Flow of Vital Energy Role in Chronic Diseases
An individual comprises five bodies of consciousness, and each body comprises energy. The energy of these bodies of consciousness is balanced while in a healthy state, illustrating a balanced flow of vital energy. This energy flow is also called vital force, prana, or chi, which passes through energy centers and chakras (Goswami, 2011). On the other hand, imbalances in the energies of the five bodes of consciousness cause an imbalance in the flow of vital energy and life force, influencing the development of chronic diseases. The imbalance of energy and the vital force causes the development of chronic diseases due to the impacts on homeostasis. Our assignment writing help is at affordable prices to students of all academic levels and academic disciplines.
A practitioner can evaluate energy disruption by monitoring symptoms. Symptoms manifest based on the state of homeostasis in an individual. Irregularities in homeostasis indicate energy disruptions, and symptoms manifest as diseases develop. This indicates that the vital body and the physical body are influenced in the disease state. Additionally, a practitioner can inquire about a client’s state. Clients can apply self-awareness to determine the state they’re in. Based on their feedback, a practitioner can evaluate the energy disruptions. Consequently, to initiate healing and restore health, energy must be restored to balance.
A practitioner can apply various techniques to restore energy balance. These techniques can be alternative or complementary, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, meditation, and yoga (Eliopoulos, 2018). Techniques such as acupuncture restore balance through the use of meridians to balance the flow of the vital force. Other techniques, such as meditation, restore balance through the backward flow of cerebrospinal fluid, influencing the flow of energy through chakras.
Eliopoulos, C. (2018). Invitation to holistic health (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Goswami, A. (2011). The Quantum D
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doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral Medicine. Hampton Roads Publishing
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Flow of Vital Energy Role in Chronic Diseases
Discussion 6 – Vital force, prana, or chi runs through the body. Disruptions in this flow of vital energy can play a role in chronic diseases. How can a practitioner evaluate these energy disruptions? What can be done to bring them back into balance? Justify your answer