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Finding Harmony- A Look at Music Within

Finding Harmony- A Look at Music Within

Response 1

Summarize the movie.

The movie Music Within is about the life story of Richard Pimentel, an actual person who lived. Pimentel became a public speaker even though he had a hearing disability that came as a result of being in the Vietnam War. Due to his disability, he became an activist for people with disabilities, thus bringing forth the Americans with Disabilities Act (Sawalich, 2007). In the story, one learns that Pimentel discovered he was skilled in public speaking as a teenager. This skill attracts people who later help him develop it and use it to go further in his life. Pimentel joins the military, and when he goes to Vietnam for war, he retires with a hearing problem. He goes to Poland, where he becomes friends with Mike Stolz, an alcoholic, and Art Honeyman (Sawalich, 2007). At one time, he takes Art for dinner, and they are not served because, with Art’s condition, he is considered to be disturbing the customer. Moreover, they are arrested for violating a law targeting people with low incomes and people with disabilities. After this incident, Pimentel began to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and help veterans get jobs. Also, the story shows how Pimentel gets hearing aids even though it also gives a sad ending because Pimentel ends up breaking up with his lover, and Mike commits suicide.

What was your favorite part, and why?

My favorite part is when, in a class, the teacher says, “Most people go to their graves with their music inside them,” and then asks the class the meaning of this phrase (Sawalich, 2007). Also, in this part, the staring has memories of himself during the class; a voice says, “Something as small as raising your hands can change your entire life” (Sawalich, 2007). This part of the movie caught my attention because of the words said. Firstly, it is true that many people die with their music inside. This line can be taken literally because many people can die without the opportunity or the courage to sing their songs. At the same time, this line can encourage people to speak their minds. It may mean that many people have things they want to say or want to speak out for others but fail to do so. Moreover, it is also true that there are things that people do which are minor but can change their lives. Therefore, this part of the movie inspires me to believe it is essential to do what I must do when possible.

What micro, mezzo, and macro advocacy skills did the characters develop and/or utilize? Provide examples of all three and be specific.

Pimentel used micro advocacy skills. Such skills are seen in how a person helps people find housing, healthcare, and other social services (Jansson, 2019). In this case, Pimentel used these skills to create job opportunities. The best example in the movie is when he quits his insurance company job and decides to work with non-profit companies to help veterans get jobs. Similarly, this character used mezzo advocacy skills, establishing centers to help people in the community. Through mezzo advocacy skills, one can establish a counseling center for drug addicts in the community. In this case, Pimentel became a keynote speaker for the American government. He gave speeches to people, government agencies, and sectors on disability and about people with disabilities. Finally, macro advocacy skills are seen in how a person engages in advocacy roles. Advocacy can mean pushing to change a policy or a law (Jansson, 2019. In this case, the starring protested against the law that prohibited people living in poverty and those with disabilities from appearing in public.

What impact did their advocacy have?

Pimentel’s advocacy changed the mentality that people had about people with disabilities. It also educated people. However, the most outstanding impact is making the public and government aware of the veterans’ challenges and why it was bad to marginalize disabled people.


Jansson, B. S. (2019). Social welfare policy and advocacy: Advancing social justice through eight policy sectors. United States: SAGE Publications.

Sawalich, S. (2007). Music Within. Articulus Entertainment. Retrieved from

Response 2

Hello K. Guerry,

This is a great post. I value your thoughts on the knowledge that social workers require for safety net programs like Medicaid and SSI. We must be aware of these resources and aid in their availability for our customers. I’m delighted to learn that the social worker, in this case, was able to help Jim qualify for SSI and get the care he required, including couples therapy. You make a good point regarding how Jim felt more at ease using African-American medical experts because of their superior comprehension of his culture and the lack of prejudice he encountered. It is regrettable if access issues to chosen healthcare providers develop because of insurance restrictions (Baicker et al., 2023). Your description of the micro policy advocacy interventions the social worker uses to assist Jim is precisely how I would do it. Establishing a therapeutic connection requires active listening, empathy, and offering validation. It is admirable that the social worker helped Jim with different elements of his life, from noting his improvement in drug use management to guiding him through the SSI application and appeals procedure.


Baicker, K., Chandra, A., & Shepard, M. (2023). Achieving Universal Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: Addressing Market Failures or Providing a Social Floor? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37(2), 99–122.


We’ll write everything from scratch


With the reading in mind, watch the movie “Music Within” provided by the Swank Movie Database section of the library and linked in Canvas. Write a reaction addressing the following:
Summarize the movie.
What was your favorite part, and why?

Finding Harmony- A Look at Music Within

Finding Harmony- A Look at Music Within

What micro, mezzo, and macro advocacy skills did the characters develop and/or utilize? Provide examples of all three and be specific.
What impact did their advocacy have?

Note: please highlight the questions or number it and put the answers under it. pls use the textbook as a reference and any other you would like to use. Thank you.

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