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Enhancing Employee Engagement Strategies at Java Corp

Enhancing Employee Engagement Strategies at Java Corp

The human resource department plays a vital role in achieving the goal of employee retention. Having a weak and unconcerned human resource department is one of the prerequisites for high employee turnover. The human resource department must display human resource best practices that are believed to boost the organization’s performance and increase employee retention. Any organization needs to strive to increase retention and lower the turnover rate.

First, some of the human resource best practices that can boost retention and organization performance are providing security employment security to the workers. The HR department should ensure that it employs the workers on either a permanent basis or if it is on contractual terms, let the employees know when their contracts will expire and if they may be required to renew their contracts (Bullett, 2021). When employment security is threatened through restructuring or layoff, employee turnover could increase due to the fear of future uncertainty.

The second HR best practice is frequent communication of the human resource department to the employees. The HR department should ensure that it makes any relevant information easily available and accessible to those who need it. There are two main reasons why information sharing within an organization is crucial; first, open and frequent communication about various aspects such s operations, strategy, and finances creates a culture of trust (Bullett, 2021).  When employees know that they are trusted, they will shun hearsay and negative rumours. Secondly, information sharing from the human resource would also encourage information sharing from the employees to the management.

Java Corp is experiencing a high rate of employee turnover, and this will have a great negative impact on the organization if the situation is not addressed. Some of the strategies that need to be adapted to address this issue are; first, is offering a competitive-based salary. Poor remuneration is one of the reasons why employees run away from an organization. This might be one of the reasons why Java Corp is experiencing a high turnover. The pay rate in this organization needs to be looked into and ensured that employees are paid so that they can feel that their input in the organization is worth it (Bullett, 2021). Underpaid workers are likely to work below their potential because of low morale or even resign from work.

The second strategy to reverse a high turnover rate is offering employees an opportunity to nurture and grow in their careers. Many companies forget to mentor, coach, train, or even support their workers to advance their careers. Such firms are focused on making profits but not enabling their employees to develop their careers (Bullett, 2021). This could be one of the reasons why Java Corp is experiencing a high turnover. If an organization does not offer its employees an opportunity to grow, they become disillusioned in their duties and are less likely to stay longer. Therefore, Java Corp should open many opportunities for the growth of its employees, and the turnover will reduce.

Voluntary turnover is when an employee chooses to resign or leave the organization due to several factors. On the other hand, involuntary turnover is when the management decides to sack an employee for various reasons (An, 2019). Voluntary turnover could make an organization lose talented workers; involuntary turnover could result in litigation. The many litigation cases that Java Corp is facing are likely that the firm might lose some and, thus, be forced by the courts to compensate the former employees. Thus, the company might lose considerable resources because of the cases. The high employee turnover tends to demoralize the existing employees who have nowhere to go. Hence, their input is reduced (An, 2019). Secondly, high turnover leaves unfilled vacancies, which the existing employees are forced to cover before replacement. This means that the existing employees are overloaded with tasks that were meant for their former colleagues.

Progressive discipline refers to the process that is geared towards the attempts to address and correct an employee’s work performance or inappropriate workplace behaviours. The progressive discipline process can be of big benefit to the organization if it is implemented successfully. First, this process helps to teach the employees the level of discipline required in the workplace. Thus, employees know the “do’s “and “don’ts.” Secondly, this process helps mitigate future indiscipline cases such as incitement, sabotages, and strikes that could lead to high turnovers (Leonard, 2019). Therefore, when the progressive discipline process is implemented early enough, it could help an organization retain its talented employees.

In making the termination of an employee’s services, the management should consider both the legal and ethical factors. The ethical aspect of the termination decision is based on the fact that termination is done based on the right reasons. The termination should be justified when an employee is underperforming or not meeting the organization’s expectations (Pine, 2014). The legal aspect of the termination decision is based on the fact that termination should be done according to the policies and laws of the government. Termination should not be unfair based on the available legal instruments. The danger of terminating an employee’s services illegally is that the organization could face litigation that could favour the plaintiff, which may come with heavy costs.


Keeping accurate records all the time may include the time, dates, emails, transactions, and documentation.

Be ethical, honest, and morally upright every day to build a reputation within the community and act professionally when dealing with employees to avoid mistakes that could lead to legal battles.

Ensure a safe workplace environment for employees to carry out their duties without fear and injuries.

Always draft legal contracts that can be admissible in the courts of law to help protect the company’s interests in case of lawsuits.


An, S. (2019) Employee Voluntary and Involuntary Turnover and Organizational Performance: Revisiting the Hypothesis from Classical Public Administration, International Public Management Journal, 22:3, 444-469, DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2018.1549629

Bullett, M. (2021). Employee Retention: Strategies For Retaining Top Talent: Attract Employees. Independently Published,

Leonard, E. (2019). Progressive Discipline the Right Way. Retrieved from

Pine, B. (2014). Ten things to consider when terminating an employee. The Business Journal.


We’ll write everything from scratch


You are the new HR manager for Java Corp, a domestic cold coffee and tea company. Java Corp has had trouble retaining valuable employees, and the termination of a number of employees for performance and conduct has resulted in lawsuits.

Prepare a memo to organizational management. In your memo:

Enhancing Employee Engagement Strategies at Java Corp

Apply best practices in employee engagement to the selected organization.
Include two best practices by HR professionals that would benefit the organization.
Apply retention strategies to the selected organization.
Include two strategies by HR professionals that would benefit the organization.
Explain the significance of voluntary and involuntary turnover for the selected organization.
Describe how turnover can have a financial impact on an organization.
Describe how turnover can impact existing employees.
Analyze how progressive discipline can be beneficial to the organization as well as the employees.
Include two benefits of this process. For example, explain how the progressive discipline process could reduce turnover or how it is important for documentation purposes.
Analyze practical considerations in terminations.
Describe legal and ethical factors that should be considered when a termination decision is made.
Include recommendations on how an organization can protect itself from specific types of litigation.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

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