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Evaluating Research Methodology- Key Criteria for Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Integrity in Scholarly and Professional Work

Evaluating Research Methodology- Key Criteria for Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Integrity in Scholarly and Professional Work

In research endeavors, several critical aspects need to be considered to determine the type of literature suitable for use as a source of evidence and reliable information to back up the study. Looking at the various sections of a research article, a lot can be derived about the suitability of such an article as a source of credible information. The overview in the abstract provides a summary of the research article. Other sections, such as the study sample and sampling methods, methods of data collection used, steps that ensure internal and external validity, data analysis strategy, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and implications of the study, also provide information about the suitability of the article. In the future, when looking for high-quality, reliable, and scholarly articles to support academic and professional work, there are five areas of the article that should be examined.

Notably, the most important aspect that should be examined is actually not a section of the research article but determines whether the whole article is fit for scholarly use or not. The overall credibility of the article is defined by the clarity, accuracy, and trustworthiness of the information source (Buttram, MacMillan, & Thompson, 2014). Clarity regards the ease of understanding the article, accuracy entails how well the information is documented, and trustworthiness refers to how believable the information is for a scholarly. A credible source is from credible sources, organizations, institutions, and entities acknowledged for such information. For journal articles and books, they must be peer-reviewed and accredited for use as references (Buttram, MacMillan, & Thompson, 2014). The authors or researchers of the articles should also be experienced and credible in their field of expertise.

An article should also be discarded and regarded inappropriate for use as a source of information if any of the following sections is questionable;

Recruitment of the Study Sample: This is among the preliminary stage that ensures whether a piece of literature is fit or unfit for consumption. The method of sample selection and the sample size should be outlined clearly. The sample selected in a study should also be large enough to avoid sampling errors.

Methods of Data Collection: The method of data collection should be suitable for the framework and study methodology adopted in the study (Taherdoost, 2016). For a qualitative research study, qualitative data collection methods should be used and likewise for quantitative studies.

Data Analysis Methods: The data analysis methods used should align with the objectives and research questions that the study seeks to answer. The analysis method should also be appropriate for the type of data collected. For instance, data that requires a T-test may be inappropriate for an ANOVA test.

Steps of Improving Internal and External Validity: There are several ways to ensure internal and external validity in a research as well as reliability of the study. Every piece of literature that qualifies as a source of information should highlight ways that were employed to ensure the validity and reliability of the research tools and instruments (Taherdoost, 2016). This enables a researcher to decide whether the source is a reliable reference.

Methods of Presenting Findings: The method of data analysis chosen determines the method of presenting the analyses and findings. These aspects should be consistent. Qualitative methods should employ qualitative methods of presenting data.


Buttram, C., MacMillan, D., & Thompson, L. (2014). Source Credibility: How To Select The Best Sources. UNA Center for Writing Excellence. Available from

Taherdoost, H. (2016). Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument; How to Test the Validation of a Questionnaire/Survey in a Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management. 5. 28-36. 10.2139/ssrn.3205040.


We’ll write everything from scratch


This course is about learning to be a good consumer of research literature. You have learned a great deal about the parts of research articles and the standard information you can generally expect to find, from the overview of the abstract to recruitment of the study sample, the methods of data collection, steps taken to improve external validity, and assure reliability, the data analysis, hypothesis testing, to the conclusions, discussion, and/or implications of the study (this is not an exhaustive list of parts of a research article!). Note that there is one aspect that is not actually a “section” of the research article itself. Still, it is a very important element to consider when determining which research articles to “consume.” (hint: it should be the first thing to consider before you even get to your list of 5 elements!).

Evaluating Research Methodology- Key Criteria for Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Integrity in Scholarly and Professional Work

Evaluating Research Methodology- Key Criteria for Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Integrity in Scholarly and Professional Work

Now, I want you to put on your Research Literature Consumer hat and, in a well-supported and scholarly post, speak to your knowledge of the following:

…. In the future, when I am reviewing the published literature for high-quality and reliable research articles to support the scholarly and professional work that I am doing, I will closely examine the following five areas of the article to determine if the research methodology is reliable and ethical enough to use as an evidence-based source.

I will discard the article if any of the five areas are questionable, which is why….

Remember, this course is about recognizing and using evidence. So, in order to earn full points, you will need to support each of your postings with the appropriate evidence.

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