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Employee and Organizational Development

Employee and Organizational Development

Constant organizational growth is achieved through the development of the workforce. Employee development facilitates an organization’s ability to attract top talent, motivate the workforce, and reduce attrition rates. The ability to retain clients provides employers with an opportunity to develop the workforce and use it as a competitive advantage. The development process can be frustrating and cumbersome if an organization neglects the challenges that it encounters within the workforce at the executive and subordinate levels (SHRM, 2021). Constant employee development leads to increased productivity, which turns to high revenues.

Alternatives for employee and organizational development

An engineering firm that seeks to develop employees within the executive level can utilize different alternatives. Coaching is one of these alternatives that the entity can utilize. Coaching involves experienced individuals who provide guidance and advice to the current executive leaders. This method is appropriate if the more experienced persons have worked for organizations within the sector. This means that they possess knowledge and skills that can be valuable for the upcoming firm (SHRM, 2021). Executive-level employees need to acquire knowledge that such individuals have gained while managing similar entities. It should save the company from mistakes that are made out of ignorance.

Organizations can also use online employee development, which offers the executive-level staff an opportunity to gain more knowledge. Based on the needs assessment, the HR department should be able to determine the most appropriate platforms and modules that will address the needs (SHRM, 2021). Therefore, these should be chosen to suit the needs, which are aligned to the company’s goals. The executive-level employees must be committed to the organization to enroll and complete all modules individually.

Considerations for management development

The process of developing the management employees must take into consideration various aspects. The employee development process should consider the changes that the firm expects in the near future by examining players that have been in the sector longer. This aspect prepares the HR department for new challenges that they should expect. It also highlights the skills gaps among the executive employees. Secondly, it should consider the needs assessment report, which highlights the current gaps. This should inform the development process. Thirdly, the process should consider the firms’ strategic objectives. Alignment of the development process to this equips the executive-level employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead the other staff members accordingly. It also emphasizes the company’s goals and objectives, creating a visual understanding among the top managers.

Role of Executive Coaching and Mentoring in management development

The executive members of an organization tend to be cold when unsolicited feedback regarding their skills and knowledge is provided. Most tend to forget that constant personal development is critical to retaining their current positions. Thus, the HR department should ensure that the executive members of the firm are participating in various development activities that are intended to improve their skills and knowledge. Coaching and mentoring play a critical role when dealing with executive members of an organization. These methods of development are practical and do not interrupt daily business activities. Instead, they offer a chance for the executive employees to share their ideas and challenges, which assists in decision-making. In case of unusual situations, the employees have a chance to share their opinions with their mentors and obtain feedback prior to implementation. This approach enables the executive employees to learn through the process and make decisions that enable the company to meet its strategic goals. In addition, the participants can address a myriad of issues and concepts that affect the management of the firm (SHRM, 2021). Thus, it is recommended that all executive-level employees embrace coaching and mentoring to improve their skills and knowledge.

Training content areas

To ensure the quality and productivity in management development in relation to the organization’s culture and future goals, the HR department should offer training on various content areas. Firstly, the HR department should provide management employees with training on communication. The communication process is critical for effective management. Different groups of followers respond to different communication techniques. The leaders should understand the most appropriate and engaging methods to deliver different messages. Secondly, the training should include leadership and management strategies (SHRM, 2021). These should highlight the varied methods of leading different groups, enabling the leaders to choose the most effective.

Thirdly, the HR department should train managers on motivation techniques. While motivation is a role of the HR department, managers may be required to apply different techniques when trying to motivate different groups of employees. They need to be aware of the various techniques that can be used and are in line with the company’s policies. Fourthly, employee engagement is a critical subject for managers at all levels. Employee engagement is important and should be practiced widely in an organization. Active engagement of employees yields commitment and evokes high morale (Patro, 2013). Finally, the change process should be included in the training program. Managers’ awareness about what to expect when instituting change is important in dealing with potential resistance from employees. Such resistance is dependent on employee engagement in the change process, making both topics critical to successful management.

Succession planning process and its relationship to management development

Succession planning is the systematic proof that organizations use to prepare candidates who are found fit to occupy top-level positions in the future. The adoption of succession planning in an entity allows the upcoming managers to acquire skills and knowledge that will help them carry out leadership responsibilities in the future. It also creates continuity in the leadership of an organization (Karimi, 2015). The process of management development should initiate succession planning. Once the current managers are trained, they should mentor other individuals to transfer their skills and knowledge seamlessly. This ensures that the HR department will not conduct training and development that is similar to the present one.


Management development is critical for all organizations. The most appropriate methods of development for the small firm include coaching and online learning. Coaching allows the managers to interact with other experienced individuals and learn while on the job. Online learning requires commitment because it is self-regulated. The leadership/management styles, change management, communication, motivation, and engagement of employees should be included in the development program. The process initiates succession planning, which ensures that skills and knowledge are shared.


Karimi, F. (2015). Succession planning and its relationship with the management information system. Buletin Teknologi Makanan, 2(6), 247-253.

Patro, C. S. (2013). The Impact of Employee Engagement on Organization’s Productivity. Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, (pp. 1-9).

SHRM. (2021). Coaching in a Business Environment. Retrieved from

SHRM. (2021). Developing Employees. Retrieved from

SHRM. (2021). Managing Organizational Change. Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Imagine that the leadership team has requested you, as the training manager, to revitalize the management development strategy. As a part of the charge, you are asked to consider executive-level leaders as well.

Employee and Organizational Development

Employee and Organizational Development

Create a report of no more than 1,050 words that outlines an approach to revitalizing management development programs within a small engineering firm to align with the organization’s culture and future goals.

Write a report that includes the following components:

Alternatives for employee and organizational development
Considerations for management development
Role of Executive coaching and Mentoring in management development
Training content areas used to ensure the quality and productivity in management development in relation to the organization’s culture and future goals
The succession planning process and its relationship to management development

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