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Diversity refers to the understanding that every person is different and unique and recognizing the differences shown by each individual. The differences can fall on various dimensions such as political beliefs, religious beliefs, physical abilities, age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, and race (Roberson, 2019). Diversity concerns play a central role in the workplace environment. There are various types of concerns about this notable subject. Ethnic grouping is one of the significant diversity concerns in the modern workplace. It relates to individuals being profiled based on their ethnic backgrounds. It affects unity and teamwork towards attaining goals in a workplace. Gender disparity is another issue of concern under diversity. According to Orsini & Magnier-Watanabe (2022), women are the most affected by this diversity, raising concerns. For instance, gender equality has been promoted in all workplaces by many bodies, including the United Nations, through sustainable development goals. Another primary diversity concern in the workplace is religion. Workers are affiliated with different religions of different beliefs. The concern is ensuring everyone’s faith is respected in any workplace.

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Various strategies can be adopted to promote workplace diversity. One of the strategies is workplace training. Notably, this strategy entails training workers on recognizing the variety and differences among various groups of people. Another notable plan includes creating a non-biased and conducive work environment. Such an environment will ensure the uniqueness of workers is protected and recognized. In addition, a mentorship strategy can be applied to promote workplace diversity. Essentially, mentoring will ensure all employees are trained on diversity-related issues. Finally, there are managerial issues related to diversity. Communication and the use of language are two of these significant issues. According to Mousa et al. (2020), it entails the difference in the meaning of words and communication tools used by people from different diversities. Managers should encourage the use of neutral and standard communication languages. Another major issue that managers need to solve is discrimination. They should put measures in place to ensure zero workplace discrimination.


Mousa, M., Massoud, H. K., & Ayoubi, R. M. (2020). Gender, diversity management perceptions, workplace happiness, and organizational citizenship behaviour. Employee Relations: The International Journal.

Orsini, P., & Magnier-Watanabe, R. (2022). Foreign coworker nationality, cultural distance, and perception of cultural diversity in the workplace. Journal of Asia Business Studies.

Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the Workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior6, 69-88.


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Define diversity and examine the various types of workplace diversity concerns. What are the current prominent strategies for promoting workplace diversity? Identify and discuss managerial issues related to diversity.

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