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Effecting Behavioral Change to Contain the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Similar Pandemics in the Future

Effecting Behavioral Change to Contain the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Similar Pandemics in the Future


Just like many other experts in the world, I have been surprised and concerned by the rapid spread of the new coronavirus disease 2019, commonly shortened as COVID-19, with more than 3,205,726 cases and 227,290 deaths reported globally as of 1st May 2020. According to the CDC report, the virus started in Wuhan, China, and has spread to nearly every corner of the world, with the U.S. being the most hit, with nearly 1,031,659 infections and 60,057 deaths as of 1st May 2020. Personally, I think the incident rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed so fast, more than in China and other European nations, because of a lack of effective behavioral change measures at an individual level, with people failing to observe social distancing, washing hands with sanitizers, restricting movement, and failing to self-isolate. This is because the disease spreads through contact, and it is also airborne.

As observers have noted, the disease can claim more lives if people fail to take action at an individual level by changing their behavior. I propose the following behavioral changes. Firstly, everyone must completely observe social distancing and self-isolation, particularly at home. This is what I think is truly spreading the disease because most people have difficulty staying away from their loved ones. I also propose that the whole country should go to a total ‘lock-down’ with each individual required to restrict their movements to their homesteads. For the next two months and in the future, all Americans, except food suppliers, security officials, and health workers, should lock down themselves if such a pandemic occurs. This is how China has contained the virus. No one should be allowed in shopping centers or any other social places. The government can contract local transporters, like Uber, to supply food and other essentials door-to-door.

Best regards,



CDC. (n.d.). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Cases in the U.S. Retrieved from


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