Exploring Integrative Bargaining, Relations by Objectives Training, and the Bucket Collective Bargaining Model
What is integrative bargaining? What solutions does it seek?
Integrative bargaining refers to a negotiating strategy in which parties collaborate to find a mutually beneficial solution to their conflict (Bordone, 2021). The solutions sought to establish a win-win situation by ensuring that the interests of the disputing parties are met.
Explain the features of relations by the objectives training program.
The Relations by Objectives training program is a detailed conflict resolution program intended to improve interactions between management and employees or workers by conjointly identifying action steps to address training, production, relationship, and communication needs within an organization. The program’s success depends on having proactive parties and a declared commitment and involvement of key officials at all management and labor levels. Another feature is that discussion of the parties’ collective bargaining agreements occurs during the program. Parties also develop a platform from which they can start addressing daily challenges with value-added labor-management collaboration upon completing the program.
What are the five (5) “buckets” in a bucket collective bargaining model?
The five buckets in a bucket collective bargaining model are redesign, update, economic, repair, and discussion. Parties are required to review a settlement guideline before bargaining starts on economic issues (Fossum, 2015). After a settlement has been reached, interest-based bargaining on economic issues starts. All issues may be resolved during this step, but a final reconciliation is done when redesign or repair issues remain or when the settlement guidelines are not confirmed.
How do gainsharing plans benefit both employers and employees?
Gainsharing plans benefit employers by promoting better employee engagement in the production process and promoting high-quality work. The plans also motivate employees to perform well and cultivate a sense of pride in their achievements at the workplace (Collins, 2018). This creates indirect benefits such as lower employee turnover levels and reduced time and money spent training new employees. Gainsharing also benefits employees by ensuring that they are adequately compensated for their work because the employer is able to manage employee payrolls.
Unions adopt one of five (5) reactions to innovative workplace initiatives. What are they?
The five reactions adopted by unions to innovative workplace initiatives are; let management lead and see what results, “Just say no,” cooperate or collaborate, become involved for political protection and assert union interests.
Discuss the impact of workplace restructuring in the past 35 years.
The restructuring that has occurred over the past 35 years has increased work intensity and decreased the number of employees in manufacturing jobs. This resulted in a reduction in management layers. During the early 1990s, companies that used High-Performance Work Organizations experienced a rise in layoff rates, and employees did not receive net compensation gain. The layoffs were negatively associated with skill levels, sales gains, employee age, the proportion of female employees, and employee age. The layoffs were also positively related to the rise of Higher Performance Work Organizations and blue-collar workers. The rise in wages was attributed to an increase in sales and negatively related to the ratio of female employees and employee age.
What are the three (3) possible positions concerning individual rights under collective bargaining agreements?
Wells (2018) argues that the three possible positions concerning individual rights based on collective bargaining agreements are;
Individuals should be allowed to process complaints about seniority, discharge, and payment cases.
Individuals have a bestowed right to use the grievance process through arbitration if they prefer it.
The union, as a collective body, should be free to decide the elements or features of a worthy complaint and how far the complaint should be handled.
What are the six (6) principles of fair union representation established by the U.S. Supreme Court?
According to Roche et al. (2014), the six principles of fair union representation established by the U.S Supreme Court are;
Although the union is authorized to determine the relative merit of a complaint, it ought to observe diligence in investigating the condition resulting in the grievance.
Employees are entitled to contract terms that are applied to their benefit.
Settlement based on personal reasons by union officials comprises bad faith
An employee is not entitled to insist on a personal explanation of a contract term
An individual should have a complaint decided on its own merits and not traded for other complaint settlements.
No individual can authorize a union to process a grievance to arbitration, but every individual should have equal access to grievance processes.
How does the union steward’s personality play a role in grievance resolution?
A union steward’s personality influences how they address a grievance. For instance, a steward with higher needs for dominance and autonomy tends to settle grievances informally, while those who are more committed to the union exhibit lower grievance activism.
Bordone, R. C. (2021). Strengthening integrative bargaining. Discussions in Dispute Resolution, 89-93. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197513248.003.0019
Collins, D. (2018). Gainsharing and power: Lessons from six Scanlon plans. Cornell University Press.
Fossum, J. A. (2015). Labor relations: Development, structure, process. McGraw-Hill Education.
Roche, W. K., Teague, P., & Colvin, A. J. (2014). The Oxford handbook of conflict management in organizations. Oxford University Press.
Wells, D. (2018). From collective bargaining to collective begging: State expansion and restriction of collective bargaining rights in the public sector.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This quiz contains 9 short answer questions on topics from Chapters 13 and 14 of your text. Your answers should be 1-3 paragraphs long and will be worth a total of 100 points.
To avoid timing out when you take the quiz, prepare answers to the following essay questions in a document beforehand.

Exploring Integrative Bargaining, Relations by Objectives Training, and the Bucket Collective Bargaining Model
What is integrative bargaining? What solutions does it seek?
Explain the features of relations by the objectives training program.
What are the five (5) “buckets” in a bucket collective bargaining model?
How do gainsharing plans benefit both employers and employees?
Unions adopt one of five (5) reactions to innovative workplace initiatives. What are they?
Discuss the impact of workplace restructuring in the past 35 years.
What are the three (3) possible positions concerning individual rights under collective bargaining agreements?
What are the six (6) principles of fair union representation established by the U.S. Supreme Court?
How does the union steward’s personality play a role in grievance resolution?