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Exploring Research Methods- A Comparative Study of Inductive and Deductive Approaches

Exploring Research Methods- A Comparative Study of Inductive and Deductive Approaches

Inductive Approach

The research article “‘If we would change things outside, we wouldn’t even need to go in…’ supporting recovery via community-based actions: A focus group study on psychiatric rehospitalization” by Cresswell‐Smith et al. explores how prioritizing community-based actions could help support person-centered recovery strategies concerning psychiatric rehospitalization. The article creates a broader picture illustrating the association between community-based actions and experiences and how they affect mental health and act as barriers or facilitators of psychiatric rehospitalization. The researchers utilized qualitative data from the Comparative Effectiveness Research on Psychiatric Hospitalisation by Record Linkage of Large Administrative Data Sets (CEPHOS-LINK) project. The CEPHOS-LINK project had previously collected and studied quantitative and qualitative data on psychiatric rehospitalizations across various countries to gain insights into the lived experience of psychiatric rehospitalization (Cresswell-Smith et al., 2021). The current research aimed to expand on the previous study’s findings qualitatively. The CEPHOS-LINK project qualitative data was re-analyzed using thematic analysis. An inductive approach was utilized to derive themes and concepts that could help the researchers further understand the daily aspects of life that impacted mental health. The article concludes that mental health and patient recovery are determined by social factors: person-centered approaches and day-to-day community actions. Therefore, according to Cresswell-Smith et al. (2021), such community actions and a person-centered approach can act against or facilitate psychiatric rehospitalization.

The researchers used an inductive approach; their research used specific observations from a specific project. They intended to create a broader view of the influence of community-based actions on lived experiences and how such actions can support person-centered recovery approaches concerning psychiatric hospitalization. To arrive at such a generalizable conclusion, they collected data on the specific topic, coded and thematically analyzed the data, observed qualitative patterns, and suggested applicable theoretical approaches. The logical move from specific observations to general observations through thematic analysis requires an inductive approach (Kiger & Varpio, 2020). Do you need help with your assignment ? Get in touch with us at

Deductive Approach

The research article “The Theory of a co‐creative process in Advanced Palliative Home Care Nursing Encounters: A qualitative deductive approach over time” by Bergdahl et al. (2019) aimed to studying the theoretical conceptualization of the co‐creative process in-home care nursing encounters over time. They sought to further develop the co‐creative process theory and explain the application of its processes in nursing care and the development of caring relationships in the context of advanced palliative home care. The researchers collected qualitative data using interviews and observations from multiple case studies. In order to test the selected theoretical conceptualizations of the co‐creative process, the authors utilized a deductive analysis approach. The article concludes that co‐creative processes are complex due to the differences in the pace of their main, sub‐, and micro-processes. The main, sub, and micro-processes are paced differently and can only be applied differently to patients’ and relatives’ needs (Bergdahl et al., 2019).

In this article, the researchers intended to test the concepts of cooperative process theory in nursing within the context of advanced palliative care.  To test the theory, they needed to collect general data, create hypotheses to be tested, and analyze the data to test whether it supported or did not support their hypotheses before concluding. Such a process requires a deductive reasoning approach to the research.

Comparison of Inductive and Deductive Approaches

The comparison of the two articles, “‘If we would change things outside we wouldn’t even need to go in…’ supporting recovery via community‐based actions: A focus group study on psychiatric rehospitalization” and “The theory of a co‐creative process in advanced palliative home care nursing encounters: A qualitative deductive approach over time” using inductive and deductive approaches respectively highlight the differences and similarities of both approaches applied in research. As seen in the research article by Cresswell-Smith et al. (2021), using an inductive research approach, the research develops from specific observations of previous research and, through thematic analysis, identifies the patterns in such observations and data to develop a hypothesis. The article concludes by proposing general theoretical social approaches that can facilitate or hinder personal recovery and mental health and influence psychiatric hospitalization. Based on this research article, it can be observed that the inductive research approach is developed from observations and tends to move from largely specific observations to arrive at more generalized observations. Therefore, an inductive approach to research moves from a specific level of observations or data to generalized conclusions or theories.

On the other hand, the article by Bergdahl et al. (2019) using a deductive approach to social work research is developed from a more general point of a social theory, testing hypotheses, and making observations that can confirm whether such hypotheses are supported or not. Subsequently, this enabled the researchers to move from a general assumption on the concepts of the cooperative process theory and test the general assumptions to arrive at more specific facts about the theory within the context of palliative care. Accordingly, this shows that the deductive approach is the opposite of the inductive approach as it moves from a general level of focus or a general perspective of a social theory to arrive at specific conclusions. Therefore, inductive approaches develop from a social theory and then test the theory’s implications on a specific social phenomenon to develop replicable findings using contextual data (Pandey, 2019


Bergdahl, E., Ternestedt, B. M., Berterö, C., & Andershed, B. (2019). The theory of a co‐creative process in advanced palliative home care nursing encounters: A qualitative deductive approach over time. Nursing Open6(1), 175-188.

Cresswell‐Smith, J., Donisi, V., Rabbi, L., Sfetcu, R., Šprah, L., Straßmayr, C., & Ådnanes, M. (2021). ‘If we would change things outside, we wouldn’t even need to go in…’ Supporting recovery via community‐based actions: A focus group study on psychiatric rehospitalization. Health Expectations24, 174-184.

Kiger, M. E., & Varpio, L. (2020). Thematic analysis of qualitative data: AMEE Guide No. 131. Medical teacher42(8), 846-854.

Pandey, J. (2019). Deductive approach to content analysis. In Qualitative Techniques for workplace data analysis (pp. 145-169). IGI Global.


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Write at least a two to three-page paper using APA format, cite work, and include a reference page.

Find one article where the researcher used an inductive research approach, read the article, and provide a summary.

Exploring Research Methods- A Comparative Study of Inductive and Deductive Approaches

Exploring Research Methods- A Comparative Study of Inductive and Deductive Approaches

Then, find one article in which the researcher used a deductive approach. Read the article and provide a summary.
* Attach both research articles to the assignment.
3)Then compare the two types of research you found in your articles. Answer: Why did one researcher use a deductive approach and the other use an inductive approach?

Please Note: When citing sources on paper, please write in your own words. This teacher does not like quoting what the author says. She wants us to cite using our own words. Thank you
Again, please put the references in alphabetical order. Thank you

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