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Education Interview

Education Interview

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  1. What is your educational preparation?

I am an experienced teacher with a degree in education. I also have all the state teaching requirements. Finally, I have three years of experience in teaching, which I gained through employment, internships, volunteering, and summer holiday jobs.

  1. What are your professional experiences?

I have three years of experience as an early childhood teacher. I acquired my instructional and leadership experiences through internships, volunteering, summer jobs, and practicum.

  1. What is the role of the teacher in the classroom?

The teacher’s role in a class is to assist schoolchildren in learning by imparting knowledge and setting up circumstances wherein learners can and will study effectively.

  1. How would you describe your last principal?

My previous principal is principled and strict but very supportive of new student teachers.

  1. What was your favorite course in college, and why?

Psychology was my favorite course because it taught me various skills and strategies for handling students and interacting with colleagues at work.

  1. What principles do you use to motivate students?

Intrinsic motivation, mastery goals, and practice.

  1. Describe effective teaching techniques that result in intended learning.

An effective teaching technique is teacher-centered learning. Teacher-centered learning requires the tutor to instruct the students most of the time as they learn. The second is the learner-centered strategy, which primarily allows learners to take an active role in the classroom instead of participating in passive activities like writing or listening.

  1. What are your career goals five years from now? Ten years?

In five years, I wish to improve my leadership and collaborative skills to be a school principal in the future. In ten years, I aspire to further my education by doing my Ph.D. to become a competent educational leader who can change the childhood educational system.

  1. State a behavioral objective you taught in the last class.


  1. What is the most exerting thing happening in the area of education today?

Distance learning.

  1. What is the most exciting thing happening today in your area of study?

The shift from traditional lecture teaching methods to more cooperative and online learning environments is currently the most exciting thing in education.

  1. What have you found to be the roughest aspect of discipline?

Indiscipline students are confronting us.

  1. Describe the physical appearance of your classroom.

My classroom has several chairs and tables for all learners to sit and study together. The class has one big blackboard, bulletin board, and whiteboard the teacher uses for explaining concepts and drawing. My class has an activity board, which all learners decorate turn-wise. In addition, the class has different centers, like reading, writing, and painting. It also has pictures of learners and a family picture on the left side of the class. It has one big window and is decorated in a salmon-pink color. Finally, it has several learning resources and playing materials like toys, dolls, books, and bears.

  1. Describe the ideal curriculum in your area of study.

Montessori is an outstanding early childhood education curriculum, a child-centered program that perceives teachers as learning guides. Here, children’s instruction is self-paced in a mixed-age classroom environment. It also provides five fundamental study areas: culture, sensorial mathematics, practical life, and language.

  1. How do you implement career education concepts in your classes?

I create an environment of sharing. Besides, creating an atmosphere of sharing rather than telling by initiating discussion in a classroom makes learners ask and contribute to powerful questions that elicit dialogue and conversation.

  1. How do you individualize learning in your classes?

I individualize learning during my classes by giving class tasks.

  1. Define current curriculum trends in your area.

One current trend is online learning. Online or mobile learning incorporates tablets and smartphones into the learning experiences. Using online educational sites and apps ensures students learn anytime, anywhere. Gamification in education is another trend where teachers use game-based features to educate learners on new information. In project-based learning, learners participate in projects that evaluate real-world issues.

  1. How much time do you have to debate the lecture approach?

10 minutes.

  1. Describe independent study projects your students have completed.

They created a portfolio by drawing the current U.S.A. president and building a house out of readily available materials. They have also studied and analyzed their favorite music.

  1. Which would you select if you could teach any concept in your area? Why?

The concept I would teach is vocabulary identification. Students desire to learn new vocabulary and new things each time.

  1. What rule have you established for your classroom?

The rules for my classroom include (1) respect and listen to the teacher and classmates; (2) Ask questions, be quiet when the tutor or classmates are talking, and share new ideas; and (3) maintain discipline; any indiscipline case will be punished accordingly.

  1. How have you implemented inquiry?

I implemented inquiry by promoting and guiding focused discussion and dialogue among earners trying to answer their questions. Introduce topics and concepts, encourage questioning, and demonstrate what it looks like.

  1. Of what use are behavioral learning objectives in the teaching/learning process?

They help make instruction more organized and directed, creating focused individual learning materials.

