Documenting Progress Plan and Reflection
Part One
Table 5.7 Teacher-Mentor Professional Development Plan:
Documenting Progress | Teacher and Mentor Comments | ||
1. Implementing:
Documenting Action Steps After They Occur (Example: Observed, documented, reviewed information, discussed choices, put into practice, offered feedback.) |
Observations: the tutor effectively heeded the communication.
Review of documentation and information collected: The information about the educator’s capability to assess learners using a checklist. Put into practice: establishing developmentally correct assessment and evaluation approaches. Assisting the dependant to identify the wants of learners and support those with special wants. |
2. Status: What happened? Check-in date (s): | Progress toward goals: the tutor acknowledged how to evaluate learners using checklists effectively | Facilitation of learning: the tutor is able to use most assessment approaches efficiently. | |
3. Reflection | Mentee reflects on observations, documentation, and action chosen: There was a great and impressive improvement in attaining goals. | Summary of mentor feedback: there is a need to increase communication between the mentor and the mentee to ensure that objectives can be achieved promptly. | |
4. Changes needed and next steps: | What was accomplished? Learning how to use checklists effectively.
What has changed? Improving listening What still needs to occur? To learn how to utilize rating scales effectively. What needs to change? Communication and documentation with the advisor should be more timely and quicker. Next steps: improve collaboration level. |
Evidence of making progress or meeting goals:
The strengths of the mentee are supported. What should change about the mentoring process? Better collaboration |
Part Two
Table 5.8 “Mentor Development Self-Reflection”
Review the topics shown here. Note how you feel in your mentoring role, and add comments about what you are still wondering about or areas in which you feel you need support. Circle the letter next to the statement that describes your feelings about your mentoring relationship(s) or skills.
I feel unsure (U), I am developing (D), I sometimes agree (SA), or I am confident (C) U-D-SA-(C) Comfort and trust exist in the PD relationship. U-(D)-SA-C Organization of time: Schedule of observations and/or meetings meets needs. U-D-(SA)-C Listening skills are growing. U-D-SA-(C) Questioning skills are growing. U-D-(SA)-C Communication during and between meetings is effective. U-D-(SA)-C Collaboration and collegiality exist. U-(D)-SA-C ability exists to individualize and use multiple strategies to fit teachers’ needs. U-(D)-SA-C Intentional mentoring practices are used. Reasons are given for facilitation choices. U-(D)-SA-C Timing of support fits the teacher’s needs. U-D-SA-(C) The mentoring process supports the strengths and resiliencies in the teacher. U-D-(SA)-C Teacher is an active participant and decision maker in his or her own learning. U-D-(SA)-C The mentor is able to separate the mentoring process from his or her personal agenda. U-D-SA-(C) The mentor facilitates and advocates more than directs and dictates. U-D-SA-(C) Personal mentoring style is emerging. U-D-(SA)-C Teacher’s expectation of the mentoring process is realistic. U-D-(SA)-C Adult-learning theory is understood, and effective teaching facilitation is used. U-D-(SA)-C The mentor is able to identify strengths and needed areas of development in the mentoring role. U-D-SA-(C) The mentor helps the teacher to connect observations, reflections, and actions. |
My strengths are facilitating and advocating more than directing and dictating, helping the tutor connect reflections, actions, and observations. Other strengths include collaboration, listening skills, the mentoring process, the ability to support resiliencies, and the teacher’s strengths, comfort, and trust in the relationship. My first strength is helping the teacher connect observations, actions, and reflections because we have had regular and frequent links with the mentor, who has been assisting in making connections between reflections and observations. In addition, advocating and facilitating are my strengths because, as tutors, we have been appropriately guided and assisted in overcoming problems without being forced to take specific actions or steps (Rodriguez et al., 2017).
Effective listening skills are also my strength because the first table, the mentor stated I effectively listened to communication. Besides, I often carefully listen to teachers’ and mentors’ messages. Also, the mentor often answers the questions I ask as the mentee. The fact that both the mentee and the mentor can effectively respond to each other and address the areas of concern demonstrates that I have excellent and effective listening skills. The other strength is the quality relationship between the mentor and the mentees. This is a strength because I am always comfortable with my mentor and can contact her anytime. I can also raise my issues and speak to the mentor whenever I experience any problems. My mentor and I engaged in various social events and activities, which helped strengthen the quality of our relationship. My mentor would invite me for workshops and training, strengthening our association. Chu (2014) says mentor and mentee engaging in more events together effectively strengthens their relationship. This mentoring process has supported my strengths because I have made significant developments in areas like assessing and evaluating learners and using a checklist.
Regardless of my strengths, I also have areas of weakness that I need to grow. They include organization of time, intentional mentoring practices, being an active participant, having realistic expectations of the mentoring process, being a good decision-maker, and the capability to personalize and utilize numerous approaches that fit the tutor’s prerequisites. Rodriguez (2017) affirms that it is prudent to recognize specific approaches that can meet the desires of the tutors. Besides, it would be better to improve my level of collaboration and discover new techniques where I can actively participate in the mentoring process. I also need better time organization by prioritizing the most vital tasks and allotting them enough time.
My plans for improving mentoring for professional development will consist of taking practical steps to advance my communication expertise, using intentional mentoring performance and listening skills, actively contributing to the mentoring process, and improving time organization. I will frequently communicate with colleagues and mentors for communication and listening skills. In addition, I will participate in discussions and practice different communication strategies, such as nonverbal communication approaches like gestures and body language. I will also use eye contact while communicating with my mentor and colleagues.
I will engage in adequate research to find the best techniques to improve my using mentoring practices and organization of time. Once I research how to develop mentoring for professional development, the facts I will gather will be implemented in real life as I engage with the teacher. I learned that there is a need to engage in different activities and actions to be able to understand how to employ different strategies attained from studying.
Chu, M. (2014). Developing mentoring and coaching relationships in early care and education: A reflective approach. Boston:
Rodriguez, A., Smith, M. D., & Magill, K. R. (2020). Teacher, Mentor, and Teacher Education. In Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Best Practices in Teacher Education (pp. 291-309). IGI Global.
We’ll write everything from scratch
As mentors and coaches, you will support teachers and staff throughout their process of inquiry. You must plan and are prepared when checking in with your protégés. Additionally, you will want to continually reflect on your growth and development as mentors. This week’s assignment is an opportunity to begin your progress plan and reflection. After reading the chapter in the course text, create a document (that you can potentially use when you are supporting teachers as a mentor or coach) and reflect on your journey as a mentor. Please note this is a work in progress that will be modified based on your personal development and growth, as well as the development of those you coach and/or mentor.
Part 1: Create your own Progress Plan document based on Table 5.7 that can be used for the current early childhood program you are working with or for a future program, making sure that you address all the elements for steps 1-4. Additionally, either embedded or at the top or bottom of the document, add a short checklist of questions that you find most relevant from Table 5.6 that you can use as reminders for yourself as you are checking in and documenting the teacher’s progress.
Part 2: Reflect on Table 5.8 “Mentor Development Self-Reflection” and your experience in co-creating an Individualized PD Plan from Week 2. Circle the letter next to each statement that you currently feelings about your mentoring relationship (using your experience with your volunteer) and skills.
Write a two-page paper
explaining why you think certain areas are strengths
which areas you would like to grow in
briefly describes a plan for growing mentoring for your professional development
The Documenting Progress Plan and Reflection (Parts 1 and 2)