Federal Contract Compliance Issues Press Release – Recruitment of Females and Military Veterans
Importance of Gender Diversity and Inclusion of Veterans in the Workplace
Gender diversity is crucial to any business, not because it is a laudable goal, but because it is needed for a healthy bottom line. A vast body of research suggests that hiring both genders at the workplace presents multiple advantages (Daigh, 2019). One such positive benefit is that men and women have diverse viewpoints and insights on different issues. As a result, the business can benefit from the resultant problem-solving abilities of both genders. Besides, hiring both genders widens the organization’s talent pool. A company that fails to hire both genders will miss out on a talent pool offered by half the population.
Hiring military veterans also brings positive benefits to the business. With 1.3 million service members on active duty and around 865,000 armed reservists, the US has some of the most extensive military personnel worldwide (Kirchner & Minnis, 2018). One of the factors why an organization should hire military veterans is because they are trainable. Unlike civilians, military men serve in different environments, hence learning and coping fast. Therefore, an organization lacking sufficient training resources to conduct extensive training will benefit from that aspect.
Difficulties Encountered when Hiring Women in Male-Dominated Industries
Businesses seeking to hire women in traditionally male-dominated industries face a few challenges. A common problem relates to structural and policy issues. For instance, a business that has traditionally employed more men than women is likely to encounter minor issues like a lack of proper sanitation and bathroom facilities uniquely designed for women (ILO, n.d.).
Also, toxic culture in traditionally male-dominated environments negatively impacts women’s productivity. For instance, male chauvinists may expect women to act as agents naturally. That implies that male colleagues would wish women to help them perform some tasks command rather than requesting them. Such a toxic environment hurts women’s productivity.
Also, actual and perceived gender bias affects women’s productivity. The bias that results from feelings of non-traditional roles is a novel issue (ILO, n.d.). As a result, women lack emotional and social support to perform the so-called ‘male roles.’ Such perceptions impact women’s productivity by creating an unconducive work environment.
Addressing Women Recruitment Issues
The steel-making industry has traditionally attracted men. Companies like Tata have empowered women to embrace masculinity and typically act like men to solve these challenges. Embracing ‘masculinity’ eradicates gender-based bias. Research has proven that women that work with assertiveness at the workplace are less likely to be bullied by their male colleagues. Such women become so powerful to the extent of being feared by their male colleagues. Also, companies in traditionally male dominated like steel making encourage women candidates to apply in their job postings.
Best Practices for Hiring Women and Military Veterans
Organizations ought to embrace friendly policies to recruit women staff successfully. One such policy is incorporating reasonable and paid maternity leaves during initial benefits negotiations (Daigh, 2019). Such a policy will encourage more female candidates to apply. Also, organizations should encourage and facilitate mentorship and training programs for women recruits. Among others, mentorship programs should instruct women on the organization’s culture and work environment (ILO, n.d.). If women understand the workplace culture, they are less likely to encounter operational difficulties.
On the other hand, employers must meet specific standards when recruiting military veterans. Focusing on the veteran’s family includes facilitating their children’s education if the staff has to move to a different location. Most veterans must have spent their active days away from their families; hence, keeping them close to family will enhance productivity.
Companies Successful in Hiring Women and Military Veterans
Tata Steel, an Indian steel manufacturing company, is one of the companies that has successfully hired women. The company started recruiting women in all shifts to attain at least 20% female employees out of the overall workforce by 2025 (IBISWorld, 2019). Measures put in place at the company to enable women to work include the installation of sanitary pads, vending machines, the deployment of female guards, and female restrooms, among others (Tata, 2020). In the US, military veterans play a big role in the US construction industry. IBS World (2019) figures show that veterans account for 12.6% of the construction industry.
On the other hand, Boeing, a US plane manufacturing company, has hired many military veterans to join its ranks. Boeing has put in place enabling factors such that the army hire retention rate stands at over 92% (Hess, 2017). The company seeks to integrate veterans into communities through Boeing’s program-Boeing Military & Veteran Engagement Team (BMVET). Besides, the company sponsors veterans’ aerospace symposiums.
Daigh, A. L. M. (2019). Diversity and Inclusion: Building a Vibrant Workplace. CSA News, 64(6), 26. https://doi.org/10.2134/csa2019.64.0615
Hess, A. J. (2017, November 10). The 10 best companies for veterans. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/10/the-10-best-companies-for-veterans.html
ILO. (n.d.). Empowering Women at Work Company Policies and Practices for Gender Equality. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_emp/—emp_ent/—multi/documents/publication/wcms_756721.pdf
Kirchner, M., & Minnis, S. (2018). Engaging military friendly in organizations: An empirical-based definition. Journal of Veterans Studies, 3(2), 94-108.
Tata. (2020, March). Mining Women’s Talent | Tata group. Www.tata.com. https://www.tata.com/newsroom/careers/mining-womens-talent-tata-steel
IBISWorld, I. (2019). IBISWorld – Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics. Ibisworld.com. https://www.ibisworld.com/
We’ll write everything from scratch
Before you begin this assignment, be sure to review the Module 2 Background readings.
You work as VP of Human Resources for a private-sector employer in an industry that has historically attracted only civilian males (for example, earth-moving equipment, steel making, etc.). Because of your organization’s great success in recruiting women and also military veterans, you want to write a press release as free publicity for your organization’s efforts. Prepare a 2-page attention-grabbing press release covering the following:

Recruitment of Females and Military Veterans
Importance of (a) hiring both genders and also of (b) hiring military veterans.
How has your private-sector organization overcome the difficulty of hiring women for jobs in an industry that historically has attracted only men?
Explain your best practices in targeted recruitment efforts in (a) hiring women and (b) military vets.
Bring in industry statistics from the IBIS World database in the Trident Online Library to enhance and deepen your information.
Bring in at least two other companies by name, preferably in the same industry as your spotlighted company:
A company that has been successful in hiring women for positions previously held by men.
A different company that has a strong practice of hiring military veterans.
For a discussion on writing a press release, with examples, refer to the following resource:
James, G. (2010). How do you write a press release with examples? Retrieved from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-to-write-a-press-release-with-examples/
Use at least three reputable outside sources plus any applicable background readings to strengthen your discussion.
To find information in IBIS World in the Trident Online Library, Search IBIS World by clicking on “Additional Sources” under the Library search box. Click on the question mark icon after the IBIS World heading to learn how to navigate the site.
Since this is an academic exercise, be sure to add a title page and reference page when you submit your press release.