  1. How do you structure your class to achieve maximum benefit from teacher/student contact?

I use a structured routine. A routine provides a consistent lesson method and ensures students know what is required and what to expect.

  1. Describe the format you use to develop a lesson.

My lesson plan format starts with the name and date, followed by the lesson objective, which is often three. The introduction, followed by discussions, will test students’ ability and whether the concept was understood. Subsequently, the lesson materials are followed by evaluation and feedback. Finally, the last thing is the conclusion.

  1. What should schools do for Students?

Schools should foster and shape learners’ development in their relationships, emotional skills, identity, and overall growth.

  1. Is the teaching content important? Why?

Yes, teaching content is essential because it affects how teachers interpret the content goals they are expected to reach with their learners and how teachers receive and respond to learners and their questions.

  1. How have you emphasized the development of basic skills?

I have emphasized the development of basic skills by applying basic instruction strategies and giving learners activities that suit their abilities and talents. For instance, I allow students to construct sentences related to their field of interest while learning grammar.

  1. How do you handle the different ability levels of students in classes?

I handle students’ different ability levels by allowing them to explore and participate in learning in the manner they prefer, providing various learning materials, and encouraging class group discussions.

  1. How do you account for the affective domain in your teaching?

I assess student learning, deliver lectures and activities, plan for the lessons and subjects appropriately, and set class rules.

  1. How would your students describe you?

I believe my students would describe me as a strict but fun teacher.

  1. In what professional organizations do you hold membership?

I am a member of the Association of American Educators and the National Education Association.

  1. How would your colleagues describe you?

My colleagues would describe me as a well-organized and excellent time manager.

  1. Why did you choose the teaching profession?

I chose the teaching profession because I desire to impact society positively through young learners.

  1. How have you recently improved your professional skills?

First, I have enrolled in technology or computer classes to improve my technical skills as learning has quickly shifted to online, which needs better technical knowledge. Secondly, I attend seminars and training, which educate me on handling language and cultural differences among learners, especially while engaging with their families.

  1. What are your plans for the future improvement of your professional skills?

I plan to develop new skills, practice more, develop workplace skills, and take leadership roles.

  1. What are the most challenging aspects of teaching today?

The emotional load of educating kids experiencing different challenges at home is the toughest aspect of teaching today.

  1. What is the role of homework?

Homework teaches learners how to solve problems because it gives them another chance to review their classwork and materials.

  1. What have been your most positive teaching experiences?

My positive teaching experiences include improving the self-confidence of the most isolated learner in my class; she can now interact freely, communicate, and play with other learners. Handling special needs learners was a fantastic experience, too.

  1. What have been your most negative teaching experiences?

We are dealing with unruly and indisciplined learners.

  1. How have you contributed to developing the total school program in your current position?

I attend meetings and share ideas and proposals, which have been handy in improving the school. I suggested teaching extra time in our school to support low-income learners.

  1. What activities will you sponsor if you are hired for this position?

My previous role entailed innovation and teamwork in many areas. As such, I will support strategies for more effective collaboration and innovative ideas.

  1. Could a student of low academic ability receive a high grade in your classes?


  1. What is your system for evaluating students’ work?

My system for evaluating students’ work entails exams, assignments, and classroom assessment strategies.

  1. What would be the ideal philosophy of a school for you?

The ideal philosophy would be to educate learners to reach their full social, academic, and physical potential in a positive, fair, and consistent setting.

  1. What is your philosophy of education?

My philosophy of education states, “Effective leadership ensures better results and improved academic outcomes.”

  1. Why is your field important for a student to study?

It is essential because it is the foundation of everything and all careers.

  1. How would you handle a student with a consistent behavioral problem in your class?

I would use positive reinforcement by finding the root cause of the misbehaving and bringing the student close to me. I would then spare time to talk to the learner privately, teaching the child the difference between wrong and right. If this fails, I will reach out to colleagues or the administration.

  1. How would your last principal describe you?

My last principal would describe me as a skilled, determined, strict, and goal-oriented teacher.

  1. What five words would you use to describe yourself?

I am an organized, competent, motivated, goal-oriented, and dedicated teacher.

  1. What is your position on teacher advisement programs? Behavior modification, tracking, special education, values clarification? Multi-test approach?

