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Emerging Infectious Disease of Humans

Emerging Infectious Disease of Humans

Hantavirus is a zoonotic virus that belongs to the family Bunyaviridae and causes two types of diseases. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). HPS is more common in the Americas, whereas HFRS is prevalent in Asia and Europe. The virus is primarily transmitted from rodents to humans by inhaling air contaminated with rodent excreta (Khan et al., 2021). For example, urine, saliva, feces, or direct contact with infected rodents. The disease can rapidly progress to severe respiratory distress and potentially fatal pulmonary edema in the case of HPS. It can cause renal failure, bleeding, and shock in the case of HFRS. The emergence of the Hantavirus is linked to various environmental factors such as land use and climate change. These alter the habitats and behavior of rodents, increasing their contact with humans. Therefore, understanding the biology and transmission of the Hantavirus is important to prevent and control outbreaks of the disease. Do you need help with your assignment ? Get in touch with us at

. The symptoms of HPS typically begin with fever, muscle aches, and fatigue. These are followed by respiratory symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, severe respiratory distress and potentially fatal pulmonary edema can develop (Klingstrom et al., 2019). In the case of HFRS, symptoms may include fever, headache, back pain, abdominal pain, and blurred vision. These can progress to renal failure, bleeding, and shock. The course of the disease can vary from mild to severe. The fatality rate can range from 0.5% to 40%, depending on the strain and location of the virus.

There is no specific treatment or cure for Hantavirus infection. However, early detection and supportive care can improve the chances of survival. Patients with HPS may require hospitalization and respiratory support. Those with HFRS may need dialysis and fluid replacement therapy. Antiviral medications such as ribavirin may be used in some cases, but their effectiveness is uncertain. Preventive measures are critical to avoid Hantavirus infection. These measures include controlling rodent populations, reducing human exposure to rodent excreta, and practicing good personal hygiene. Avoiding rodent-infested areas, wearing protective clothing and masks, and thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting any area contaminated with rodent excreta are all effective prevention strategies.


Khan, A., Khan, M., Ullah, S., & Wei, D. Q. (2021). Hantavirus: the next pandemic we are waiting for?. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 13, 147-152.

Klingström, J., Smed‐Sörensen, A., Maleki, K. T., Solà‐Riera, C., Ahlm, C., Björkström, N. K., & Ljunggren, H. G. (2019). Innate and adaptive immune responses against human Puumala virus infection: immunopathogenesis and suggestions for novel treatment strategies for severe hantavirus‐associated syndromes. Journal of Internal Medicine, 285(5), 510-523.


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Week 3 Discussion (Click Here to enter Discussion) A
Emerging Infectious Diseases of Humans
A pathogen is a biological agent that causes illness or disease to its host.
Emerging means newly discovered or newly appearing in humans or newly appearing in a distinctly different geographic area. Therefore, Emerging Pathogens or Emerging Infectious Diseases are those that have been discovered recently, within the last 10-30 years.

Emerging Infectious Disease of Humans

Emerging Infectious Disease of Humans

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an emerging disease as “one that has appeared in a population for the first time, or that may have existed previously but is rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range.”
This week, we will examine some emerging pathogens and diseases!
Feel free to download the Week Three Discussion A assignment instructions and Grading Rubric A
1. For your main discussion post (first post),
A. You must choose from among the emerging human pathogens below.
B. It is required of all students to reserve their discussion topic using the following procedure:
a. Click Week 3 Discussion, above, to enter the Discussion.
b. Click Create Thread and type the number and scientific name of the organism you will discuss in the subject
line to reserve your topic on a first come/first serve basis according to the classroom date/time stamp. Click Submit. Repeat main posts on the same organism are not permitted.
C. To post your main discussion you will Reply to your topic intent post.
Please choose one of the following emerging human pathogens for your main discussion:
1. Acanthamoeba polyphagia
2. Anaplasma phagocytophilium and Ehrlichia species
3. Australian Bat Lyssavirus
4. Bacillus anthracis
5. Bartonella henselae
6. Candida auris
7. Chikungunya Virus

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