Exploring of Medical Advancements and Prolonged Lifespan
The rapid development of healthcare-related services and medicine itself has proved far more capable than what it was believed to be in the past. The lifespan and even healthspan expectations for humans have changed significantly. Given that life expectancy has changed tremendously, society now faces people who live longer and spend much more on older generations. “The effect of population aging on future health services use depends on the relationship between longevity gains and health. Whether improvements in health will pair further gains in life expectancy is uncertain” (Wouterse, Huisman, Meijboom, Deeg, & Polder, 2015). Increases in life expectancy and health advancements will make aging far more complicated for younger generations. While living longer might come with more significant opportunities for some. This represents a social risk for others because older generations might have a dominant role in society, including politics and higher government spending on health. However, when considering the developments of medicine and health-related services, “comparing different health scenarios resulting in the same life expectancy, we show that health improvements contain costs when they decrease morbidity but not mortality. This suggests that investing in healthy aging can contribute to containing health expenditure growth” (Wouterse, Huisman, Meijboom, Deeg, & Polder, 2015). Do you need help with your assignment ? Feel free to contact us. Our team is ready to help.
Wouterse, B., Huisman, M., Meijboom, B. R., Deeg, D. J., & Polder, J. J. (2015). The effect of trends in health and longevity on health services use by older adults. BMC health services research, 15, 574. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-1239-8
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175 – 265 words

Exploring of Medical Advancements and Prolonged Lifespan
Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference
Respond to the following:
- How have continued development in medicine and health-related services impacted our lifespan?
- Will these developments continue? Explain.