Doctor of Nursing Practice—Personal Statement
I am interested in pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree at Purdue University. My clinical practice is centered on developing and refining the knowledge and skills required to manage patients in an interdisciplinary team. My strengths and skills are focused on patient-centered care and evidence-based nursing care related to patient safety and quality improvement. I have critical reasoning skills and cultural competence, which allows me to relate well with my patients and other healthcare professionals. The outcomes of the DNP degree integrate nursing with analytical, psychosocial, biological, and physical sciences. This allows DNP nurses to use scientific theories to comprehend healthcare delivery better and assess the efficacy of healthcare interventions. My professional goals are to develop critical thinking skills and enhance my professional expertise level. This DNP program aligns with my goals since it will give me greater independence in planning, treatment, and post-op care. Further, this program will also allow me to treat patients of all acuity levels.
A DNP project may be a change project to increase COVID-19 vaccination among the general public. This is a relevant topic that resonates with my recent experiences. My neighbor is an anti-vaxxer and has never been vaccinated his whole life. The Covid-19 vaccinations have been proven to reduce severe Covid-19 (El-Elimat et al., 2020). He, however, caught the virus and succumbed due to not being vaccinated. This DNP project is thus essential since it can determine the knowledge and attitudes of the population towards vaccinations. One major challenge I will experience in the DNP degree is the program’s high costs and the number of credit hours required. I am currently working, and the many credit hours required may be hard to fulfill. In terms of the costs, I will take a student loan and look for scholarships that will help me fund my education. I will also discuss with my supervisor to give me night shifts so that I have extra time during the day to study and work.
I want to enroll in the DNP program since it impacts social change. DNP-prepared nurses can have increased involvement in the healthcare system. These nurses have roles in clinical practice, academia, leadership, and research. Subsequently, these nurses have unique skill sets that help them contribute to leadership, clinical practice, healthcare policy advocacy, and evidence-based practice, impacting healthcare systems (McCauley et al., 2020). They can collaborate with other healthcare professionals to improve policies. The DNP program will help me advance my nursing career because it is a valuable tool for me to pursue different positions. I will also be able to advance my role without changing career paths and advance my leadership position in my workplace. In addition, I can become a nurse manager, lead patient care as a nurse practitioner, and be a nurse educator who influences the future generation of nurses. Overall the program will equip me with the experience and skills to succeed.
My DNP project is increasing COVID-19 vaccination among the general population. Covid-19 has had adverse effects since it broke out in Wuhan, China, in 2019. It has disproportionately affected individuals from low socioeconomic status. Increasing knowledge and awareness of vaccinations among the general population will improve vaccination intake. This will protect individuals from severe Covid-19 and the socioeconomic effects associated with it.
Professional nursing associations have positively improved the nursing profession. Over 100 years since its inception, the American Nurses Association (ANA) has built a spirit of action and solidarity among nurses. The most important legacy of ANA is protecting the interest of nurses in the United States. It lobbied for eight-hour working shifts in 1934 and supported the Fair Pay Act in 1995. Further, it is still campaigning for healthcare reforms in the United States by safeguarding the rights of its members.
El-Elimat, T., AbuAlSamen, M. M., Almomani, B. A., Al-Sawalha, N. A., & Alali, F. Q. (2020). Acceptance and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines: A cross-sectional study from Jordan.
McCauley, L. A., Broome, M. E., Frazier, L., Hayes, R., Kurth, A., Musil, C. M., Norman, L. D., Rideout, K. H., & Villarruel, A. M. (2020). Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in the United States: Reflecting, readjusting, and getting back on track. Nursing Outlook, 68(4), 494-503.
We’ll write everything from scratch
The purpose of this personal statement is to provide insight into the professional goals and expectations of the applicant, congruence of the topic area with practice expertise, and an opportunity to evaluate the applicant’s written communication skills.

Doctor of Nursing Practice—Personal Statement
Guidelines for the Personal/Academic/Professional Statement
Compose a personal statement of 600 to 800 words single-spaced in 12-point, Times New Roman font explaining why you wish to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree.
Your personal statement should support your rationale for pursuing the DNP degree and the program at Purdue University Global. Before writing your statement, you are encouraged to research the role of the DNP-prepared nurse and the program’s plan of study. Your personal statement should include a focus on how the DNP fits your professional and educational goals.
You may also identify any information about past achievements in nursing, including professional organization memberships, nominations, certifications, and scholarly publications that support the nursing profession. The personal statement should not be a summary of your education and work history, nor should it focus on why you became a nurse and/or your undergraduate coursework/clinical experiences.
Include the following topics when composing your statement:
- Describe personal strengths, skills, and aptitudes that will contribute to your success in a DNP
- Explore the alignment of your professional career goals and the DNP program
- Discuss DNP practice-based project ideas or topics and your current or past experiences that make the topic relevant in practice
- Identify challenges you anticipate in meeting the program outcomes and address how you will manage these
- Explain the impact of the DNP-prepared nurse on social
- Provide an example of how the DNP degree can transform your current or future
- Reflect on how your DNP project will commit to equity and inclusion in health care and work toward eliminating disparities in health care for all
- Identify information about past achievements in nursing, including professional organization memberships, nominations, certifications, and scholarly publications that support the nursing