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Evaluating Teacher Candidates-The Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI)

Evaluating Teacher Candidates-The Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI)

VITAL INFORMATION: Each section of the lesson plans has examples of standards listed: CAEP, InTASC, TGR, TIAI & ISTE. Depending on the type of objectives, instructions, activities, technology, and assessments written in the lesson plan will determine which standards to list.

* You are only required to identify the TIAI standard within the lesson plan, but it is a good habit to list all standards that apply.

Subjects (s) & Topic(s) Covered:


CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7; TGR 1; TIAI 1

Subject(s): Math

Topic(s): Operation and Algebraic Thinking


CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7; TGR 1; TIAI 1

3rd Grade

Mississippi College & Career Standard(s)

Anchor Standard(s)

Integrated Standard(s)

CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7; TGR 1; TIAI 1


MCCRS3.OA.4: Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers with factors 0-10 (MDE, 2016).

MCCRS3.OA.7: Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division or properties of operations. Know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers and fully understand the concept when a remainder does not exist under division (MDE, 2016).



Provide objective for each standard.

CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7; TGR 1; TIAI 1


CCR Objective(s)

Integrated Objective(s)

CAEP R1.2 & R1.3; InTasc 4 & 7; TGR 4; TIAI 3

Social Emotional Objective-Optional

TSW will demonstrate their proficiency in solving for the unknown whole number in multiplication and division equations with an 80% accuracy rate (Bloom’s Knowledge).

TSW applies different strategies in multiplying and dividing digits within 100, including associating the relationship between multiplication and division with 85% accuracy (Bloom’s Knowledge).

TSW recognizes all the products of two one-digit numbers and acknowledges the inexistence of reminders in division operation by correctly computing all problems with 80% accuracy (Bloom’s Knowledge).



CAEP R1.3; InTasc 6; TGR 3; TIAI 5,7 & 8


Provide feedback on assessments or rubrics.

CAEP R1.3; InTasc 6; TGR 3; TIAI 7 & 18

TTW conducts a formative and summative assessment.

Formative assessments will help the teacher understand students’ strengths and weaknesses in solving multiplication and division equations, where the teacher will provide constructive feedback and instructions to address their weaknesses.

Summative assessments will be issued at the end of the lesson to evaluate students’ proficiency in the learning concepts.

TTW use checklists to record students’ results.



CAEP R1.1; InTasc 3; TGR 5; TIAI 13

TTW wil give direct instructions on multiplication and division equations for the students to solve. TSW work collaboratively with their peers in solving some of the equations in group activities. TSW also work independently in computing the problems, which will help the teacher assess their proficiency.
Time Allotment:

CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7; TGR 6; TIAI 24

50 minutes

*Copies of all worksheets, pretests, test, checklists, rubrics & graphic organizer

* Answers are provided


Student Materials

o   Pencils (1 per student)

o   Eraser (1 per student)

o   Writing sheets

o   Manipulative chips

Teacher Materials

o   A whiteboard

o   A dry-erase maker

o   Eraser

o   Multiplication worksheets (1 per student)

o   Division worksheets (1 per student)


CAEP R1.1; InTasc 2; TGR 2; TIAI 2 & 4

List websites, title of teacher’s manual(s), student textbook & pictures of scaffolding documents.


Multiplication worksheet                                        Division worksheet


Key Vocabulary:

CAEP R1.2 & 3; InTasc 4 & 8; TGR 2 &4; TIAI 4 & 14

Vocabulary terms from the scaffolding document and or the content.

Multiplication – The repeated addition of a number concerning another number.

Division – Sharing or breaking a number into equal parts and counting the total equal parts the number makes.


APA citation, title & brief summary

(Cite research procedures within your lesson plan.) Lesson Plans should incorporate a variety of research strategies. Two samples are provided on the explanation sheet but will not count for an answer.


Unit requirement: Provide a variety of teaching strategies in multiple lesson plans.

CAEP R1.1; InTasc 2; TGR 2; TIAI 2


Mississippi Department of Education. (2016, September ). Mississippi College and Career Readiness standards for Mathematics Scaffolding document. Mississippi Department of Education, 1-33.

This article contains mathematics standards for grade 3.

Na, G., & Choi, J. (2022). Relating students’ early algebraic thinking to mathematics curriculum materials. Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics32(3), 373-394.

This journal article guides teachers on how to integrate algebraic skills.

