Employee Engagement
Importance of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement refers to employees’ commitment to the organization’s tasks, goals, and values. Such employees will show up at work every day, not only because they are paid but also because they are emotionally invested in the organization. An organization that engages employees will do better overall. Some of the specific benefits of employee engagement include enhanced productivity. Research shows that employees engaged in their roles are more productive than those who are not (Vance, 2016). Engaged employees are 20% more productive than those who are not (Moseley, 2009). Besides, employees who feel positive about their contribution to the organization are motivated to achieve more.
In addition, employee engagement enhances customer satisfaction. People who are passionate about their jobs are the ones who should be assigned the task of interacting with customers (Baldoni, 2014). For instance, happier sales personnel will create a positive and more appealing pitch on behalf of the business. In a nutshell, customers receive better treatment from engaged employees. Moreover, employee engagement bolsters employee retention. Engaged employees are less likely to leave their current jobs. On the other hand, disengaged employees may leave the organization, creating a domino effect for others to leave.
An Example That Has Helped Foster A Culture Of Engagement
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, most employees were forced to work from home. Isolation led to increased stress levels, which negatively affected their mental wellness. Some organizations developed mental wellness programs to avert mental crises by supporting employees. Such employees felt engaged, and mental wellness support programs enhanced their productivity while working from home.
Strategy to Achieve Employee Engagement
According to Vance (2016), investing in employee communication will go a long way toward improving workplace engagement. Managers should create an environment where employees feel free to express themselves without fear of judgment. Besides, employees’ feedback should be incorporated into the decision-making process. Lastly, communication enhances trust and productivity as employees feel respected.
Baldoni, J. (2014). Employee Engagement Does More than Boost Productivity. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2013/07/employee-engagement-does-more
Moseley, C. (2009). 5 reasons why employee engagement is important. Jostle.me. https://blog.jostle.me/blog/5-reasons-why-employee-engagement-is-important
Vance, R. (2016). Employee Engagement and Commitment A guide to understanding, measuring and increasing engagement in your organization. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/Documents/Employee-Engagement-Commitment.pdf
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Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?

Employee Engagement
What experience have you had, or what examples have you seen or heard about that have helped foster a culture of engagement? Share one strategy that you believe can foster an engaging environment in the workplace.