They should be supported fully to enhance effective learning and teaching.

  1. How would you respond if you found nonstandard usage in student writing or class discussion?

I would react by listening, locating the patterns of error, advising, suggesting an improvement, or giving direction on using standard writing or class discussion.

  1. In what areas do you feel you need improvement?

I need improvement in conflict management and discipline consistency.

  1. How would you handle a student sleeping in your class?

I would wake the learner up, ask if they are feeling all right, and keep the student active by allowing them to stretch a little, then place her at the front desk next to me.

  1. What would you do if a student had been absent from your class for several days?

First, I would keep records and report to the administration about the absenteeism to get permission to involve the parent by following up about the learner and visiting their home to seek answers.

  1. What provisions have you made for the gifted?

They have learned how to code and write a picture book.

  1. What would a visitor in your class see?

Any visitor to my class would see the warm, welcoming, and entertaining teaching environment containing materials, charts, pictures, and well-arranged furniture.

  1. How have you communicated student progress to parents?

I email student progress reports to parents and create student portfolios.

  1. What are your recreational activities, interests, and hobbies?

I was playing hockey, cooking, and dancing.

  1. How have you stressed the development of cognitive skills within your classes?

I have emphasized cognitive skills development by implementing singing lessons, physical exercise at least twice a week, and introducing new activities.

  1. Define a superior teacher.

These tutors offer exceptional services to the learners they teach, the school, and the community.

  1. What is your opinion of holding students after school for detention?

Holding students after school for detention is not a wrong punishment compared to expulsion. However, I feel keeping students after school is detrimental to learners’ cognitive thinking as it tortures their minds and could have a negative perception of school.

  1. Do you like laughter in your classroom?

Yes, but moderate laughter.

  1. What units would you include in teaching?

Planning and discipline management.

  1. How do you assist in preventing the destruction of school property in your classroom?

I teach learners the benefits of protecting school properties and holding them responsible for damaged properties so they become liable.

  1. What is the role of a student within your classroom?

The students’ part is to participate in learning and maintain discipline.

  1. Describe an assignment that you recently gave to your students.

I recently gave my students an assignment to read a short story and identify ten vocabularies.

  1. Cite the criteria you would use to evaluate a textbook for possible adoption.

The criteria for evaluating a textbook for possible adoption include checking the book’s scope, sequence, content accuracy, instructional design, and text clarity, especially exercises, topics, and activities (Rezaee 588).

  1. What field trips have you arranged for your classes during this past year?

We have planned to visit the park to see animals and plants within the environment. Another field trip is a nature walk at a play park.

  1. Have you supervised student teachers, interns, or practicum students? Why/Why not?

Yes, I have because one of them requested me to help him improve his confidence, so I was to sit in as the supervisor.

  1. Should sex education be included in the curriculum? Why/Why not?

Yes, to provide thorough sex education that meets learners’ needs rather than letting them learn about sex through the Internet.

  1. Are you well organized?


  1. Describe a lesson plan that you have developed. What were the objectives and the lesson format, and how did you evaluate whether or not the goals were achieved?

The lesson I created was on the topic of identifying vocabulary. The objectives were for learners to remember vocabulary, match vocabulary to its meanings, and find vocabulary meaning using the dictionary. The lesson began with an introduction where I introduced the materials for the lesson and distributed the text we were to read and identify different vocabulary. In the second part, learners were distributed into discussion groups where they identified and matched different vocabularies to the meaning as a group. I evaluated whether the objective was achieved by pairing students to identify at least two vocabularies and comparing them to their correct meanings. Suppose they incorrectly fit them. In that case, I called upon another pair to help them out.

  1. A student tells you they have been experimenting with marijuana. What would you do?

I would try talking to the student to understand their motivation for using marijuana, then teach them the effects of using marijuana and how to control or stop the use of marijuana.

  1. Should schools practice corporal punishment? Why/Why not?

Yes, it sets clear limits and inspires learners to behave in school.

  1. Give an example of directions you have given for class or homework.

With the help of your parent or guardian, make five emotion stickers you see in your family.

  1. What are your practices in dealing with controversial subjects?

I avoid taking sides and maintain neutrality and objectivity while handling controversial topics.

