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EDU 499 Week 5 Discussion 2 – BA Child Development

EDU 499 Week 5 Discussion 2 – BA Child Development

My program is Bachelor of Arts in Child Development; therefore, this post will discuss how achieving the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) in this program has supported my professional goals and my competence in each PLO. In addition, I will discuss how achieving EDU499 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) has supported my professional goals and my competence in each CLO.

Program Learning Outcomes

PLO 1: Utilize Knowledge in Child Development to Construct and Evaluate and Evaluate Curriculum that Effectively Addresses the Stages of Development Including, Cognitive, Language, physical and Affective Development of Young Children

To facilitate successful learning, teachers must understand their learners’ cognitive, language, and physical development levels. This knowledge helps one gain competence and the ability to work with every child. Romijn et al. (2021) assert that teachers deal with learners from varied developmental levels, influencing their communication. This PLO supports my teaching goal of enhancing my ability to select the most effective learning experiences that suit the needs of my learners. For example, I am able to choose the most effective learning experiences to impact a child’s cognitive development by understanding these levels. Therefore, I feel competent in this program because I can apply the knowledge to evaluate the acquisition of language and mental and physical development in learners.

PLO 2: Analyze the Influence and Impact of Families and Communities on a Child’s Learning and Development

Families and communities support the foundation of a child’s life. The norms and values impacted by the community shape children’s lives, helping them learn about themselves. As a teacher, one is responsible for ensuring that learning experiences address the needs of families and communities (Romijn et al., 2021). Educators, families, and communities must collaborate to help bring up an all-rounded learner. This program addresses my goal of building an inclusive learning environment that supports learners from varied communities and families. I will achieve this goal by engaging these stakeholders and creating connections that help learners develop social and other skills. For example, by knowing this program, I understand my sense of purpose and how I can build genuine partnerships with parents and communities to enhance learning. I feel competent in this program because I can tailor students’ learning experiences based on their families’ and communities’ values.

PLO 3: Describe How Family Structure and Cultural Backgrounds Influence Communication Processes in Child Development

According to Anderson (2013), children learn to communicate by copying their parents’/guardians’ language. Children from diverse communities converse and explain things in varied ways. As such, every teacher should know the communication patterns of various cultures. This program subjects teachers to a thorough understanding of the uniqueness of every child’s communication pattern. As a teacher, I believe this PLO helps develop a learning environment where families and cultures feel valued and welcomed. For example, by encouraging collaboration amongst learners, I am able to enrich the learning environment to achieve inclusion in learning. I feel competent with this PLO: right now, I understand how the cultural background of every learner shapes their communication, and therefore, I can tailor learning experiences that suit their needs.

PLO 4: Evaluate the Critical Role of Play in Children’s Learning and Development

Play improves a child’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being. Through play, children interact and understand the world around them. Additionally, play helps children acquire new skills to study, work, form relationships, and develop confidence. This PLO supports my goal of enhancing children’s mastery of knowledge and building their motivation to learn. For example,  I use play to develop interest and motivation in my learners, building inclusive classrooms that address the needs of varied learners. I am more competent right now after gaining knowledge in this PLO. My instruction strategies currently incorporate play as a method of learning.

PLO 5: Apply Their Knowledge as an Advocate for Children, Families, Childcare, and Education

Being an advocate means speaking about a child and identifying and raising awareness of where a child’s needs are unmet or where they are met. As a teacher, I evaluate those in need, connecting them with needed services. One can engage families through meetings and gatherings to understand their needs and expectations. This also plays a crucial role in sharing the goals of learning. This PLO helps me to attain my goal of raising awareness about children’s rights. For example,  I can identify unmet children’s needs and network with other stakeholders with similar unique education interests and passions. I am more competent because I know the signs to watch out for when a child’s needs have been denied.

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO 1: Synthesize Theories, Knowledge, and Professional Standards Related to the Field of Study

This CLO supports my professional goal of helping my learners attain their educational objectives. For example, by learning about the cognitive theory of learning, I understand how learners’ language acquisition abilities differ and how I can use the best learning strategies that support the provision of quality care for all children. I am more competent with this CLO because I have learned to develop learning experiences that help learners retain more knowledge.

CLO 2: Assess Multiple Influences such as Social and Cultural Factors, Contemporary Issues, and Trends in Practice

This CLO supports my goal of building a curriculum that promotes the cultural and contemporary issues and trends in the education world today. For example, by encouraging collaboration amongst learners from varied cultures, I ensure they feel respected and treated fairly. I feel competent with this learning outcome because I can encourage my learners to collaborate easily in the classroom.

CLO 3: Apply Evidence-Based Strategies, Approaches, and Technologies Related to the Field of Study

As a teacher, this CLO supports my professional goal of applying evidence-based strategies in the classroom setting. For example, using evidence-based learning approaches has helped improve my learners’ level of knowledge retention. Therefore, I feel competent with this CLO because I have advanced my knowledge of integrating technologies into learning.

CLO 4: Explain Environments that Support Optimal Outcomes to the Field of Study

This course learning outcome helps me understand how to build an all-inclusive classroom that supports each learner’s needs. For example, I am currently more competent in developing learning environments where all learners feel loved, valued, and appreciated.

CLO 5: Propose Professional and Ethical Based Practices that Emphasize Access, Participation, and Partnerships

Ethics in education demands building inclusive learning where learners, educators, and other stakeholders feel valued and appreciated. This CLO enhanced my knowledge of how to create inclusive classrooms. I feel more competent in this CLO because I understand the importance of inclusion and family involvement. I am currently able to encourage my learners to embrace each other despite their differences in cultural, social, and ethnic backgrounds.


Anderson, L. M., Shinn, C., Fullilove, M. T., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2013). The effectiveness of early childhood development programs: A systematic review. American Journal of preventive medicine24(3), 32-46.

Romijn, B. R., Slot, P. L., & Leseman, P. P. (2021). Increasing teachers’ intercultural competencies in teacher preparation programs and through professional development: A review. Teaching and Teacher Education98, 103236.


We’ll write everything from scratch


EDU 499 Week 5 Discussion 2 – BA Child Development

To prepare for this discussion:

Access the Program Learning Outcomes chart to review the Program Learning Outcomes (What you’ll learn) for your program.
BA Child Development (BACD)
BA Cognitive Studies (BACS)
BA Early Childhood Development with Differentiated Instruction (BAECDDI)
BA Early Childhood Education (BAECE)
BA Early Childhood Administration (BAECEA)
BA Education Studies (BAES)
BA English Language Learner Studies (BAELLS)
BA Instructional Design (BAID)
BA Library Science and Media (BALS)
Review the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for our course, EDU 499:
Synthesize theories, knowledge and professional standards related to the field of study.
Assess multiple influences such as social and cultural factors, contemporary issues, and trends in practice.
Apply evidence-based strategies, approaches, and technologies related to the field of study.
Explain environments that support optimal outcomes in the field of study.
Propose professional and ethical practices that emphasize access, participation, and partnerships.
In your initial post:

Reflect on the program learning outcomes and the course learning outcomes by including the following:

Program Learning Outcomes
Explain how achieving each of the Program Learning Outcomes has supported your professional goals. Provide at least one specific example of how EACH program’s learning outcomes are.
Explain whether you feel you are competent in EACH Program Learning Outcome and why.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for our course, EDU499:
Explain how achieving EACH of the CLOs has supported your professional goals. Provide at least one specific example of how for EACH Course Learning Outcome.
Explain whether you feel you are competent in EACH CLO and why.

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