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Enhancing Motivation and Performance

Enhancing Motivation and Performance

Employee motivation is important as it allows an organization to meet its goals (Dobre, 2013). Motivated employees can result in increased productivity which allows an organization to achieve output levels that are high. Other benefits of motivating employees include increased commitment by employees which results in staff putting their best effort in their assigned tasks; enhanced employee satisfaction which can lead to positive organization growth; continuous employee development that facilitates an individual to reach personal goals and self-development; enhanced employee efficiency based on a good balance between willingness to perform a given task and ability to perform the same(Shields, Brown, Kaine, et al., 2015). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

Motivation Channels at My Former Workplace

In the organization that I worked for, the human resource department and departmental heads worked together to enhance performance and motivation. The selection criterion that was used ensured that only the most qualified persons were awarded the jobs that were advertised as vacant. Internal vacancies were advertised via the intranet and those who had improved their skills and enhanced their curriculum vitae through additional schooling or training were encouraged to apply from which the best candidate was awarded the job. This motivated staff to increase their skills and knowledge for future advertised vacancies. Training programs were often prepared and organized by the HR department. Departmental heads were tasked with identifying the training needs of staff under their supervision, and these were encouraged to enroll in the training programs. The training programs were done either face-to-face or via the training portal in the organization’s intranet. Another motivation that the organization used was profit sharing. The organization ensured that every month after the annual financial report was released, the employees were given a bonus. The bonus was calculated on the basis of the KPI results reached by the individual staff. The KPI results were calculated a month prior to the release of the annual financial report. This encouraged staff to improve their productivity so as to reach high KPI percentages which translated into higher bonuses from the profit-sharing pool.


However, the organization that I worked in did not utilize team-based rewards, career paths, and skill-based rewards as motivational tools. Based on hindsight, I believe that a team-based reward mechanism would have had a significant impact in motivating employees (Shields et al., 2015). When teams are given targets to meet with rewards attached to the accomplishment of the goals, the probability of achieving the goals in a shorter period and more efficiently is highly possible (Yang & Ok, 2009). Further, team members will create a better bond necessary for coordinated working and brainstorming to ensure the very best ideas are implemented in achieving the goals.  Additionally, team-based rewards would require teams to be formed in the first place which would mean managing the department or division would be easier. This is because each team would be required to give a progress report on the goals set for it. These progress reports from each team would give a clearer and more precise picture of the progress that the entire division is making in achieving the overall organization’s targets (Yang et al., 2009).

Lastly, the organization should have opted to reward staff based on their skills. Every individual has unique skills which if encouraged, can be utilized in increasing productivity of the employee and the organization as a whole. When an individual is rewarded for utilizing their skills to improve the business processes, such an employee will be motivated to delve into other skills that he/she may possess (Markova & Ford, 2011). Additionally, other employees would be encouraged to bring out their hidden skills and talents upon witnessing one of their own getting rewarded for the same. Hence, an organization should utilize all available means in motivating employees to ensure optimum productivity and profitability for the organization.


Dobre, O. I. (2013). Employee motivation and organizational performance. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research5(1).

Markova, G., & Ford, C. (2011). Is money the panacea? Rewards for knowledge workers. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management60(8), 813-823.

Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., … & Plimmer, G. (2015). Managing employee performance & reward: Concepts, practices, strategies. Cambridge University Press.

Yang, S. B., & Ok Choi, S. (2009). Employee empowerment and team performance: Autonomy, responsibility, information, and creativity. Team Performance Management: An International Journal15(5/6), 289-301.


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Enhancing Motivation and Performance

Discuss how your current or previous organization uses selection, training, career paths, team-based rewards, skill-based rewards, and profit-sharing to enhance motivation, involvement, learning, and performance.
What recommendations might you offer to your current or previous organization and other organizations to enhance motivation and performance?
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