  1. How have your classes used the library during the last nine weeks?

In the nine weeks, we have used the library by organizing library lessons thrice a term. I have scheduled library reading challenges, organized a field trip to the local library, and set homework for visiting the local library.

  1. What should your student have gained from having taken your course?

They would learn how to be an effective and competent teacher.

  1. What are your strong points?

I am a creative, determined, motivated, goal-oriented, and focused teacher.

  1. What curricular materials have you developed?

I am working on an early childhood picture book.

  1. How would you change in the public schools if you could make any changes you wished?

Nothing, they are better than the way they were.

  1. What is your position on competent-based instruction?

It is the best as it allows all learners to thrive in education equally regardless of their environment and master competencies at their own pace.

  1. What do you like most about being a teacher?

I am satisfied to see my learners progress socially, academically, and as all-rounded persons and citizens.

  1. Which aspects of teaching do you like least?

I am setting exams.

  1. Do you like to have people like you?


  1. What time management principles do you follow?

I have a plan for my time, set goals, create workable deadlines, and develop a routine to deal with what is urgent first and for myself.

  1. How do you cope with stress?

I care for my body by sparing time for meditation, socializing, and exercising.

  1. What motivates you?

Seeing my learners succeed in their studies and become better persons in the community.

  1. Why do you want to leave your present position?

I enjoy my current position. The people and the culture are excellent, but I am seeking new responsibilities with fresh and new challenges.

  1. How have you involved parents in the learning process?

I have involved parents in learning through parent-teacher conferences, home visits, and planning cultural days.

  1. Describe your last workday.

My last workday was lively but uneasy, and I felt sad because I would miss my students.

  1. If you could, what would you change about your present position?

I would reinforce the culture of teamwork.

  1. Name the title of the last three books that you have read.

Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the Universe, Paradise Lost, and the Wide Sargasso Sea.

  1. How many days of work have you missed in the last three years?

Less than 20.

  1. What two or three books, concepts, or experiences have influenced your professional development?

How to motivate learners to study, strategies to overcome first-year teaching challenges, and choose the right school to work in after graduation.

  1. Can a school be too student-oriented? Explain.

Yes, there are schools where students are more authoritative than teachers; they determine a teacher’s fate in hiring and firing.

  1. Why should you be hired?

I possess all the experiences and skills highlighted in the job description and am poised to impact your organization immediately.

  1. What questions have I not asked that you wish I would have raised?

Unfortunately, none. You asked almost all possible questions.

  1. If you are selected for this position, what can we do to help you be successful?

To succeed in this position, I will need some training and orientation. Most importantly, I will need support through teamwork and collaboration.

Work Cited

Rezaee, Afshin, et al. “A Mixed Method Study of the Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Job Performance in Iran.” International Journal of Instruction 11.4 (2018): 577-592.


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Education Interview

Education Interview

100 Interview Questions to Ask Teacher Applicants
Extract from the publication “Best Practices for School Human Resources Administrators,” created by ACSA’s Human Resources Council and available for sale now from shopACSA. By James E. Ferguson

1. What is your educational preparation? (Cite preparation in content area.)
2. What are your professional experiences?
3. What is the role of the teacher in the classroom? 4. How would you describe your last principal?
5. What was your favorite course in college, and why? 6. What principles do you use to motivate students? 7. Describe effective teaching techniques that result in intended learning.
8. What are your career goals five years from now? Ten years?
9. State a behavioral objective you taught in your last class. 10. What is the most exerting thing happening in education today?
11. What is the most exciting thing in your study area today?
12. What have you found to be the roughest aspect of discipline?
13. Describe the physical appearance of your classroom. 14. Describe an ideal curriculum in your area of study. 15. How do you implement career education concepts in your classes?
16. How do you individualize learning in your classes? 17. Define current curriculum trends in your area. 18. How much time do you devote to the lecture approach? 19. Describe independent study projects your students have completed.
20. If you could teach any concept in your area, which would you select? Why?
21. What rules have you established for your classroom? 22. How have you implemented inquiry?
23. Of what use are behavioral learning objectives in the teaching/learning process?
24. How do you structure your class to achieve maximum benefit from teacher/student contact?
25. Describe the format you use to develop a lesson.
26. What should schools do for students?
27. Is the teaching of content important? Why/why not?

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