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Financial Decisions for Your Career Path

Financial Decisions for Your Career Path

Money or financial consideration is indeed significant when selecting the first teaching job. Money influences people’s quality of life, so it must be one of the essential considerations when selecting the first teaching but not the primary priority. Teaching is a calling and needs passionate individuals. Therefore, other considerations, such as the working environment, the need for experience, and the need to make a difference in learners, are more important than money. Money, therefore, is a secondary consideration when choosing a first teaching job.

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First, teachers, including new teachers, consider the need to make a difference in a learner’s life and the world to be more important than money. Besides, Kauchak and Eggen (2016) say that most teachers never get into teaching for the big cash. They become teachers because they believe they can make a difference in their learners’ lives and the world. Hence, even if money is vital, monetary compensation remains a secondary consideration for most teachers. These words by Kauchak and Eggen (2016) mean that teachers are often driven to teach by passion, and money is never the first consideration when choosing a school; rather, the impact they will have on the world and the students come first.

Factors such as working conditions or environment are essential when choosing the first teaching job rather than money. Tran and Smith (2019) affirm that teachers are often influenced by factors such as environment and working conditions rather than money because these aspects influence job satisfaction much more than money. For instance, the principal a teacher works for and the students, parents, and teachers they will work with will significantly affect how happy they will be with teaching. All these will ultimately determine whether one will continue with the teaching or not.

Finally, the need for experience and development in teaching is often a priority over money for most teachers. Kauchak and Eggen (2016) maintain that some regions or states that never pay teachers well are also places where learners need the best teachers the most, and they can be better places for teachers to gain experiences and growth in their teaching careers. For example, small rural and large urban districts urgently require good teachers, and working in these high-need regions can have a powerful influence on the learners’ lives (Kauchak & Eggen, 2016). Besides, these areas can be a better starting point for the first teaching job as they help new teachers grow faster in the teaching domain. Generally, while money is an essential consideration when choosing the first teaching job, it is clear that other factors such as working environment, changing student lives, and the world, among other factors, often come before money, and money remains a secondary consideration.


Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2016). Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional. Pearson.

Tran, H., & Smith, D. (2019). Insufficient money and inadequate respect: What obstructs the recruitment of college students to teach in hard-to-staff schools. Journal of Educational Administration.


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*For this week’s reflection, we will consider how finances may impact your career decisions. Look at the “Issues You’ll Face in Teaching” scenario in your text. This is found on page 220 in the text.
For this reflection, you will:
1. Read the information in this section (Money and Your First Job).

Financial Decisions for Your Career Path

2. Think about the pros and cons offered in this information
3. Answer the question at the end of the section:
“Now it’s your turn to take a position on this issue. Should financial considerations be a primary factor in determining where you seek your first teaching job?”
4. Compose a response to this question, using your text as a reference.
5. Your submission should follow the following guidelines:
• Name – top left corner
• 12 pt / Times New Roman Font
• 300 words (that’s about 1 page single-spaced or 1.5 pages double-spaced).

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