Effects of Opioids on Juveniles
Discuss and analyze the effects opioids have on juveniles? In your opinion, are there gateway drugs that could lead to opioid usage?
Opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose is an epidemic that affects young people, adults, and the elderly. Prescription of opioids such as fentanyl, heroin, and tramadol among young adults below 25 years and adolescents has increased in the recent past. An increase in the prescription and use of opioids among juveniles has contributed to opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose, which has affected the juveniles negatively. Opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose among juveniles have resulted in mental health problems such as suicidal ideas and suicide, depression, attempted suicide, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, conduct problems, and personality disorders (Uchitel et al., 2019). Opioids have also increased the number of juveniles dying due to opioid overdose. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Juveniles who abuse opioids develop opioid use disorder that disrupts their normal life, especially social life. Mental issues arise as a result of opioid use, making them unable to carry, interact with people normally, and perform their daily activities. Juveniles attending schools and abusing opioids perform poorly due to mental problems and absenteeism (Uchitel et al., 2019). The physical health of the juveniles is also affected, where they may develop skin problems from injection sites and tolerance to pain medications (Uchitel et al., 2019). Opioid use disorder may also lead to respiratory and cardiovascular adverse effects among the youth that might lead to death.
There are some gateway drugs that may lead to opioid use and abuse among the youth. Some of these gateway drugs include cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, and benzodiazepines such as diazepam. These drugs are among the most commonly abused drugs and work in the same way as opioids. The effects of these gateway drugs are similar but less compared to those of opioids. Therefore, continued use among juveniles makes them seek drugs with greater effects where they go for opioids (Uchitel et al., 2019). Furthermore, gateway drugs can be accessed together at the same place as opioids, therefore prompting the use of opioids. A person who abuses one drug with similar effects as the other usually opts to use the other drug. Thus, I believe that drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, and benzodiazepines such as diazepam are the gateway drugs for opioid use.
Uchitel, J., Hadland, S. E., Raman, S. R., McClellan, M. B., & Wong, C. A. (2019). The opioid epidemic: a needed focus on adolescents and young adults. Health Affairs Blog. Doi: 10.1377/hblog20191115.977344
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Effects of Opioids on Juveniles
Discuss and analyze the effects opioids have on juveniles? In your opinion, are there gateway drugs that could lead to opioid usage?

Effects of Opioids on Juveniles