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Final Learning Intervention Plan (LIP)

Final Learning Intervention Plan (LIP)

Introduction and Overview of the Organization

Our organization is an electronics manufacturing company that sells and manufactures electronic kitchen appliances such as microwaves, blenders, ovens, and gas and electric cookers. The organization has established operations in different parts of the world to increase revenue and maximize profits. Operations are run using the functional organizational structure, which includes organizing an organization into different departments based on employees’ specialties, areas of expertise, and related skills or roles. The main departments in our organization are research and development, human resource management, manufacturing, and quality assurance. Although the divisions function separately, employees are encouraged to exchange information and ideas across the divisions to improve organizational performance. The organization operates a diverse workforce to improve innovation and create a competitive advantage by occasionally introducing new products and services. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Identification of the Learning Need in Our Organization

Our organization has embraced workplace diversity and recently created a diversity and inclusion policy to prevent discrimination. Before the policy was created, the human resource management department had noted an increase in discrimination complaints against leaders and employees. Therefore, the company needs to prevent discrimination to avoid reducing organizational performance. Discrimination reduces employee morale, leading to reduced productivity. A reduction in employee productivity reduces overall organizational performance and may lead to massive losses. Although the employees in our organization are willing to implement the diversity and inclusion policy, adapting to it is challenging because most do not understand the concept of diversity and inclusion. The organization also needs to offer diversity and inclusion training because of the increase in employee diversity, which emerged after the organization publicly stated that it would promote diversity and inclusion as part of its values.

The diversity and inclusion policy initiatives include hiring people with disabilities and increasing age diversity in the workforce. The organization also anticipates an increase in diversity after expanding into new markets. An assessment conducted by the human resource management department also found that most employees are unaware of the causes of unconscious bias and how to avoid it. Unconscious bias is a leading cause of discrimination because it makes people rely on stereotypes when interacting with others. Most employees in our organizations also have a limited understanding of the provisions of anti-discrimination laws and their application in the work environment and are unfamiliar with the different cultures in the workplace.

Specific Learning Objectives to Meet That Need

One of the learning objectives is to reduce discrimination complaints by 30% within four weeks by creating a better understanding of unconscious bias and anti-discrimination laws and how to deal with stereotypes when interacting with people from different backgrounds. The second objective is to increase the company’s diversity and inclusion rating from 70% to 90% within four weeks. The third objective is to improve employees’ cultural awareness levels by 30% within four weeks.

Instructional Strategies and Techniques to Meet the Stated Learning Objectives, With Rationale

The learning objectives will be met through a collaborative training technique. The technique includes encouraging employees to learn from one another by exchanging expertise and knowledge. A collaborative training technique is appropriate because it will help employees from diverse backgrounds feel free to participate in the training program and express any concerns that could hinder its success. The training team will create a collaborative learning community consisting of all employees in the organization to encourage employees to collaborate in solving problems and meeting the learning objectives. The communities will follow a goal-based plan to have a shared sense of direction. Active communication within the commutes will be facilitated through an open communication channel. Employees will be encouraged to express themselves and use their strengths and skills to help meet the learning objectives. The training program will also include virtual and offline training to accommodate employees working at the office and those working in different remote locations.

Actionable Strategy to Motivate Learners, With Rationale

Motivating learners is vital in increasing employees’ commitment to the training program. According to Grossman & Salas (2011), motivation facilitates the transfer of knowledge and application of competencies acquired from the training. The organization will motivate learners by creating meaningful and respectful relationships among themselves. Learners will be given an equal opportunity to ask questions and give feedback on whether the training program effectively achieves the learning objectives. The employees’ feedback will be implemented to improve the training program and relationships between the employees. Respectful and meaningful relationships will also be leveraged to increase collaboration among the employees in the learning communities so that no employees are left behind in the knowledge acquisition process.

Factors That Will Influence the Intervention

One of the individual learner factors that will influence the intervention is the unwillingness to collaborate with other employees in the training sessions. The training program’s success relies on collaboration among the employees because the collaborative technique will be used. Therefore, unwillingness to collaborate will hinder the program’s success. The organization will, therefore, create an open communication channel to facilitate trust among employees, thus promoting a willingness to collaborate. Another individual learner factor is a lack of commitment. The training program’s success relies on employees’ commitment, especially those engaged virtually. Therefore, a lack of commitment may create absenteeism, thus hindering the program’s success. Nonetheless, the organization will motivate employees by creating a conducive learning environment to increase commitment.

One of the personal factors that will influence the intervention is the perception of the training program. A negative perception of the program will reduce commitment, leading to a reduced success rate of the intervention. The organization will ensure that employees understand the significance of the training program and what it entails before training begins. Another personal factor is boredom, which may increase absenteeism. Boredom will be overcome through the active engagement of employees in the training program. Functional and organizational factors that will influence the intervention are group conflict and the trainer’s understanding of the learners’ cultural values and beliefs. Group conflict will be addressed by considering every employee’s perspective during decision-making and creating an open communication channel. The organization will also ensure that trainers properly comprehend different cultures and encourage learners to discuss their cultural beliefs and values.

