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Effective vs. Ineffective Feedback

Effective vs. Ineffective Feedback

Hello, and welcome to this presentation on communication. This presentation will provide different scenarios of constructive and non-constructive feedback in a formal and informal setting.

To illustrate an example of non-constructive feedback in an informal setting, the following scenario is considered;

Employees were asked to create a budget proposal that will be presented to investors for funding. One of the employees bumped into another’s proposal and reviewed it.

He gave the following feedback to  his colleague during lunch break;“Hey David. I saw the budget proposal you prepared for the company. I must admit it was great.”

The statement above is considered to be non-constructive feedback because it only states the observation that the budget proposal was great without offering recommendations on areas of improvement.

To illustrate an example of constructive feedback in an informal setting, the following scenario is considered;

Charlotte has been promoted to the organization’s human resource manager position. She notices that Hellen who is ne of her employees is always late for work.

Hellen had been on maternity leave and the leave ended two wees ago. During lunch break, Charlotte gives Hellen the following feedback; “Hello Hellen, I have noticed that you have been coming to work late for the past two weeks. Understand that you may be having a problem readjusting back to work after your maternity leave. I there something we can do to help you report to work on time? You are also free to request more time to organize yourself before getting back to work.”

The feedback above is constructive because the observation was stated, Charlotte demonstrates an understanding of the situation and the areas of betterment are pinpointed.

To illustrate an example of non-constructive feedback in a formal setting, the following scenario is considered;

The company’s management assigned a supervisor for every intern. The interns submit weekly reports to the supervisor for performance assessment.

One of the supervisors is not happy with the intern’s performance and provides the following feedback; “Hello, James, it is unfortunate that your performance is too low compared to that of other interns. Please do something about it”

The feedback is considered to be non-constructive because it only points out the problem without recommending strategies that can be used for improvement and it does not specify the areas of poor performance.

To illustrate an example of constructive feedback in a formal setting, the following scenario is considered;

The human resource management department completed the annual performance assessment. The human resource department is providing feedback to every employee via email. One of the employees receives the following feedback; “Hello, Hirsch; following our annual performance assessment, it is evident that your performance does not meet the company’s expectations because you did not meet the required sales target throughout the year. I would propose consulting the other employees to learn about the strategies they meet so that you do not continue lagging behind.”

The feedback is considered to be constructive because it pinpoints the issue and recommends a solution.


We’ll write everything from scratch


In order to provide truly effective feedback, it must also be constructive. In other words, telling an employee “Good job!” might let the employee know you are pleased with them, but it does not give that employee any specifics regarding the behavior(s) for which they’re being praised. The same is true when constructive criticism (negative feedback) lacks specifics or is delivered improperly.

Effective vs. Ineffective Feedback

Effective vs. Ineffective Feedback

Review the following resources:
1- You’ve been doing a fantastic job. Just one thing… Tugend, A. (2013, Apr 5).

Internet Link:

2- How to give feedback to defensive employees. Reh, F.J. (2019, Jan 20).

Internet Link:

After you have finished your review, reflect on the differences and similarities in providing feedback to individuals as compared to teams. Consider how the feedback might change from an informal setting to the formal setting of a performance appraisal. Think about the feedback you have received over the years and how it was delivered. Which type of feedback did you receive well, and which type left you confused, defensive, or angry?

Create a presentation to post on the Discussion Board containing FOUR (4) SLIDES THAT ADDRESS EFFECTIVE VS. INEFFECTIVE FEEDBACK. In this presentation, show the following:

1. A slide showing an example of non-constructive feedback to an employee presented in an informal setting (such as on the floor, in the break room, or over lunch)

2. A slide showing an example of constructive feedback presented to an employee in an informal setting

3. A slide showing an example of non-constructive feedback presented to an employee in a formal setting (such as an individual performance review)

4. A slide showing an example of constructive feedback to an employee presented in a formal setting

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