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Emerging Communication Technologies

Emerging Communication Technologies

Technology has become a crucial component of the contemporary medical and nursing practice. When used appropriately, technology has the potential to be accompanied by several merits, including increased efficiency, enhanced quality, and diminished costs. The following discussion covers emerging technologies that enhance patient safety, patient satisfaction, and clinician satisfaction.

Patient Safety: Medication errors are associated with adverse outcomes, particularly sentinel events. Mogharbel and Ainsworth (2021) affirm that communication factors contribute immensely to the occurrence of medication errors. Subsequently, one communication technology that is steadily changing the clinical setting is a computerized provider entry system that allows for the electronic entering and dissemination of orders such as medication, radiology, and laboratory orders. Several studies have captured the effectiveness of a computerized physician order entry system in reducing medication errors by ensuring providers produce complete, legible, and standardized orders. Furthermore, built-in clinical decision support tools that alert clinicians on potential drug-to-drug interactions and other similar adverse in the CPOE significantly promote patient safety.

Patient Satisfaction: In-person hospital visits are linked with substantial economic burdens, particularly for individuals from underserved communities, such as those residing in geographically isolated regions. Additionally, in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person visits continue to pose a threat to individuals with compromised immunity, including cancer, diabetes, and HIV patients. However, the inception of telehealth has gone a long way in reducing the economic and human burden linked to an in-person visit and, as such, ensuring that patients access quality and safe care in the comfort of their homes. Notably, this care delivery model has heightened patient satisfaction rates (Ramaswamy, 2020).

Clinician Satisfaction: Clinician burnout is linked with a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including higher turnover rates and poor patient outcomes such as nosocomial infections and high readmission rates. Notably, burnout primarily emanates from clinicians sharing more clinical data than ever before due to the fragmentation of the contemporary clinical setting. Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers filtering solutions that transform the largely disorganized and uninterpretable information into clean and usable information. Subsequently, this reduces clinicians’ burnout and improves their overall satisfaction (Leba, 2021).


Leba, M. (2021). Machine Learning Approach on Burnout – The Case of Principals from Southern Israel. Comprehensible Science, 11(22), 14–20.

Mogharbel, A. & Ainsworth, J. (2021). Physicians’ Use of the Computerized Physician Order Entry System for Medication Prescribing: Systematic Review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 9(3), e22923.

Ramaswamy, A. (2020). Patient Satisfaction With Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Cohort Study (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9).


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Evaluating a Newly Implemented Technology in Practice

It is essential to have effective communication in healthcare. Patient safety, the quality of their care, and staff satisfaction depend on effective, timely communication. Discuss the advantages of:

One communication technology that can enhance patient safety
One communication technology that can enhance patient satisfaction
One communication technology that can enhance staff satisfaction

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