Overall LIP Evaluation, ROI, and Alignment with Kirkpatrick’s Levels

Kirkpatrick’s levels will be applied in evaluating the training program. The levels include reaction, learning, behavior, and results (Zent, 2022; Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2014). Reaction includes determining whether learners find the training engaging, favorable, and relevant to their work. Learning includes determining whether the learners have acquired the intended knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence, and commitment to the training program. Behavior includes determining whether the learning affected the learner and whether they are applying what they learned during training. Lastly, results include comparing the learning against specific key performance indicators. Reaction will be evaluated based on attendance behavior. Learning will be assessed based on how employees apply the knowledge of avoiding stereotypes and unconscious bias when interacting with people from different backgrounds. Also, learning will be evaluated based on how employees engage with each other and the trainer during the training sessions by asking questions to get precise information or initiating discussions on workplace discrimination topics. Third, behavior will be evaluated by observing the interaction between employees from different backgrounds. Finally, results will be evaluated by assessing the change in discrimination complaints.

The organization will also evaluate the transfer of learning using the indirect approach. According to Pineda-Herrero et al. (2015), indirect evaluation includes assessing the factors that facilitate or hinder the application of attitudes, skills, and knowledge acquired from the training in completing assigned tasks in the work setting. The organization will issue a survey to employees to gather information on the factors influencing their application of what they learned. The organization will also measure the return on investment gained from the training program. The learning and development return on investment should demonstrate value beyond reasonable doubt (Bennington & Laffoley, 2012). The organization will focus on the occurrence of discrimination complaints and the employee turnover caused by discrimination to measure return on investment. The organization will also measure return on investment by assessing teamwork and engagement changes. Also, key performance indicators will be used to determine the training program’s impact on the organization and identify improvement areas.


Globalization has increased workforce diversity, thus creating a need for organizations to have a diversity and inclusion policy. Adapting to the policy requires understanding the diversity and inclusion concept, including the factors that support and hinder it. A diversity and training program is the best strategy that our organization can use to help employees adapt to the diversity and inclusion policy that was recently created following an increase in discrimination cases. The training program will be implemented through collaborative learning techniques to ensure that every employee is engaged. The final stage of implementing the training program is measuring its success based on Kirkpatrick’s levels, return on investment (ROI), and knowledge transfer.


Bennington, K., & Laffoley, T. (2012). Beyond Smiley Sheets: Measuring the ROI of Learning and Development. Ideas at Work.

Grossman, R., & Salas, E. (2011). The transfer of training: What Really Matters. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(2), 103-120.

Kirkpatrick, J., & Kirkpatrick, W. K. (2014). The Kirkpatrick Four Levels A Fresh Look After 55 Years 1959 – 2014 A Fresh Look After 55 Years 1959 – 2014.

Pineda-Herrero, P., Quesada-Pallarès, C., & Ciraso-Calí, A. (2015). Strategies and instruments to evaluate transfer of learning: Reflections from practice [Paper presentation].


We’ll write everything from scratch


Zent. (2022). Overcoming the real-world challenges of evaluating learning success with Kirkpatrick’s model. Training Industry.

Final Learning Intervention Plan (LIP)

Final Learning Intervention Plan (LIP)

Synthesize, integrate, and consolidate the contents of your previous mini-papers to provide a comprehensive and synthesized final Learning Intervention Plan (LIP).
Consider your course learnings and incorporate instructor feedback from your earlier mini-papers when writing the final paper. While this paper will likely have a higher Turnitin rating, it should nonetheless be a streamlined, synthesized, and actionable LIP; it is not a copy-and-paste exercise.
Your final paper should include all the following parts:
1. Introduction and overview of your organization
2. Identification of the learning needs in your organization
3. Specific learning objectives to meet that need
4. Instructional strategies and techniques to meet the stated learning objectives, with rationale
5. Actionable strategy to motivate learners, with rationale
6. Factors (individual learner, personal, functional, organizational) that will influence your intervention
7. Overall LIP evaluation, ROI, and alignment with Kirkpatrick’s levels.
8. Conclusions
Use headers to identify these various portions of your LIP.
• Length: Your paper should be approximately 5-7 pages in length. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the specified length. (See rubric below for more details).
• Adapted APA:

Citations to reference:
Grossman, R., & Salas, E. (2011). The transfer of training: What really matters. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(2), 103-120.
Kirkpatrick, J., & Kirkpatrick, W. K. (2014). The Kirkpatrick four levels: A fresh look after 55 years, 1959 – 2014 [White paper]. Kirkpatrick Partners.
Zent, C. R. (2018, August 21). Overcoming the real-world challenges in evaluating learning success with Kirkpatrick’s model. Training Industry.

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