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English Language Legislative Events

English Language Legislative Events

All four have affected the different policies put in place and the way ELL students are taught today. Every case has favoured those not given enough resources for ELL students. In Lau v. Nichols, it was decided that students must be given the proper resources to learn English[ CITATION Lau73 \l 1033 ]. It was also decided that students who are not proficient in English can not be grouped or discriminated against in the classroom. These four cases are a great basis for when I become a teacher. In the classroom, I know not to discriminate against students based on their English proficiency level and that students cannot be thrown into a class without proper English skills. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.

These four laws and requirements are important for no English-proficient students. Title III ensures that every English learner is given the resources to become English proficient and achieve high levels of Academia. The ESSA was passed to ensure that every student is given an equal opportunity, and even the lowest schools are held accountable for change[ CITATION USD15 \l 1033 ]. The four different laws and organizations work to give ELL students the best opportunity. As a future educator, I know it is my job to help ELL students succeed. Even in a lower socio-economic area, I promote literacy, change, and positive change.

Many of these laws and policies are and have been important to the development of ELL learners. Proposition 203 allows English language students to be taught in immersion classes for as long as needed. The House Bill 2010 essentially gave more funding to schools with a large ELL population. One of the most important laws is the House Bill of 2064, which requires schools to utilize one of the nine structured English Immersion tactics that are developed by a task for the team [ CITATION Hou06 \l 1033 ]. For future teaching, it is important to know that ELL students should be given the time they need to learn English. Not every student learns at the same speed or accuracy.

One trend I see in schools today with ELL students is that teachers often assume students are proficient in English. Every student understands English at the same level, but that is not usually the case. Teachers need to know their students. They need to utilize different teaching strategies and provide resources for the students. Another trend I see in ELL education is the treatment of other students. Often those English-proficient students see ELL students as outcasts and exclude them. This is a trend that teachers need to be aware of, and administrators need to figure out a way to fix it.


Education, U. D. (2015, December 10). Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education:

Lau v. Nichols, 72-6520 (Burger Court December 10, 1973).

Representatives, H. o. (2006, February 27). House Bill 2064. House Bill 2064. Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America: House of Representatives.


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Having a historical perspective of the court cases, laws, and mandates that have shaped English language instruction policy enables teachers to understand the necessity of addressing the learning needs of English language learners (ELLs).

English Language Legislative Events

English Language Legislative Events

Complete the “English Language Legislative Events Assignment” (100-150 words per section) to explain the following and discuss how knowledge of them will affect your future professional practice.

Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

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