Exploring Participative Management and Effective Delegation- Factors Influencing Success
Participative management and effective decision-making are two important aspects of contemporary organizational management. The two are part of the management functions of managers in various organizations. Good managers use a participative management approach to carry out their management duties. Participative management involves employees in decision-making, problem-solving, empowerment, and supporting employees’ creativity (Ornoy, 2019). On the other hand, effective delegation is delegating the managers’ or supervisors’ duties to the subordinate staff and figuring out how certain problems would be solved. Effective delegation allows the junior staff to learn, grow, and become more capable, thus allowing the managers to focus on their main roles only as the subordinate’s minor roles are taken by the subordinate (Osman, 2019). In other words, an effective delegation is an approach that allows the management to put in place succession plans so that there would be a smooth transition in the event of a vacancy (Atanacio, 2012). The subordinates learn the managerial functions, and thus, when there is a vacancy in the managerial position, the empowered subordinates fill it. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.
While working in a hotel on the eastern coast, I realized that the management employed a participative management approach and effective delegation. The hotel was known for hosting people from various parts of the world, most of whom were tourists. The hotel industry is quite competitive, hence calling for managers to adopt unique management styles such as participative management and effective delegation to compete effectively. The managers at this hotel always engaged us in deciding what kind of meals we would be cooking every day. There were no specific meals to be cooked on particular days, but we all decided on what we would be cooking every single day.
While trying to find a solution to a particular problem, the managers ensured that they got our opinion before settling on one particular action. Supervisors delegated their duties of supervising the quality of the food we prepared. There was no need for supervisors to be always on the ground because they had delegated their duties to us, and we carried out our duties knowing that our supervisors trusted us. The managers ensured that they understood the work because they had been taught and mentored to perform the supervisory functions. The managers rarely employed newcomers whenever a vacancy appeared, but they always picked from the many employees to fill the vacancies.
Organizational culture is one of the determinants of participative management and effective delegation in an organization by the management. An organizational culture that is friendly and full of freedom provides good ground for participative management and effective delegation (Ibrahim, & Bahyaye, 2019). The managers set an organizational culture and it encompasses various aspects that make the social relationships among the employees live. Thus, participative management and effective delegation are part of the components of a good organizational culture (Ornoy, 2019). There is no way these two aspects could exist in a bad organizational culture. When managers delegate their duties to the subordinate, there is a sense of trust and confidence.
Bad leaders do no delegate duties because of mistrust. When managers use participative management by engaging junior employees on various issues, they value them. Only good managers would do so, but bad managers would not engage the employees but rather make decisions on their own and impose them on the juniors. Therefore, for participative management and effective delegation to exist in an organization, there must be a good organizational culture set by effective managers (Atanacio, 2012). The culture of the hotel I was working in encouraged the use of participative management and effective delegation because it consisted of friendliness, freedom of expression, and mutual respect among the employees. Thus, the managers of this hotel used this opportunity to delegate some of their duties and engaged us in making various decisions.
There were several instances when an ethical dilemma arose due to effective delegation and participative management in the hotel. One of the instances was when some of the employees decided to prepare unique food dubbed to be the Thailand cuisine. It was the first time the team cooked such food, and they learned to cook it from YouTube. However, the food was badly cooked, and the customers complained of stomach problems after eating the food. The management could not blame the team that cooked because the employees, through delegation, have been given the freedom to be creative. Therefore, it was an ethical dilemma that carried the blame since the customers were served with bad food because the managers and supervisors delegated their duties.
In solving this issue, the management apologized to the customers for the bad food and offered them a free dinner. The managers engaged the team that prepared the meal and advised the team to be cautious while trying to prepare unfamiliar meals. The steps are taken in making a decision before the incident were that the chefs I decided to try to cook a foreign cuisine so that visitors from different parts could have a unique meal. Thus, the team agreed and gathered information about the cuisine by watching a few YouTube videos on preparing the cuisine. The team went ahead to collect the materials necessary to prepare the food without consulting the supervisors.
Participative management and effective delegation boosted employee engagement. First, as junior employees, we felt a sense of belonging when the managers and supervisors asked for our opinions about various issues. Secondly, a delegation of duties boosted employee engagement because everyone was very keen to avoid mistakes that could cause mistrust and lack of confidence from our managers. When assigned duties, we completed them perfectly to prove that we were capable (Atanacio, 2012). Participative management and an effective delegation led to positive impacts on the hotel’s performance. The delegation made supervisors’ and managers’ work easy since they were left to concentrate on major duties as subordinates carried out some of their duties; hence, operations ran smoothly.
The second positive effect of effective delegation and participat9ive management was that many employees were mentored to become good leaders. Delegation of duties enabled us to learn and experience some managerial duties hence, preparing us for future careers (Atanacio, 2012). Delegation and participative management also led to improvement in efficiency; hence, quality service delivery to customers, making the hotel more competitive.
Atanacio, A. (2012). The Importance Of Delegating Effectively. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2020/06/15/the-importance-of-delegating-effectively/?sh=671a7dbf791c
Ibrahim, L & Bahyaye, H. (2019). Participative Management and Employee Perspective: Its Impact on Decision Making and Productivity in Nigeria. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Administration and Management. Volume 19 Issue 7 Version 1.0
Osman, H. (2019). Effective Delegation of Authority: A (Really) Short Book for New Managers About How to Delegate Work Using a Simple Delegation Process. Independently Published,
Ornoy, H. (2019). Management and Managers in Israel. Participative management: the effect of employees and managers’ exposure to and attitude towards participation in the management decision-making process – a case study of a public organization in Israel. Vol.25, Issue 3.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This week, we learned about the idea of participating in leadership. For this assignment, you will write a paper about participative management and effective delegation and the factors that can affect the success of these techniques.

Exploring Participative Management and Effective Delegation- Factors Influencing Success
• Use the resources in this Unit, as well as outside research, to describe participative management and effective delegation.
• Think of an organization that you are currently involved in or have been involved in the past.
o How are the concepts of participative management and effective delegation used at this organization?
o Does the culture of the organization contribute to the use of these concepts? Explain.
o Describe any instances in this organization where participative
management and effective delegation have brought up moral or ethical dilemmas.
How were these issues solved?
What steps were taken to make decisions in these instances?
o What effects do you think the use of participative management and
effective delegation have had on employee engagement?
o What effects have these techniques had on organizational performance? Requirements:
• Develop a clear introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. Focus on the quality of the content, as opposed to length.
• Research and include at least one additional, credible reference from an outside source.