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Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

  1. Summarize the concept of Missio Dei (missional purpose).

Your answer in 100-150 words:

         Missio Dei is a Latin term that is translated as “Mission of God.” It suggests that the work of the church is a subset of God’s work in the world (Arthur, n.d.). Both Karl Barth’s paper and Hartenstein’s report of the conference meeting in Willingen show that God’s motive for the mission was love and compassion for His creation. It is also demonstrated that mission is primarily God’s mission. Furthermore, Missio Dei is Trinitarian in nature as it surrounds God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God’s mission was the incarnation of the Son, to demonstrate His mission is independent of any human culture or language. Jesus then left the Holy Spirit to empower the church in mission. Therefore, the work of the church is to communicate the Gospel about the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ and rely on the Holy Spirit in doing so.
  1. Summarize Buechner’s concept of finding your purpose and explain how this aligns with the way you live out your worldview (missional purpose).

Your answer in 100-150 words:

         According to Buechner, to better understand vocation, one must first understand oneself and then fit that with what the world needs (Feenstra, 2011). He clarifies that finding purpose involves finding one’s deep joy and lining that joy with what the world deeply lacks. Therefore, one must first understand themselves to a deeper extent, discover what brings them joy, and then use that in service of the world. This aligns with my worldview of human purpose, of first finding happiness from within and then applying it to the purpose of serving the world. For instance, one who finds great joy in writing may use this ability in writing articles and books to encourage people to love God and their neighbors, thereby promoting unity, love, and harmony in society.
  1. Reflect on your beliefs about origins (creational purpose) and describe how those beliefs contribute to your understanding of human purpose.

Your answer in 100-150 words:

         There are various creation stories based on divergent disciplines such as religion, science, and philosophy. My focus and belief are on the creation story told in the Bible. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth (Genesis 1:1). Everything that exists today- the seas, dry land, vegetation, day and night, and all living creatures- was created by God, and on the sixth day, He made man in His own image and likeness, male and female. God blessed man and gave them dominion over all the earth and over all the animals in it, telling them to multiply and fill the earth. Thus, following God’s instructions, the human purpose is to procreate and take care of God’s creation, including all animals and the environment. By creating fruit and seed-bearing plants, God provides food for all His creation, thereby easing the work of taking care of all animals.
  1. Describe how Jesus’s statement of overarching purpose in the commandment to love God and love others as ourselves can be lived in and out of the workplace.

Your answer in 100-150 words:

        In Mark 12:28-31, Jesus says there is no greater commandment than loving God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Loving God requires a personal commitment to God and to His righteousness (Glasser, Engen, and Gilliland, 2005). Loving our neighbors entails being good and kind to everyone and expecting nothing in return. A neighbor refers to any person we interact with, such as a friend, family, colleague, client, etc. Thus, loving our neighbor means helping any person in need in ways we are able, for instance feeding a homeless person and giving out extra clothes to the less fortunate. Loving a neighbor treating a person in the manner we would like to be treated, for example, saying “sorry”, and “thank you” whenever necessary. This should be applied in all situations in our daily lives, at home, school, and even in the workplace.
  1. Describe how your future career can be an opportunity to help others flourish, to be purposeful, and to do no harm.

Your answer in 100-150 words:

       Having a Christian foundation enables me to continue knowing God and to better my relationship with Him. As a Grand Canyon University student, I am provided with the opportunity to build a purposeful future career. Knowing the Bible and understanding God’s mission and vision for creation helps in understanding human purpose. This will, thus, be important in assisting others in finding their purpose and significance in life. In addition, my goal will be to communicate about the Gospel, encouraging everyone to love God and our neighbors as we love ourselves and enlightening those unaware of the Kingdom about Christ. In summary, this provides an opportunity to help others flourish, be purposeful, and do no harm since having a foundation in Christianity means living in love and harmony with one another.


Arthur, E. (n.d.). Missio Dei and the Mission of the Church.

Feenstra, J. (2011). Vocational Exploration through Service: The Effect of Service-Learning on Student Understanding of God’s Calling. Journal of Education and Christian Belief, 15(1), pp.65-74.

Glasser, A., Engen, C. and Gilliland, D. (2005). Announcing the kingdom. Quezon City: Claretian publications.

Hogan, M. (n.d.). The Beginning of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Thought and Life.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

Be sure you respond to all five prompts and complete the reference page in this document before submitting.

Consider how what you have learned throughout the course will impact your future. Explain how to find your purpose by answering the following questions. Include citations and references from the topic study materials.

  1. Summarize the concept of Missio Dei (missional purpose).

Your answer in 100-150 words:

  1. Summarize Buechner’s concept of finding your purpose and explain how this aligns with the way you live out your worldview (missional purpose).

Your answer in 100-150 words:

  1. Reflect on your beliefs about origins (creational purpose) and describe how those beliefs contribute to your understanding of human purpose.

Your answer in 100-150 words:

  1. Describe how Jesus’s statement of overarching purpose in the commandment to love God and love others as ourselves can be lived in and out of the workplace.

Your answer in 100-150 words:

  1. Describe how your future career can be an opportunity to help others flourish, to be purposeful, and to do no harm.

Your answer in 100-150 words:


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