Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
This subject is the subject of intense discussion. On the one hand, some individuals contend that doctors should be legally prohibited because it might harm the mother and the offspring to implant more fertilized eggs than a set number. However, other individuals contend that since this is a personal choice, the parents should make it.
Personally, I think that the parents should decide on this in cooperation with their doctor as it is a private matter. I disagree that the government should make this choice. Parents should choose what is best for themselves and their families because every scenario differs.
However, suppose the physicians should be restricted to a certain number of implantation. In that case, this operation should have a legal cap on the quantity of fertilized eggs a doctor can implant. I believe that doing this would assist in guaranteeing that there aren’t too many eggs in the woman’s body and that the eggs have a greater chance of surviving. I believe that fertilized eggs that are not utilized for in vitro fertilization should be donated to research centers so they can be used to advance our understanding of early development and fertility.
Required Textbook: Pozgar, G. (2021) “Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration,” 3rdEdition, Burlington, MA: Jones & BartlettISBN: 978-1-284221794 or EBook: 978-1284055726
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Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
Discussion Topic-

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
Not too long ago, a single woman with several children underwent in vitro fertilization and gave birth to octuplets, eight live babies. The woman stated she did this intentionally because it was not right to throw away the frozen fertilized eggs, that they should be given a chance at life. Below is a link to an article about this situation. Feel free to search for and read some of the news coverage of this situation. 2018.html#:~:text=It%20was%20hard%20to%20believe,the%20C%2Dsection%20when%20Ms
In this week’s Discussion Forum, please discuss whether physicians should be legally restricted from implanting more than a certain number (such as three) of fertilized eggs as part of this procedure. What are your thoughts on what should be done with fertilized eggs not implanted into a woman’s womb?
At least 250 words, APA Format
Required Textbook: Pozgar, G. (2021) “Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration,” 3rdEdition, Burlington, MA: Jones & BartlettISBN: 978-1-284221794 or EBook: 978-1284055726