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Education- The Montessori Approach

Education- The Montessori Approach

The Montessori approach was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1906. The physician, educator, and scientist developed the educational approach in San Lorenzo, Rome. The foundation for the approach was laid when Dr. Maria had an assignment to tutor unschooled and disadvantaged children. She focused on utilizing different techniques and materials for instruction purposes, which eventually were successful. The approach began to experience a wider global acceptance after the children Dr. Maria was working with showed significant improvement. This success attracted the attention of prominent nations, leading to the adoption of the approach in other parts of the world (AMS).

The Montessori method is based on five core principles. These principles include trained staff, multi-age learning groups, utilization of Montessori materials, child-led activities, and uninterrupted periods of work. Trained teachers need to be credentialed (AMS). This qualification confirms that the instructor can utilize the Montessori educational approach appropriately. They understand the need to allow natural development among children. Such instructors also understand the use of various materials that support the program.

In addition, the Montessori program advocates for multi-age classrooms, which include children of different ages. This technique promotes cooperation among the learners due to their individuality and diminishes competition. The approach also relies on a direct or practical approach to facilitate learning. The distinct materials develop varying skills and concepts in the learners. The materials are logically designed to create the right progression, which enables the development of various concepts’ comprehension. The educational approach enables children to select challenging yet meaningful work that is aligned with their personal interests. This allows engagement, captures their attention, stirs their intrinsic motivation, and arouses a sense of responsibility for others and oneself. Children can work in uncluttered areas with others or individually as they work calmly (AMS). Children have the freedom to move about and explore. This element was consciously incorporated in the approach by the founder. Teachers are expected to guide the learners towards learning while ensuring respect, order, and productivity are retained in the classroom.

Finally, learners are allowed to learn without elaborate interruptions. Learners choose their work during the period and perform tasks at the desired pace. The learning process occurs within the period that the child’s interest and attention are sustained. Once it wanes, they are not compelled to continue with the activity and can choose a different one. This technique fosters concentration, coordination, and independence (AMS).

The adoption of the Montessori approach today is significantly expansive. There are at least 5000 Montessori institutions in the USA only. These serve more than one million children from the infant to adolescent stages. The approach is receiving increased attention in China as the distinct groups strive to ensure that instructors undergo the training. The construction of learning institutions is also ongoing in China. The USA has customized the approach to meet the needs of specific communities. For instance, there are tuition-free institutions that allow learners to access education for extended hours throughout the year. In addition, bilingual classrooms have increased as cultural aspects are blended with the main components. Other features that are incorporated into the approach include creed and disabilities. These elements reduce the restrictions, perceived or actual, that may hinder certain groups of children from pursuing it (AMS).

Despite the numerous positive elements associated with the Montessori approach, the system has various disadvantages (Meinke). First, it is costly to pursue. The Montessori-compliant institutions cannot charge affordable rates due to the training, and acquisition of high-quality materials for learning. Even the teachers are captured within the system because they can barely translate it elsewhere or to the community and higher learning stages. The cost makes the curriculum highly inaccessible to all learners. The Montessori approach of learning has been associated with the privileged white community. The restrictions that are associated with the institutions revolve around cost, access, and regulation of admissions. Thus, students of color from low-income families cannot access education (Meinke).

In addition, the loose structure may be inappropriate for all learners. The tutor and the assistant are mandated to determine if the activities that children participate in progress as desired. However, the approach may not benefit all learners equally. The curriculum also fails to address the collaboration of learners by over-emphasizing independence. Learners gain little practical and theoretical knowledge of teamwork as they are encouraged to work individually. Finally, children adapt well to routine and elaborate structures. Some learners may be intimidated by the classrooms’ structure, which will hinder learning (Meinke).

The Montessori curriculum is developed to enhance independence among learners. In a world where collaboration at the workplace and other areas, this approach requires modification. Furthermore, the cost of acquiring the education is prohibitive despite the existence of federally funded institutions. The curriculum is an idea; for learners who struggle with attention issues because it is intended to capture attention. However, the environment in which a child learns should be diverse to ensure that they satisfy their capacity

Works Cited

AMS. 5 Core Components of Montessori Education. 2021. <>.

Meinke, Hannah. Exploring the Pros and Cons of Montessori Education. 2019. <>.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Choose one of the listed curricula from the list provided below. Use your textbook, the Internet, and other sources to find out about your curriculum. Write a 3-page paper on the curriculum. The paper should include the following information:

Education- The Montessori Approach

history of the curriculum including founders, year created; how prevalent the use of the curriculum; research information regarding how the curriculum helps children develop physically, cognitively, and socially-emotionally; and how the curriculum compares to the tables 8.1 and 8.2 in your textbook. Make sure to review the rubric in your syllabus for grading criteria. This paper will be at least 3 typed pages; the title; heading, and picture space do not count in page length.

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