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Empathetic Care – Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Empathetic Care – Pulmonary Tuberculosis

When developing multidimensional care strategies for pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), it is essential to prioritize interventions based on the urgency of the patient’s needs and the potential impact on their health outcomes.

Early Detection and Diagnosis

Priority: This is important because early diagnosis allows for the implementation of timely treatment, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of the disease spreading and developing into more severe stages.

Rationale: Some TB cases may be subset initially or have nonspecific symptoms indicative of other diseases, leading to inappropriate diagnosis and delayed treatment initiation. Screening tests like Mantoux tuberculin skin tests or interferon-gamma release assays are significant in high-risk areas, and hence, successful early diagnosis can be ensured.

Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) for Medication Adherence

Priority: Following up on the treatment plan and making sure a person adheres to the medication schedule to prevent the development of resistance to the treatment and recurrence of the disease is essential (Vesga et al., 2019).

Rationale: TB treatment involves taking different antibiotics simultaneously over about six months. Directly observing medication intake ensures patients stick to their treatment plan.

Infection Control Measures

Priority: Stopping the transmission of TB is vital for preventing the disease’s spread to healthcare workers, staff, and close contacts.

Rationale: TB is spread through airborne secretion by human cough or sneeze, which is mostly the principal cause. Carrying out infection control mechanisms like segregating infectious patients, placement of proper ventilation in healthcare facilities, and utilizing personal protective equipment can stop the spread of TB.

Nutritional Support and Symptom Management

Priority: Malnutrition and TB often coexist, and addressing nutritional deficiencies can enhance the body’s ability to fight infection and tolerate medications.

Rationale: TB and its treatment can lead to decreased appetite, weight loss, and nutrient malabsorption, which can compromise immune function and treatment response. As such, the CDC (2019) notes that providing nutritional counseling, supplementation, and symptom management can improve overall well-being and treatment tolerance.


CDC. (2019, May 14). TB infection control in health care settings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vesga, J. F., Hallett, T. B., Reid, M. J. A., Sachdeva, K. S., Rao, R., Khaparde, S., Dave, P., Rade, K., Kamene, M., Omesa, E., Masini, E., Omale, N., Onyango, E., Owiti, P., Karanja, M., Kiplimo, R., Alexandru, S., Vilc, V., Crudu, V., & Bivol, S. (2019). Assessing tuberculosis control priorities in high-burden settings: A modeling approach. The Lancet Global Health, 7(5), e585–e595.


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Discussion Topic
Module 06 Discussion – Empathetic Care
Initial Post
Choose one of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the
multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include a rationale as to why you prioritized them in this manner.

Empathetic Care - Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Empathetic Care – Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Reply Post
While providing interventions to a patient, you will be exposed to an infectious respiratory disorder. Choose one of the respiratory disorders selected by a classmate and explain how you would provide compassionate and emphatic care to the patient while also taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself.
Please make your initial post by midweek and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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