human Resource (HR) Telecommuting Policy

Formal Human Resource (HR) Telecommuting Policy

The purpose of this document is to explain to the organization the list of benefits of a Telecommuting program, as well as how telecommuting helps the firm. Furthermore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the difficulties that managers of telecommuting workers experience, particularly in the key areas where they have trouble addressing the issues. In addition to this, this paper provides insight into how businesses cope with telecommuting, what challenges they experience, and how they plan to overcome those challenges in real-time.

Expected benefits of a formal telecommuting program to the company.

 Cost-cutting is the most effective method of saving money in telecommuting. Companies may really save money in terms of utility bills, internet bills, water bills, maintenance costs, food prices, transportation costs, office building rent, and other expenses by using green technologies. It is possible to avoid the costs associated with various team-building activities, monthly awards and recognition functions, and numerous event celebrations, allowing that money to be allocated to the resource development program.

Increased employee productivity is a consequence of numerous variables, such as the removal of the need for travel and other cost-cutting measures; the productivity of the employees will rise by at least 10-20 percentage points. As a consequence, employees will be able to devote more time to their jobs, which will ultimately lead to greater overall productivity for the company.

Employees will be less likely to become dissatisfied as a result of the improved flexibility in shift scheduling, resulting in a reduction in the need to spend money on staff retention programs. In part because telecommuting limits the chance to engage in team-building activities and other skill development programs, more productive working hours can be obtained as a result of this practice.

As a result of having flexible working hours and receiving adequate rest, employees are more likely to be physically and psychologically fit, resulting in fewer sick days.

Issues for the manager of a telecommuting worker

 Transitioning to a new work culture is extremely challenging since the majority of managers are not technically equipped to manage a team over the Internet. Therefore, it takes time for employees to feel comfortable with their new workplace culture. When working from home, it might be tough to send out catch-up meeting invites through the mail without leaving out any of the team members. Additionally, doing online coaching and feedback sessions can be a big challenge.

It becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of the performance of each and every employee: The ability to monitor the performance of each and every employee is critical for any manager, but when it comes to telecommuting, this task becomes more difficult because the employee may cite any number of legitimate reasons for poor performance, such as poor internet connectivity, power outages, and a variety of other issues, making it more difficult.

It is possible to accumulate between supervisors and employees if there is insufficient formal and informal contact as well as direct communication (Gajendran and Harrison).

Examples of direct communication include catching up during tea breaks, lunch breaks, and one-on-one meetings. These activities are not possible for workers who work from home, resulting in a communication breakdown. Managers must work carefully to discover and execute new means of bridging the communication gap. This will take time and effort.

Work-from-home employees have longer working hours since it is impossible to supervise all of their coworkers at the same time when they work from home. As a result, managers should make aside more time to evaluate employee performance, address obstacles, and identify solutions to issues that arise.

Issues faced and actions taken by the company in real-time

 Not only one specific company but the majority of businesses in real-time encounter the challenges and handle them. Involvement with colleagues and establishment of work objectives is the most challenging element of the job, as communicating project deadlines and ensuring that work is done on schedule. To resolve this issue, virtual meetings with the entire team should be arranged, and the team should be informed that the management team would support them wholeheartedly throughout the process.

Collaborative efforts when it comes to achieving production and quality objectives, collaboration is critical. Employees should be able to communicate with management via online chat and video conference in order to clear up any questions or concerns they may have, even if they are not physically present or working together.

Increasing their level of attention on their jobs: All of the employees are not completed timely and organized in their approach to taking breaks and completing the duties that have been assigned to them. Because of this, keeping them organized will be a problem, but it may be achieved via the use of software that monitors employee breaks and productivity while holding them accountable for their own actions.

Security issues are unavoidable, but they are amplified while telecommuting. When employees are no longer within the safe boundaries of the workplace and are instead at home, where they are more relaxed, the risk of reckless behaviour rises (Allen et al.). To address these issues, prevent sensitive information leaks, data breaches, and spying from occurring.

Companies use VPNs. Also, they make sure they have a safe backup of all of your data and information. Additionally, they ensure that all internal communication is encrypted from beginning to end. Internal carelessness or hacking is less likely with encrypted, peer-to-peer communication on a completely private team network.

Telecommuting has a number of drawbacks. However, one issue that is sometimes neglected is how it might affect employees’ everyday routines and nutrition. Working from home might make the distinction between work and play more difficult to discern. Furthermore, the allure of food might be difficult to resist when the fridge is constantly within reach. Just because you work from home does not mean employees cannot take some time off. But make them significant. Take a stroll, read a book, do yoga, or talk to family and friends. Keep in mind that there’s a link between your nutrition and productivity, sleep cycles, and self-control when it comes to an employee’s diet. Instead of bingeing on carbohydrates and useless calories, choose healthier alternatives.


 Allen, Tammy D., et al. “How Effective Is Telecommuting? Assessing the Status of Our Scientific Findings.” Psychological Science in the Public Interest, vol. 16, no. 2, 2015, pp. 40–68.

Gajendran, Ravi S., and David A. Harrison. “The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown about Telecommuting: Meta-Analysis of Psychological Mediators and Individual Consequences.” Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 92, no. 6, 2007, pp. 1524–1541.


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Formal Human Resource (HR) Telecommuting Policy

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