Bloom’s taxonomy of measurable verbs

VERBS, C. L. I. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs. Center for Teaching & Learning/The University of Georgia| ctl. uga. edu, 706, 1355.

This article provides measurable verbs for the learning objectives.


*You will notice “(Pacing: ___ minutes)” under each section title. Part of planning a successful lesson is pacing. As you plan, you will need to list the anticipated time needed for your 1) Introduction, 2) Procedures, and 3) Closure. They must equal the time listed in the “Time Allotment” section above.


(Pacing: _10_ minutes)

CAEP R1.1, R1.3 & R1.4; InTasc 1,2,3,4,5 & 8; TGR 1,2,4 & 8; TIAI 4 & 14


Use Real Life Connection

CAEP R1.4; InTasc 10; TGR 9; TIAI 19

TTW begins the lesson by greeting the students and inquiring about their well-being. TTW says, “Good morning, class.” TSW responded, “Good morning, teacher.” TTW continued, “How are you doing today?” “We are fine, thank you,” TSW replied. TTW says, “Today, we are going to work on multiplication and division. Can anyone tell us their understanding of the terms multiply and divide?” TSW raises their hands as the teacher pinpoints one at a time to express their understanding of the term. TTW engages the class in mental thinking problems to help the students brainstorm on prior knowledge of multiplication and division. TTW asks, “I have 15 apples. If I share the apples among five students equally, how many apples will each student get?” TTW gives the students two minutes to internalize the information and respond to the question. TTW asks, “There are three students. Each student has two books. How many books are there all together?” After the students respond to the question, TTW introduces the lesson’s learning objectives. TTW says, “Today, we will identify the unknowns in the multiplication and division equations. We will solve problems within 100 and practice memorizing two one-digit numbers’ products. Pay attention to the demonstrations.”

(Pacing: _35_ minutes)

CAEP R1.1; InTasc 1,2,3,4,5 & 8; TGR 1,2,4 & 8; TIAI 4, 14 & 17


I Do-Teacher Models thinking skills in sequential order. Scaffolding documents or resources related to similar content areas are used.

 CAEP R1.2 &R1.3; InTasc 8; TGR 2; TIAI 4


Integrates Content into the lesson.

CAEP R1.2; InTasc 4; TGR 4; TIAI 3


We Do-Teacher & students work together.

Guided Practice CAEP R1.2 & R1.3; InTasc 1,2,3,4,5 & 8; TGR 1,2,4 & 8; TIAI 4, 14, 17 & 18


You Do-Student independent practice.

If students do not understand, then I will teach it this way…

CAEP R1.1 & R1.3; InTasc 1,2,3,4,5 & 8; TGR 1,2,4 & 8; TIAI 4, 14 & 17

Integrates Content

CAEP R1.2; InTasc 4; TGR 4; TIAI 3


Enthusiasm by teacher/students

CAEP R1.1; InTasc 3; TGR 7; TIAI 12


Cite research procedures within your lesson plan. CAEP R1.1; InTasc 2; TGR 2; TIAI 2


Teacher communicates high expectations-

(List questions to be asked and labeled Blooms or DOK (Depth of Knowledge).)

CAEP R1.1, R1.2; InTasc 2 & 5; TGR 2 & 4; TIAI 11 & 17


Clear Oral & Written directions are provided. CAEP R1.1; InTasc 3; TGR 4; TIAI 9 & 10


(Unit) In one or two lesson plans

Technology is provided-CAEP R1.3; InTasc 7 & 8; TGR 4 & 6; ISTE 5, 6 & 7; TIAI 6 & 15

TC (Teacher Candidate) will offer students a “choice or freedom.”

TC will design rubric with students.

CAEP R1.1; InTasc 3; TGR 5; TIAI 14 & 17

Our class activities will involve collaborative and independent activities. First, I will demonstrate what we are expected to do to solve the problem. Then, we will work as a class to answer multiplication and division equations. Later, each student will work individually on the assigned problems.

I Do

TTW says, “In our first activity, we will identify the missing number to complete the equation. Our first equation is 5 × _ = 20. To compute for the unknown, we repeatedly ask ourselves how many times we will add 5 to get 20:

5 + 5 = 10 + 5 = 15 + 5 = 20. Then, we count the number of times 5 appeals in the addition. Our unknown is 4.

Let us look at the second example, 4 × 6 = _. In this problem, we add 4 six times:

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 =

4 + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12 + 4 = 16 + 4 = 20 + 4 = 24

The answer to the problem is 24.

