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Exploiting Natural Resources

Exploiting Natural Resources 

Multinational corporations (MNCs), especially those operating in mining natural resources, are often blamed for going against corporate social responsibility. Practicing corporate social responsibility is an ethical value that is expected from all corporations. However, one May ask if these multinational corporations have an ethical obligation to practice CSR (Wharton University, 2005). Otherwise, no corporation is obligated to practice some social responsibility philanthropy activities, but it is an ethical call. Milton Friedman, an American economist, argued against business organizations participating in CSR. He argued that the main reason why corporations are in business is to make a profit, not to do philanthropy work (Tepper, 2020). Therefore, his argument was simply that business organizations have no whatsoever responsibility to the public or society.

Nevertheless, other economists, environmentalists, and sociologists critique his reasoning, stating that corporations should be guided by the law to be responsible in their operations. They urge Multinational corporations to act ethically by helping the needy in the communities. They also compel corporations to adopt sustainable operations to protect the environment (Monshpouri, Welch, & Kennedy, 2013). Their operations need not interfere with the natural environment since doing so could lead to disasters.

For instance, in Bolivia’s case study, corporations have been exploiting the Lithium resources, but the community that lives in the region has nothing to show off. It is Bolivia and African countries such as Congo, Tanzania, and many more experience the same situation Bolivia does. Africa’s huge minerals deposit area is exploited by foreign MNCs who are careless in that they are only interested in the minerals but not the people and the environment (Monshpouri, Welch,& Kennedy, 2013). This unethical behavior must be stopped. Corporations that should be allowed to extract Bolivia’s lithium must act ethically by helping the people around to uplift their standard of living. Moreover, that corporation must be ready to prioritize environmental conservation.

Corporations tend to exploit natural resources in an unethical manner, where most of them destroy the environment as they operate. Others use the community around them instead of helping them also benefit from the resources from their land. In the current 21st century, MNCs should understand that corporate social responsibility is no longer an option but a necessity; they must participate in it not only for their own good but also for the good of the communities in an entirely natural environment.


Hill, C & Hult, T. (2016). Global Business Today. Retrieved from

Monshpouri, M., Welch, C. & Kennedy, E. (2013). Multinational Corporations and the Ethics of Global Responsibility: Problems and Possibilities. Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 25, No. 4 (Nov. 2003), pp. 965-989 (25 pages) Published By the Johns Hopkins University Press.

Tepper, T. (2020). Milton Friedman on the Social Responsibility of Business, 50 Years Later. Retrieve from

Wharton, University. (2005). Do Multinational Corporations Have an Ethical Obligation to Assist Those in Need? Retrieved from


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Exploiting Natural Resources

Across Africa and South America (in the video – Bolivia) MNC’s are searching for and extracting resources. How can an MNC go about this ethically and in a way that satisfies their many stakeholders? Give examples from the eText, the video or from other research you have done.

Exploiting Natural Resources

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