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Elderly People’s Chart Response

Elderly People’s Chart Response

Hello. I was impressed by your elderly people’s chart, especially because of the individual’s health status and age. For example, all individuals aged 80 years and above are healthy and vigorous. Many people within this age bracket have health issues linked to old age, and they prefer spending time with their loved ones or in nursing homes and elderly care facilities. I agree with you that the differences in the attributes of the elderly within the same age bracket are caused by the period in which they grew up, trauma, and confidence. According to Science Daily (2014), self-esteem prevents various health issues, such as dementia among seniors. Therefore, elderly people with high self-esteem are healthier than those with low self-esteem, which leads to a disparity in attributes. I also agree that the rocking chair stereotype is a common negative stereotype depicting the elderly. The stereotype assumes that the elderly cannot do any work and must wait for someone to help them. The stereotype also assumes that the elderly are lonely and neglected. The perfect grandmother stereotype is also a common positive stereotype based on the assumption that the elderly can provide fun company for their grandchildren and take care of them despite their age. Individuals may make positive or negative comments about an elderly person based on their experience taking care of the elderly and the state of the elderly people around them. Therefore, negative stereotypes can be eliminated based on an individual’s positive experience when interacting with the elderly in society. It is also important for societies to create a good image of the elderly to create confidence and reduce trauma, which is a leading cause of health deterioration among the elderly. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.


Science Daily. (2014, January 25). Boosting self-esteem prevents health problems for seniors. ScienceDaily.


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Elderly People’s Chart Response

Elderly People’s Chart Response

What Are Elderly People Really Like?

Fill in the chart below with 5 elderly persons you know personally or as public figures. Mark the appropriate boxes to describe each person.

Table of elderly persons and corresponding characteristics.

Fortunately, in my chart, I can see that many of the elderly people I chose demonstrate positive attributes such as health and independence. I also found that elders who are healthy and active in the community tend to be pleasant and successful overall. Unfortunately, those who were more sickly, reserved, and withdrawn from social obligations carried negative stereotype attributes. Many factors could be the reasoning for this disparity: confidence, trauma, the period in time in which they grew up, etc.

Draw a picture of an old person using a “negative stereotype” and one using a “positive stereotype.”

Attached are my pictures of an elderly person using both a “negative stereotype” and a “positive stereotype.” My negative stereotype depicts an elderly man sitting in a rocking chair as a comment on the “rocking chair stereotype,” which assumes all elders avoid physical activity as they get older. I aimed for this stereotype picture to appear lonely and sedentary, and I neglected to represent those aspects of the negative elderly stereotype. On the contrary, my positive picture is supposed to represent the “perfect grandparent” stereotype. He is pictured as a kind, smiling old man with his grandchildren by his side. These attributes comment on the common positive stereotype mentioned above.

Make a statement about old people using a negative stereotype. Make a statement using positive stereotypes. Are your stereotypes drawn from biomedical, compassionate, or social images?

Under the view of a negative stereotype, one may make the statement that old people are hard to talk to because they are stuck in their ways, behind the times on current societal affairs, and they can’t even hear during the conversation. This statement is a negative statement that lacks compassion and focuses on a negative biomedical and social image. In reality, elderly people who are hard of hearing are just as worthy of conversation as anyone else and benefit from increased hearing assistance, patience, and compassion. Further, instead of using the negative social image that all elderly people are behind the times and don’t know about today’s societal affairs, we should use our knowledge and compassion to realize that elderly persons are worthy members of society who simply grew up in a completely different generation. Today’s elders maintain their body of knowledge from their many life obstacles, accomplishments, and years lived.

Alternatively, to use a positive stereotype, one may make the statement that elderly people are a wealth of knowledge who gracefully share their lessons and stories with their kids and grandkids in order to preserve the positive attributes that have been passed down through generations. This statement focuses on the positive social image associated with the aging populations while using true compassion and understanding.

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