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Evolution of Art Interpretation

Evolution of Art Interpretation

The contemporary art above is known as ‘Embrace’, painted by Malcolm T. Liepke in 2019 (Artsy, 2022). This is one of the most outstanding works that the artist has made, seemingly easy to read. The art shows a couple in bed, with the guy embracing the lady. They seem like an ordinary couple in love and embracing the way people in love do during sleep. Typically, the artist’s brushstrokes and the dusty grey-green skin tones tend to fill the couple with a fleshy sensuality. At the same time, simple expressions and gestures express emotions.

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How do the political, philosophical, religious, and social contexts impact the art of today?

Art tends to deliver religious, philosophical, political, and social themes present in the community. The contexts affect art because they all have values that artists may be required to consider if they expect their art to be accepted by the community. In considering the religious, philosophical, political, and social values, artists may not be able to deliver the message that they intend to. As such, the contexts affect society’s judgment of art. According to Gaut (2001), the link between art and ethics has been at the forefront of numerous contemporary controversies.

How does Contemporary Art differ from other movements that you studied earlier in this course?

Typically, contemporary art tends to differ in that there are no regulations binding it. This is contrary to other movements studied in this course, as they had restrictions from religious, governmental, or social bias. The artists who were bold enough to go against the biases were considered outsiders.

What differences are there between the ways you interpreted that work of art in Week 1 to your interpretation now?

The difference is that this interpretation is much easier and more direct compared to the previous one. Additionally, there are new realizations into these interpretations in the sense of looking beyond what is presented or rather examining the story that could be behind an art. Typically, the lesson is that there is a lot more to art than what is presented, and deeper exploration only gives a concrete interpretation.

How will these changes impact the way you view art moving forward?

Moving forward, the most significant change in the approach to judging art will most definitely be the analytical procedure, owing to the concepts I have learned in this course. I will allow art to speak to me so that I can make great judgments.


Artsy. (2022). Malcolm T. Liepke | Embrace (2019) | Artsy. Artsy — Discover, Buy, and Sell Fine Art.

Gaut, B. (2001). Art and ethics. The Routledge companion to aesthetics, 341-352.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 10 and 11 of the textbook. Select a contemporary work of art or architecture from the textbook, or a website listed on the ART101 Museum and Images Website Download the ART101 Museum and Images Website document, one of the assigned virtual reality videos, or visit your local museum.

Evolution of Art Interpretation

Your work of art should be one that you have not already examined elsewhere in this class, with the exception of the Week 3 assignment.

Provide a brief analysis of the work of art using the art history-specific vocabulary and methods for approaching art you have learned over the past five weeks. Consider the media (materials), methods, subjects of the work of art, and the reflections of the region and Contemporary Art movement. You may want to revisit the Writing Center’s Summary vs. Analysis (Links to an external site.). In your analysis, answer the following questions:

How do the political, philosophical, religious, and social contexts impact the art of today?
How does Contemporary Art differ from other movements that you studied earlier in this course?
Reflect upon how your interpretation of art has changed since you examined A Fall with the Rebel Angels in the Post Your Introduction discussion in Week 1, and address the following:

What differences are there between the ways you interpreted that work of art in Week 1 to your interpretation now?
How will these changes impact the way you view art moving forward?
Your initial post must be at least 200 words in length.

Cite your sources as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.) guides on APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.). For works of art, follow the APA Style reference entry format using the APA Style: Artwork References (Links to an external site.) webpage as a guide.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. By day 7, provide a substantive response to at least two of your classmates by commenting on how their interpretations of art have changed. How are these changes similar or different from what you have experienced?

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