Now, let us solve division problems: 50÷10=_. To solve this equation, we ask ourselves if the number 50 can be shared by 10. We can still use the addition strategy:

10 + 10 = 20 + 10 = 30 + 10 = 40 + 10 = 50

Since then appeals 5 times, the unknown in the above equation is 5.

Our next equation is 45 ÷ 9 = _. We sum up nine repeatedly until we get 45.

9 + 9 = 18 + 9 = 27 + 9 = 36 + 9 = 45. Hence, 45 ÷ 9 = 5. With the demonstration given, I want us to solve a few equations together.


We Do

TTW asks, “Can anyone tell us how to solve this problem: _× 6 = 36.” TSW raises their hand while the teacher appoints one of them to respond to the problem. A student will respond, “We will add 6 multiple times until the result is 36. Then we will count the number of times 6 appeals to get the answer.” “Good explanation,” TTW commented. TTW will guide the students in summing up 6 as the students add up each step, answering. TTW asks, “6 + 6 equals what?” TSW responded, “12.” 12+6? “18” 18+6? “24” 24+6? “30” 30+6? “36”. Now that we have the product of 36, how many times does 6 occur?” TTW will ask. A student will respond, “Six times.” “Correct! Our unknown is 6,” TTW will comment. TTW will guide the students through the following examples using the same steps: 9 × 7 =_, 8 × 3 =_, 40 ÷ 5=_, 81 ÷ 9 =_, and 56 ÷ _= 8. The students will solve the equations in groups of three.


You Do

After completing the examples through class collaboration, TTW will provide the students with the assessment worksheets for them to solve the problems. TTW says, “Let everyone resume their sitting positions. I am issuing you with a multiplication and a division worksheet. You will solve all the problems with proficiency.” TTW gives the students 15 minutes to work on the problems.


(Pacing: _5_ minutes)

CAEP R1.1 & R1.3; InTasc 1,2,3,4,5 & 8; TGR 1,2,4 & 8; TIAI 4 & 14


Towards the end of the lesson, TTW will help the students review the skills they learned. TTW also appreciates the students’ participation and contribution to the class’s success. TTW says, “Well done for your active engagement in the learning activity. I will mark your work and bring back your scores in the next lesson. However, I can see some students did not solve all the problems completely. I will guide you on improving in solving the multiplication and division problem. This lesson is instrumental in your academic performance since it will help you solve all related problems in the final exams. Also, the lesson gives you skills to treat everyone equally by sharing things equally.”

CAEP R1.1 & R1.3, 1.4; InTasc 1 & 5; TGR 2; TIAI 16 & 17

Scaffolding documents or resources related to similar content areas are used.

Research-based activities are preferred in the remediation section.

Remediation: TTW will give students who did not complete the assessment test additional problems to compute. TTW says, “If you did not solve all the problems in the assessment worksheets, write the following equations on your working space: _× 4 = 16, 20 ÷ 5=_, 36 ÷_= 4, 7 × 4 =_, 9 ×_= 72. You can ask your parents and guardians to help you solve the problems when you encounter challenges.


  Enrichment: TTW gives students who require mastery skills on multiplication and division problems for products above 100. TTW says, “Those students who completed the test work on the following equations: 11 × 10 =_, 202 × 5 =_, 200 ÷ 10 = _, 12 ×_= 144, 15 × 9 =_, and 160 ÷_= 20. You can seek assistance from your parents and guardians.”


Professional Responsibilities:

CAEP R1.4; InTasc 10; TGR 9; ISTE 4; TIAI 25

The teacher candidate will collaborate with colleagues to increase their teaching skills to integrate the learning concept effectively.

The teacher candidate will also attend seminars and training programs to develop professional skills and improve class management strategies.

Name:                                                                                                Teaching Date:                                         MUW


We’ll write everything from scratch


Description: For the evaluation of the student teaching experience, the Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI) is a state-proprietary instrument used to evaluate all teacher candidates completing a licensure program. The TIAI evaluation rubric is aligned with the Mississippi Statewide Teacher Growth Rubric (TGR), which is used by MDE to assess practicing teachers in the classroom, and the InTASC Standards.

Evaluating Teacher Candidates-The Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI)

Evaluating Teacher Candidates-The Teacher Intern Assessment Instrument (TIAI)

Purpose: The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a comprehensive assessment (both formative and summative) of instructional practices of teacher candidates.


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