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Exploring Y-DNA Surname Projects- Understanding Y-DNA Inheritance and Relationship Analysis

Exploring Y-DNA Surname Projects- Understanding Y-DNA Inheritance and Relationship Analysis

The sex chromosome pair in males comprises one X chromosome from their mother and one Y chromosome from their father. Y-DNA is passed down almost unchanged (Bettinger and Wayne, 2016). Thus, Y-DNA remains the same for many generations, making tracing paternal lineages possible. Y-DNA testing involves Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs).


Haplotypes are a combination of the Y-STRs (repeating regions in DNA strands, usually 1 to 6 base pairs) (Gymrek, 2017), while haplogroups are an association of the Y-SNPs (Navarro-López et al., 2021). They involve variations in a DNA sequence. Four different high-level haplogroups are represented in the Y-DNA Classic Chart of the Bettinger Project: G, I, J, and K haplogroups.

Closest Relatives

Following the Y-STR results, Philip Bettinger of haplogroup R-FGC28357 and Philip Bettinger of haplogroup R-M269 might be very closely related. They exhibit a total genetic distance of 4 seen at DYS710, DYS712, and DYS532 haplotypes of Y-DNA111 (“FamilyTreeDNA – Bettinger Surname DNA Project”, 2021). This is the smallest distance observed in the chart, implying that they are the most closely related persons.

The Y-DNA test-takers are related to each other in different genealogical timeframes. This is indicated by the large genetic distance value observed among the test takers. For example, Philip Bettinger (R-M269) and Barrett-Bettcher (R-M198) exhibit genetic distances at various haplotypes of the Y-DNA. Subsequently, the total genetic distance indicates the occurrence of many mutations in the STR markers, which in turn suggests the existence of many generations in connection to the common ancestor.

Recruiting More Members

According to the Bettinger Classic Chart, only six males are involved in the Project. Pursuing research on the origin of the surname in additional countries such as Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France would help recruit more participants for the Surname Project.


Y-DNA testing is essential for genealogical purposes and contributes to the Bettinger Surname Project by helping to understand paternal relationships and tracing patrilineal lineages. It does this through Y-STR and Y-SNP tests that are useful in classifying test-takers in their respective haplogroups.


Bettinger, B., & Wayne, D. (2016). Genetic Genealogy in Practice. National Genealogical Society.

FamilyTreeDNA – Bettinger Surname DNA Project. (2021).

Gymrek, M. (2017). A genomic view of short tandem repeats. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development44, 9-16.

Navarro-López, B., Granizo-Rodríguez, E., Palencia-Madrid, L., Raffone, C., Baeta, M., & de Pancorbo, M. (2021). Phylogeographic review of Y chromosome haplogroups in Europe. International Journal of Legal Medicine135(5), 1675-1684.


We’ll write everything from scratch


This project helps evaluate your understanding of Y-DNA, including the unique inheritance pattern of Y-DNA and using Y-DNA to understand relationships.

This is a project to study Y-DNA Surname Projects, followed by a series of questions. Follow the instructions below, and answer the following questions.

Exploring Y-DNA Surname Projects- Understanding Y-DNA Inheritance and Relationship Analysis

Instructions: A DNA Surname Project is a group of Y-DNA test-takers that compare their Y-DNA test results. Typically, the test-takers have the same surname or have related surnames. The Bettinger DNA Surname Project

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