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Exploring Centenarians Lives- Perspectives Key Questions and the Impact of Social Isolation

Exploring Centenarians Lives- Perspectives Key Questions and the Impact of Social Isolation

I think people who live past a hundred are among the luckiest people in the world. Though most of them rely on their families and friends for survival over a hundred years, it is just fun to be around them. They are knowledgeable because they have seen a lot in their life, both good and bad. They have lived their lives to the fullest and enjoyed happy and unhappy moments, unlike the people whose lives are cut short at a younger age.

If I had an opportunity to interact with a centenarian, I would ask them some questions to better understand their generation. They include what they remember about their childhood and where they lived when growing up, what they remember about their grandparents, parents, children, spouses, and siblings, and what they did as a family for fun. The most important lessons they have learned in life can be passed on to other people. What would they like to be remembered for, and what is their impact on society? How they met their spouses and how marriage and bringing up children was for them.

There are some characteristics common among the centenarians. They all have a purpose in life- a reason for waking up each day and always being optimistic about life. They eat healthy foods and in small amounts, ensuring a low amount of calories get in their body (Buettner, 2009). They are active and stay physically fit. They have good genes that postpone chronic diseases. They feel connected to society and their family and respected.

Humans are social beings, so loneliness and isolation can pose a great risk to the health of the aged. They can develop mental and physical conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, or even death. Loneliness and isolation can be due to the death of a spouse, loss of mobility, separation from friends and family, and retirement. Loneliness and isolation are not good for any human being, especially aged people. They are at a higher risk of health conditions than younger people.


Buettner, D. (2009). How to live to be 100 [Video]. Retrieved 10 January 2022, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


What is your perspective on individuals living in the past 100 years?
If you had the opportunity to meet a Centenarian, what five questions would you ask to better understand this generation?

Exploring Centenarians Lives- Perspectives Key Questions and the Impact of Social Isolation

Exploring Centenarians Lives- Perspectives Key Questions and the Impact of Social Isolation

Did you notice any similarities or differences between the Centenarians from the 1980s video “Living to 100 Years of Age” and the Ted Talk above?
How can loneliness and social isolation impact older adults as they age?

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